So, please tell me why is the Polish media following the Swiss Franc?
Pretty simple - as Sky says, many of them took mortgages in CHF.
Essentially, the CHF/PLN rate was very stable once the PLN was introduced in 95 - it was always sitting around the 2PLN-1CHF mark. That, combined with low interest rates on the CHF made it incredibly attractive for people to take a mortgage demoninated in Francs rather than Zloty - it's only in recent times that the Franc has gone up, and up, and up, and up...
Others will know the actual interest rates better than me, but I recall figures of 2% for CHF and 8% for PLN being thrown around a few years ago. Clearly, 6% would be a hell of a difference in the long run for a mortgage - hence why people took CHF rather than PLN mortgages.
It's not the full story though - because Polish banks tend to prohibit people from actually paying the mortgage in CHF, so they can screw the client with poor exchange rates. For instance - let's say you go to Switzerland, work for a summer on some farm and come back with a decent amount of Francs in your pocket. Instead of going straight to the bank and saying "here, take this for the mortgage" - you have to convert them into PLN, then pay the bank in PLN - who will convert it into CHF for you.