delphiandomine 86 | 17823
3 Sep 2013 / #31
You were the one implying that none should ever be allowed to come to live to Europe specially to Poland if they are not EU citizens.
It doesn't matter. The French have quite a restrictive policy towards non-EU migrants, partially because of how many Arabs ended up with French citizenship due to their colonial days. You might be able to get a visa that allows you a working holiday, but the French (regardless of language spoken) make it pretty difficult to obtain work permits.
Now that you mention it, I know non-EU citizens who have immigrated recently to France and the UK for working, having at least a master degree, they got their respective work permits without issues.
Yes, and I know plenty of non-EU citizens who emigrated to Poland and who got work permits without problems too.
It could be they found a cheaper one. Poles work for low wages. However that doesn't mean their work is better or at least the same. Pay peanuts, get monkeys !
Or perhaps they found a better one for the same money. Let's be serious here - what you do cannot be anything particularly great, given the salary range posted in previous threads.
No, I am not implying that. I am only suggesting that it should be an efficient system to deal with it.
There is an efficient system. In fact, it's quite an easy system as it's all dealt with at the local level rather than nationally. The fact that you seem to think that you have a God-given right to stay in Poland is another question.
But I realize Poles do not accept any criticism to their red system.
You just can't stop with the personal attacks, can you?
Let's be honest - the only reason you wanted to stay in Poland was so you could get laid.