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Where to register a .PL domain name?

sunhp  4 | 23  
14 Apr 2011 /  #1
i like to register domain name in Poland. Would anybody guide me where should i contact in Warsaw.
antheads  13 | 340  
14 Apr 2011 /  #2
netart.pl is pretty good, tho they do require scan of id.
Infotimes  - | 19  
15 Apr 2011 /  #3
check dns.pl
you will find there a lot of information and providers
Wroclaw Boy  
15 Apr 2011 /  #4
Would anybody guide me where should i contact in Warsaw

You dont need a contact in Warsaw just the correct web site and a credit card.
OP sunhp  4 | 23  
18 Apr 2011 /  #5
i know that, but i want local office. Thanks, who replied me too.
db1874  7 | 227  
18 Apr 2011 /  #6
Would anybody guide me where should i contact in Warsaw

I've used active24.pl before, was a good service, based in Warsaw and they speak English.
16 Jul 2011 /  #7
Why is there such a huge difference between registering domains locally and registering from another country. Personally i think it is such a rip off!! 5 times more in price cannot be justified!
satmanuk  - | 14  
3 Oct 2011 /  #8
I tried to register a .pl through 1and1.pl I have used them many times in the UK, but to register a .pl it asks for a NIP and REGON number why is this?

I have registered a business and now have a NIP number, but I haven't received my REGON number is there any other way to register online?

I don't have a Polish ID Card.

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Oct 2011 /  #9
I tried to register a .pl through 1and1.pl I have used them many times in the UK, but to register a .pl it asks for a NIP and REGON number why is this?

Because it's a requirement of the Polish domain registry that such people attempting to register such a domain provide a NIP and REGON if it's for business purposes.

I have registered a business and now have a NIP number, but I haven't received my REGON number is there any other way to register online?

satmanuk  - | 14  
3 Oct 2011 /  #10
Thanks for the quick reply Delphiandomine I shall just wait to the REGON number.
Jarr  1 | 10  
7 Nov 2012 /  #11
Merged: Domain name question


I want to setup a website for a company, the site will have a general name so not the company's name.

For example: dobrakawa[dot]pl

Now, for the name i had in mind the .pl domain is already registered (and they ask more then 3000zl) for it, so my idea was to take:


Note: this names are examples

What would you recommend (also looking at for example search engines, other companys and other factors which i might forget)

Thanks, your help is much appreciated!

By the way i know that .net is the abbreviation for "network" and orginally it used to be for network related domains, but now everyone can register it.

The same with .org which used to be for non-profit organisations..

For .info im always thinking of an informative website.. so thats the last option i'm thinking of.
berni23  7 | 377  
7 Nov 2012 /  #12
How about .com?

First level domains are always favored by search engines.
Jarr  1 | 10  
7 Nov 2012 /  #13
Thanks Berni, i forgot to tell that the .com domain is also taken already.
berni23  7 | 377  
7 Nov 2012 /  #14
Well, i guess it wont matter as much as content and registration time, but id always go for first level:
Jarr  1 | 10  
7 Nov 2012 /  #15
Yeah Berni i know.. also i had a brainstorm session before making up a name.. and the name we came up with is for sure the best option for our services.

Thats why any variations like you describe are not as good as the name we want to use.

The .pl and .com as well as .eu are already registered unfortunately.

Thanks for thinking along!
Ant63  13 | 410  
7 Nov 2012 /  #16
Another factor to consider is that when you register a domain name, it will take some time to rise through the search engines. It is effectively sandboxed by them unless you are willing to spend $ on promoting it. Financially it may make more sense to buy the domain that is already registered if it has been registered for a few years. A domain that has already been registered for some time will always will rise faster.

I would suggest you make an offer for the domain; roughly half what they are asking. It sometimes works even though they are in the driving seat. Even more so if it reflects the product the company is selling.
Jarr  1 | 10  
7 Nov 2012 /  #17
Thanks for the advice and thinking along with me Ant63.

The search engine information is new to me so thats very useful to know!

The problem is that the price already reached the bottom, we negotiated about it already.. so lower then 3000 zl. it wont get. and that price is too high.

Thats why i try to find good alternatives. And yeah later i will have some budget for promotion.


What about the difference between .net and .net.pl for example, which would you suggest?
Wroclaw Boy  
7 Nov 2012 /  #18
i would defo include .pl in some form in the domain if the sites exclusive to Poland.

as for .org, .net etc it doesnt matter much for rankings - according to my research anyway.

Nobody really knows for sure the secret and just when you think you have it, google goes and throws a panda or penguin update at ya.

Im waiting for a pagerank update at the moment.
Jarr  1 | 10  
7 Nov 2012 /  #19
Yeah i read about this panda & penguin updates also, alot of problems.

Can you explain me why a .net.pl would be better then a .net domain? If that for the users/visitors? What if i would register .net and let the .net.pl redirect to the main (.net) website?

Thanks for your reply!
Wroclaw Boy  
7 Nov 2012 /  #20
is the site going to be in English?

i can more or less guarantee first page ranking within three months.
Jarr  1 | 10  
7 Nov 2012 /  #21
The site is going to be in Polish at first.. maybe later we will add an option to switch to English.

Thanks, maybe i will use your services in the (near) future!
Wroclaw Boy  
7 Nov 2012 /  #22
The site is going to be in Polish at first.

try and include the most common search term in the domain name, look at the domain of this site for the perfect example. buycomputersinpoland.com.pl or zakupkomputerówwpolsce.com.pl for example

Do you know what the most common search term is?
Jarr  1 | 10  
7 Nov 2012 /  #23
Yeah one of the most common search terms will be in the domain name :)

Still i dont get exactly why .net.pl would be better then .net? I got the advice that .net is better for search engines..
Wroclaw Boy  
7 Nov 2012 /  #24
Still i dont get exactly why .net.pl would be better then .net? I got the advice that .net is better for search engines.

Not many poeple do, most people searching will be using google.pl i assume.

i associate .net and .com to global websites, if its national .co.uk or .org.uk so with Poland .com.pl or .pl

there isnt really much difference between the domain extension in terms of serp (search engine result pages)
berni23  7 | 377  
7 Nov 2012 /  #25
there isnt really much difference between the domain extension in terms of serp (search engine result pages)

maybe not for serp but def for seo. ;)
with the same content, age and links a .pl will get u higher than a net.pl as it is top level opposed to second level.

however if u are really just catering to the polish market a net.pl might get you further than a .net(or even .com).

it really depends on your business.
Jarr  1 | 10  
7 Nov 2012 /  #26
i associate .net and .com to global websites, if its national .co.uk or .org.uk so with Poland .com.pl or .pl

Ok, thanks alot for your advice and information!

My plan is to make the main site on the .net domain and als register the .net.pl and .org / .org.pl and maybe redirect those..
Wroclaw Boy  
7 Nov 2012 /  #27
My plan is to make the main site on the .net domain and als register the .net.pl and .org / .org.pl and maybe redirect those..

Thats not gonna help you, if anything you will be punished by google for that, nobody is going to randomly type in your domain with whatever domain extension, its a complete waste of money. The only thing that will achieve is stopping others registering your domain with a different extension and then out doing you on the SEO - highly unlikely.

I did that a few years ago, thinking it was a smart thing to do. I focused on the .com and the .co.uk became obsolete - totally useless except to stop somebody else registering it.

maybe not for serp but def for seo. ;)

Whats the difference? SEO produces the serp, its a combined effort.

with the same content, age and links a .pl will get u higher than a net.pl as it is top level opposed to second level.

domain extensions are not really the all of seo, in terms of whats really important its way down on the list providing you dont register a .eu or a .co.

From my experience and research theres hardly any difference in serp form a .com to a .net to a .co.uk or .com.pl, although my code is - if youre looking at a German market have something with a .de if youre looking at a UK market have something with a .uk beit .org.uk or .co.uk, for national ranking as in within a country the domain extension should be exclusive to that country.

.coms for lets say the search term 'property in Germany' generally rank lower than a .de within Germany for the same search term. But if your searching 'German property' in China from google.cn the .com may rank higher. If youre target marekt is Poland use a .pl extension.
1 Aug 2013 /  #28
Merged: Where to buy a .pl domain name?


I'm trying to buy a Polish .pl domain name. I saw another thread here some years ago, and one recommendation was Active24.

Unfortunately, I now know active24.p; and domeny.tv, the two I always find when searching to be terrible companies to deal with. Active24 ignore any problems, and Domeny have a very strange and unreliable payment process. Ideally I would prefer to use a company that didn't take credit cards directly or uses PayU (a company I don't fully trust for reasons I'd prefer not to share here).

If anyone has used and can recommend a straight forwards Polish (UK / US domain registrars charge silly money for .pl), I would be very grateful for some recommendations.

Many thanks in advance.
worldbox  - | 5  
16 Aug 2013 /  #29
I was just researching that today as well. Looking forward to see an answer to this question ;-)
kpc21  1 | 746  
16 Aug 2013 /  #30
They are the most popular companies selling *.pl domains. They aren't the cheapest, but should be reliable.

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