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Unable to repay bank loan in Poland. What are the consequences according to the law?

20 Dec 2014 /  #1
I am a non-EU citizen. I took out a bank loan on the basis of my employment. My contract runs out on June 2015. It seems like I will be unable to repay the loan.

What are the consequences according to the law? Will this hamper my future Visa application or readmission to Poland? I do not own any property in Poland. What other ways are there to get out of this?

pigsy  7 | 304  
21 Dec 2014 /  #2
Consequences:Eventually a komurnik will come to you and confiscate whatever he thinks is worth something including car or a jar of ogórki (pickled cucumber) by some reports to resell and recover the owned money.

Your name will be added to banks database about your credit history.
Visa and reentry to Poland will depend on if you screwed the uzjad skarbowy(tax dept),if you didn't you all good.
Way to get out of this is to pay back with interest.
OP Mie1988  
21 Dec 2014 /  #3
I don't have to pay taxes and have never paid it. I guess the credit history report will be all over EU or just Poland?
JollyRomek  6 | 457  
21 Dec 2014 /  #4
Just like the German "Schufa", the Polish "BIK" has made credit history in Poland available internationally. This means that if you apply for a loan or credit card in another EU country and have not repaid your loan in Poland, it may mean that your applications will be rejected if they bother to check your BIK entries. That said, it is highly unlikely. So far I only know that Germany, Austria and Switzerland do some cross border checking amongst themselves.

But, it may be a nightmare for you when you return to Poland and have a negative credit history here. Even a mobile phone contract will not be an option for you anymore, so think carefully if you want to risk it.
OP Mie1988  
21 Dec 2014 /  #5
How will it effect my visa for other EU countries? I won't be able to apply for visa to other countries?

Can they track me down in other EU countries?
JollyRomek  6 | 457  
21 Dec 2014 /  #6
How will it effect my visa for other EU countries?

As far as I am aware, your credit history does not have anything to do with your visa application. But I am not a visa expert so maybe someone else can answer this.

Can they track me down in other EU countries?

Yes they can. If they really want to go after their debt, they can trace you. I know of a guy who had debt in Ireland and was traced to Malta.
Crow  155 | 9735  
21 Dec 2014 /  #7
Unable to repay bank loan

Stay cool man.

i wish you luck.
pigsy  7 | 304  
21 Dec 2014 /  #8
I don't have to pay taxes and have never paid it

Lol then beware.
OP Mie1988  
21 Dec 2014 /  #9
Is there a threshold on the amount? Does it depend on the amount of money? It won't be the same action for 1000 zl and for 10000 zl... isn't it?
JollyRomek  6 | 457  
21 Dec 2014 /  #10
The only people who will be able to tell you that are the people working for the bank you have the loan with.
gjene  15 | 203  
22 Dec 2014 /  #11
if your employment contract runs out in June 2015, do you have other employment lined up in your home country or do you have job offers lined up after this in Poland itself? try and deal with the bank now so it will be easier later on after June. defaulting on the loan may or may not affect your credit history in your home country but why risk it. That is why it is best to talk with someone from the bank well before hand in order to be able to still repay the loan if you do leave the country. especially what the best method of making the payments without having to pay huge fees over and above in order to make a transfer through bank draft or wire transfer such as western union.
mani123  - | 1  
14 May 2016 /  #12
hi.. i work 3 months in poland . after that i get loan from bank.. and i did not pay them.coz i used all that money. now im back to germany. i want to know that i will blacklist in poland or what they will do ??
Sparks11  - | 333  
14 May 2016 /  #13
I did this, took a loan for 50 k paid about 20 k went home for over a year stopped paying it back, came back to Poland, (didn't hear a word about this in my home country) went to the bank, (which had registered me with KRD so probably just couldn't have got more credit) and set up another payment plan to pay it off. No biggie. If you can't pay it just go, if you need to come back and function here again, then you would probably have to figure it out. Unless it's for millions of zloty or something you should be alright.
cms  9 | 1253  
16 May 2016 /  #14
Of course it's a free country and if you can get away with it then good luck to you. However please think about the many honest foreign borrowers here who want to stay in the country but find it difficult to get credit precisely because banks are not used to foreigners and like to know their risk. By your actions you are making their lives more difficult.
porky pok  2 | 127  
16 May 2016 /  #15
. If you can't pay it just go, if you need to come back and function here again, then you would probably have to figure it out.

I hope you know the beast "KOMURNIK",if you come back they probably and im certain they can garnish your wages.I did get my money through him, by him invading the debitors bank account and forefeiting the sum owed including komurnik and court fee.
mafketis  38 | 11282  
16 May 2016 /  #16

porky pok  2 | 127  
16 May 2016 /  #17
thanks my bad......
14 Dec 2019 /  #18
Does anyone know of any organization that could help remove bad credit report from BIK

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