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Processing for divorce from a Polish woman ... need a help

19 Nov 2011 /  #1
5years now we are separet i am living in my country Egypt and she lives in Poland.
earlier we both were living in egypt for about 4 years, simply she just escaped 21days pregnany (despite life was quiet and there were no reasons for this action) any way it is happend.

few monthes i received a court claim as she needs offecially divorce,and she also needs to take all the responsibility for the boy...
1-is it possible that she can take the boy's full responsiblity (uptill the moment i didn't see him even) she was always refusing this.

2-i read on the internet, that her position will be stronger as she easily can proove that i am not living in poland.is it true?

3-is there any way that i can make a recidency in poland to be able to contact him and take my rights and care about the boy?

thx for advice.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
19 Nov 2011 /  #2
here in poland we dont like when adult man have sex with the boy, its illegal, please go away
modafinil  - | 416  
19 Nov 2011 /  #3
Odd assumption. Is that the usual reason why fathers go to court there in Poland? For sex with their children? If to have parental rights and care for his boy means to have sex to you, there must something very disturbing going on in Poland or in the way you were raised. Did your father care for you?

At least that explains why Poles come to England and leave their children behind not caring for them, preferring to mate with anyone who is not Polish.
19 Nov 2011 /  #4
Do not listen those stupid Polish advises.

Yes, you are in title to see your child. However, this does not mean you can just travel and/or stay/live in Poland.
You need to apply for a visa and legally (via your embassy and your Solicitor) get approval from the Court (Polish Court then EU Court) in relation to your Child. However, based on my experience, Poland is a great place to raise your son...
OP wells  
19 Nov 2011 /  #5
Do not listen those stupid Polish advises.
buuufffff........ thanks Frederic99, that was my complex that she is able to to keep him for herslef only. any way i will be attending the court claim in dec.2011... will be more gratfull if you can advice a good lawyer/good price... as i am financially will not be able to pay alot + my tickets + accomodation there...

19 Nov 2011 /  #6
She is 21 days pregnant and you already know this will be son?. The child has not born yet and you want him back?? are you crazy?

Sorry, so she escaped one year ago. Wish you luck in courts.

1. How old is your son??
shichi  - | 3  
20 Nov 2011 /  #7
I'm sorry to hear that, in Poland courts are on woman's side, and when people divorce, in 98% cases, children stay with mother and father has to pay child support, but he can visit. this is the reason, why she came to Poland.

If she proves that you are dangerous, you beat her or you aren't biological father, then you won't have rights to see the child.

You need a good lawyer from Poland, we have a really difficult law.(costs are really high, for example: to write a document by the lawyer you have to pay 300PLN )

You are foreigner so situation is much more difficult and it will take much more time than normal case (they're always really long)
So you need to be patient.

In which city will be the case?

And when you meet with that woman, you must hide anger and emotions..
It won't be an easy and good time for you in Poland, I'm sorry to say that but Polish people have prejudices against Arabs.

Anyway! Good Good Good luck!

Wulkan  - | 3136  
20 Nov 2011 /  #8
Is that the usual reason why fathers go to court there in Poland? For sex with their children?

No this is the reason why fathers do not go to court in Egypt, they worship Mahomet had sex with 9 years old girl so they feel free to follow him.
modafinil  - | 416  
20 Nov 2011 /  #9
Egypt has an age of consent of 18, Poland is 15. If anything, by Egyptian standards Poland has legalised peadophila.
Even in this millennium Poland has had an arch-bishop no less, who raped his students. By your feeble reasoning this must allow the population of Poland cart blanch to molest children. Certainly Cardinal Wojtyla denied any cases when they were brought to him that are surfacing now. It's not even considered an evil by the church, just an illness, a headache, Wherein the Vatican city the age of consent is 13 and a child molestation is done to children below the age of 10. Wouldn't that mean the muslim prophet who consummated his marriage when the girl was aged 11 is not pedophile by the high standards set by your national faith?

One good thing for Polish children when Poland joined the EU was Interpol came to their rescue and started rounding up your Peado's by the 100s.

Poland has near reaching the 1 million mark for children abused by priests 600,000 boys and over 300,000 girls. Statistically it is more likely to have child complaints of abuse by Catholic priests in Poland than in Egypt even given the laxer 3 year gap Poland claims. 30 million catholics worldwide claiming they have been abused by a priest.

When it comes to Peados you're way up there on the board. I never realised how 'sick' Poland is.
As I said, someone who believes that a parent asking for advice about gaining access to his child to care for them is then accused by you of being a pedophile is inherently damaged with disgusting ideas on what care means. You need to concentrate on what your sicko countrymen and you are doing right now, instead of looking backwards to what went on in the world 1500 years ago. As recently as 16th century Europe the age of consent was 11 lat. Of course the only place a persons age could be verified was by records held by the Church, conveniently.
20 Nov 2011 /  #10
Egypt has an age of consent of 18, Poland is 15

Source please. Btw. Poland is secular country

the girl was aged 11

Source please.

Statistically it is more likely

Does Egypt has any statistics??

what went on in the world 1500 years ago.

I thought Quran is timeless.

As recently as 16th century Europe the age of consent was 11 lat. Of course the only place a persons age could be verified was by records held by the Church, conveniently.

It suits more to the example of Mo than Christ, don't you think?? or maybe you think all muslims are terrorists??
Wulkan  - | 3136  
20 Nov 2011 /  #11
One good thing for Polish children when Poland joined the EU was Interpol came to their rescue and started rounding up your Peado's by the 100s.

What kind of newspapers do you read? sounds quite entertaining

When it comes to Peados you're way up there on the board. I never realised how 'sick' Poland is.

yea, sure, turn the things round, everybody is a pedophile in Poland :-) so now tell us what do you do on a website of a 'sick' country? trying to get in contact with other pedos?
modafinil  - | 416  
20 Nov 2011 /  #12
Search keywords on thenews.pl/ , if that's what you think is entertainment. Nah, I didn''t know this site was part of a Peado ring which you claim. I don't need to visit websites to pull Polish women. I live in Ealing, London. I can just pop over to the Red Rooms in the town centre.
Midas  1 | 571  
20 Nov 2011 /  #13
Lol...Darling aj lowe ju without happy ending, I take it.

Anyways, regarding your particular predicament, wells:

Bend over and spread them butt-cheeks wide, because, boy, you're about to get f-u-c-k-e-d.

and she also needs to take all the responsibility for the boy...

Which she will get, since she'll be easily able to prove in the Polish court of law that you have neither will, ability or monetary means to provide for the child at an adequate level.

i read on the internet, that her position will be stronger as she easily can proove that i am not living in poland.is it true?

Her position will be a lot stronger, but mainly because it is a Polish court, the judge will be female and you egyptian boys have a bad rep in Poland. Polish family courts are notorious for being biased against foreigners and males.

So it will be kind of as if you sued her in egyptian court where your cousin's a judge.

Unless you get a good and expensive lawyer she will legally f-u-c-k you 'til you bleed and then obtain a court order barring you from having much ( if any ) contact with the child.

You're only lucky in a sense that she won't be able to collect any alimony payments ( not that you can afford them ) off you, since Polish court orders are probably impossible to execute in egypt.

Hope it helped.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
21 Nov 2011 /  #14
Search keywords on

yea yea sure you didn't know, sorry but we don't buy this excuse

I don't need to visit websites to pull Polish women.

this is not pulling, it's called prostitution and if the girl is underaged witch must be in your case, the penalty is much higher.
modafinil  - | 416  
21 Nov 2011 /  #15
So I did and did not find anything that could be a source of your silly statements.

You are not very bright are you, a simple little task is beyond your ability
see if you can find this year's catch (hint: over 130)

yea yea sure you didn't know, sorry but we don't buy this excuse

Who is "we", Your ring? I do not wish to join you. Sorry but as I already said I get grown women here, never a problem. Red Rooms isn't a whre house. It's a nightclub, colloquially known as a meat market, heaving with available Polish women. Buying hem a drink isn't prostitution. Once you mention where you live how you live, after that they do all the pulling. That's the best thing about economic migrants, their motivation is very apparent. Own your own house and have a well paying job and their hope of a relationship...all it takes. Just because it's common in your area (and judging by what you take paternal care to mean, it happens in your family as well) as I have pointed out in post #11, it is epidemic in Poland, the rest of the world isn't as evil. I don't assume all Polish women are easy just because I've had a few with little effort.
21 Nov 2011 /  #16
I don't assume all Polish women are easy just because I've had a few with little effort.

Polish women can be easy, but it is your mate from Egypt who will end up with his hand in potty.
modafinil  - | 416  
21 Nov 2011 /  #17
He ain't my mate. He's been given the low down by you and a couple of others. I'm more curious about Wulkan's projection and figuring out who else is in his sicko pedo ring that he claims he has here. Like rats, if there's one there are likely others. I'll leave it to Mods to take action. He pretty much said this is a pedo site.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
21 Nov 2011 /  #18
I found this before, where does it say that interpol was involved in it and it also says about 102 of pedos so where are your 100s?

I'm more curious about Wulkan's projection.

Mods wont do anything, they are too busy deleting posts they don't like. Why don't you take action yourself? Wouldn't telling real vigilante stories in red rooms be an effective seduction strategy?
modafinil  - | 416  
21 Nov 2011 /  #19
I found this before, where does it say that interpol was involved in it and it also says about 102 of pedos so where are your 100s?

Here you go dummy, couldn't even use google even after I pointed you in the direction, for your 'entertainment'

As for seduction strategies, they're not necessary.

So there you go, religious and population abuse of children. A million by priests and by your spurious thinking displayed above, this has left you free to follow them.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
21 Nov 2011 /  #20
Chicken ;-)

but anyway, I can sense we have something in common, think about it and if you change your mind PM me so I can introduce you around ;-)
modafinil  - | 416  
21 Nov 2011 /  #21
I've only been at it a few of times this year. You try strolling around west London in the summer, seeing gorgeous Polish women in their summer clothes and not feel frisky! I spend more time thinking about retirement these days.

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