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I took my car to Poland. Should I pay "recycling fee" again? Changing car registration.

freeack  1 | 3  
2 Apr 2015 /  #1
Hello Everybody,

I would like to get some information if possible. I have a car already registered in Bulgaria with everything paid, and since me and my fiancee decided to move and live in Poland, I took the car with me, I read somewhere I have to register the car in 6 months after I am officially registered here and entered the country with the car. I figured all the steps and details I have to do, just one thing is not very clear and couldn't find it anywhere. It is regarding the so call "recycling fee", in Bulgaria we also have a similar fee and I have already paid it there /since it is mandatory and car cannot be registered without it/. My question is if I have a document that I have paid this kind of a tax already according to my local law /which is synchronized with the European law/ do I have to pay it again when registering the car in Poland, which doesn't make any sense for me and I would prefer not to pay again 500PLN?

Any information or previous experience is appreciated, since I am looking for a similar case and information about it, but with no luck.

Thank you in advance and looking forward for your answers!
Looker  - | 1129  
3 Apr 2015 /  #2
You brought this car too early by a few months.. I am saying this because from July 1st, 2015, a new law will be introduced, that will abolish the recycling fee for cars imported from abroad. Nobody is happy with this additional fee in Poland.
OP freeack  1 | 3  
3 Apr 2015 /  #3
I can wait till 1st of July, no problems, I registered in Poland at the end of January, of this is the case, that would be great. I have insurance for the car and I can drive it for now. Can you sent some reference to this statement you did, like an article or some record that this law will be introduced or already is?

Thanks in advance!
3 Apr 2015 /  #4
I read somewhere I have to register the car in 6 months after I am officially registered here and entered the country with the car.

My understanding (which might be wrong) is that the time requirement is on the car, not on you and furthermore that it needs to be six consecutive month, i.e. a trip to Germany 'resets the clock'. Personally I'd be a lot more worried about the insurance company than Polish law enforcement authorities.

You brought this car too early by a few months.. I am saying this because from July 1st, 2015, a new law will be introduced, that will abolish the recycling fee for cars imported from abroad.

In which case, it might not be a bad idea to take the car back to Bulgaria, sell it to somebody and then buy it again.
OP freeack  1 | 3  
3 Apr 2015 /  #5
Hi Harry,
I guess you are right, and there is no evidence that I have been with the car to Poland for the last 6 months, since there is no border authority, to check when I have brought the car. The insurance I don't worry, since my colleagues at work gave me a hint how to get a discount. I will write my future father in law as a co-owner and use his discount.

As to going back to Bulgaria and selling it to somebody and buying it back, it doesn't make any sense for me, since it will be with the same documents and story, anyway, for polish authority it will be an imported car, never mind when the car was imported 2 years ago or 2 months ago, maybe I'm wrong, but sounds logic to me. I will just have to fund a trip and pay the taxis to selling it and buying it back :)
Looker  - | 1129  
3 Apr 2015 /  #6
Can you sent some reference to this statement you did, like an article or some record that this law will be introduced or already is?

There are several articles on Polish websites, check the google search for this:

Opłata recyklingowa zostanie zniesiona

The government wants to abolish the recycling fee paid when importing a car from abroad. It is currently 500 zł. To the Parliament went a draft law on this matter.

The proposed change results from a decision of the European Commission - explains Jakub Faryś the President of Polish Association of the Automotive Industry. - This change is due to the opinion of the European Commission, which argues that the introduction of the recycling fee is illegal. Simple consequence is abolishing the fee by the Polish government - explains the interlocutor.


The amendments will enter into force on 1 July 2015., with the exception of certain provisions for certain obligations of enterprises which have come into force from the beginning of 2016. But first it must be adopted by the parliament and signed by the President.

OP freeack  1 | 3  
3 Apr 2015 /  #7
Thanks Looker, sounds great.
Have a nice Easter everybody, thanks for the quick replies!

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