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Threatened to serve papers if I don't remove a review about a renting company in Poland

wildrover  98 | 4431  
26 Oct 2010 /  #31
wife is alone now and lives just around the corner of these guys, doesn't really have a soothing effect on me,

Are you worried they might send some big guys round to threaten her...?
OP Stu  12 | 515  
26 Oct 2010 /  #32
I guess I am, yes. Of course I tried to calm her down saying such a thing wouldn't happen, but for a while she was seriously considering going to a friend's house and sleep there.
convex  20 | 3928  
26 Oct 2010 /  #33
I'm a big guy...if you need someone to go around their place. I'll even take credit for posting it.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
26 Oct 2010 /  #34
There is a motorcycle klub in Wroclaw called Gremium mc...i am a member of the Poznan chapter of this klub , we are all brothers..they are bad boys...enough said...
OP Stu  12 | 515  
26 Oct 2010 /  #35


Thanks guys ... I will certainly keep it in mind.
26 Oct 2010 /  #36
I guess I am, yes. Of course I tried to calm her down saying such a thing wouldn't happen, but for a while she was seriously considering going to a friend's house and sleep there.

So if she feels threatened, go to the local police station,report the situation and ask for advice in this matter. At least it will then be on record, if it ever does go to court.
26 Oct 2010 /  #37
stu, seems fishy you can't produce the site with the opinion your wife posted. ever hear of "history" on your browser? the other thing is that i would post again with info about the additional threats. and to court, they have to prove liabel/slander and that's almost impossible to do this really depends what was actually posted.
convex  20 | 3928  
26 Oct 2010 /  #38
stu, seems fishy you can't produce the site with the opinion your wife posted. ever hear of "history" on your browser?

He's mentioned that his wife was the one who posted it, and he's not currently there.

the other thing is that i would post again with info about the additional threats

Wroclaw Boy  
26 Oct 2010 /  #39
Of course I tried to calm her down saying such a thing wouldn't happen, but for a while she was seriously considering going to a friend's house and sleep there.

My wife would probably do the same, ive been threatened with court action before (rather she has) and ohh boy was she worried. It was over some dodgy work we had done and we were holding back payment - only 5%. The very mention of court and most Poles are scared beyond belief. This is total BS.
Olaf  6 | 955  
26 Oct 2010 /  #41
Still couldn't find this review, maybe they managed to remove it? I found this rental company though. Anyhow, I wouldn't worry if I were you, Stu.
OP Stu  12 | 515  
26 Oct 2010 /  #42
stu, seems fishy you can't produce the site with the opinion your wife posted.

Both me and my wife travel a lot with our laptops. Therefore we configured Firefox in such a way ("Settings for clearing history" in Firefox under Tools > Options > Privacy), that everytime we close Firefox, the history is cleared (browsing, download, cookies, active logins, cache) as well as data (saved passwords, site preferences and offline website data). The last thing I want is some j@ck@ss nicking my laptop, take out the HDD and have a look what he can do with all the data, thank you. The fact that I have to remember some usernames and passwords, is a small price to pay for my piece of mind.

<Sorry Mods, that it is off-topic, but I wanted to explain why my wife doesn't know the URL anymore. I hope you understand.>
Olaf  6 | 955  
26 Oct 2010 /  #43
not Opineo.pl, tried others too, no success.
OP Stu  12 | 515  
26 Oct 2010 /  #44
Sorry Olaf, can't help you out there. Written everything I know.
26 Oct 2010 /  #45
The very mention of court and most Poles are scared beyond belief.

That is fact.
tadoz  2 | 35  
26 Oct 2010 /  #46
Try the following link rzetelnafirma.pl/656W4XW5/1 as far as I could tell there are no reviews registered for euro-rent.pl (aka Trybka £ukasz)
OP Stu  12 | 515  
26 Oct 2010 /  #47
I could tell there are no reviews registered

No, that's true. She filled in the contact form.
tadoz  2 | 35  
26 Oct 2010 /  #48
also found this: forum.wp.pl/fid,246,tid,612771,temat.html?ticaid=1b219
Teffle  22 | 1318  
26 Oct 2010 /  #49
There is a motorcycle klub in Wroclaw called Gremium mc...i am a member of the Poznan chapter of this klub , we are all brothers..they are bad boys...enough said...

LOL - a car rental company gets mobbed by a load of bikers. I'd love to see it.

Stu, as long as everything you posted was 100% true, specific and without embellishment/conjecture etc, for example NOT: " I have been treated very shabbily by this company and from what I've heard I am far from the only one.." etc then as others have said, you have nothing to worry about.

Libel only refers to untrue statements.
wildrover  98 | 4431  
26 Oct 2010 /  #50
LOL - a car rental company gets mobbed by a load of bikers. I'd love to see it.

I was thinking more along the lines of a bit of advice from a few big ugly scarey ones...
26 Oct 2010 /  #51
And thats the women, wait until the men get involved they will be scared sh1tless lol
wildrover  98 | 4431  
26 Oct 2010 /  #52
And thats the women,

Aha..you have met Aga from Wroclaw bad seven klub...!!
convex  20 | 3928  
26 Oct 2010 /  #53
I was thinking more along the lines of a bit of advice from a few big ugly scarey ones...

I've already offered my services!
wildrover  98 | 4431  
26 Oct 2010 /  #54
Come on..you can,t be that ugly...
Olaf  6 | 955  
26 Oct 2010 /  #55
There is a motorcycle klub in Wroclaw called Gremium mc...i am a member of the Poznan chapter of this klub , we are all brothers..they are bad boys...enough said...

I was thinking more along the lines of a bit of advice from a few big ugly scarey ones...

hahah, don't go this way, as it may work against Stu, it may be easy to say that they were threaened by you after all...

I can see the motorbikers all parking just outside the car rental, going in... pretending to rent cars :D
OP Stu  12 | 515  
15 Nov 2010 /  #56
Well guys, it seems the story goes on. Yesterday my wife received an e-mail from the guy threatening her with court action because she didn't remove her comment from the site. The guy wrote that he had witnesses (to what I don't know) and that he had enough money to start a court action. He wished her a nice day and said he would ask for compensation for lost revenue.

Unfortunately, my wife got scared and she decided to e-mail the mod of the forum to take off the review from the site. I argued that, first of all, her review had nothing to do with libel, and secondly she shouldn't give in to blackmail. But her mind was made up.

At the moment she is with me in the Netherlands, but on the Nov 23rd she'll fly back to WRO and she is already dreading the fact she'll have to be on her own for a week or so. She says that since the guy in question has her details (and mine as well - well, he's welcome to come to my place ... :D), she feels unsafe and intimidated.

She feels so intimidated that she doesn't even dare to open her e-mail anymore.

I'd really like to write my own review on the site as soon as her's is taken off. I'll put my name and address there and then I wish him good luck to threaten me with a court case. Anyways ... it shows you what kind of guy he is.

Just thought (some of) you'd like to know the "sequel".

Hope everybody'll have a great day. Take care and don't do anything I wouldn't do ... :P
convex  20 | 3928  
15 Nov 2010 /  #57
I'd really like to write my own review on the site as soon as her's is taken off.

Write about being threatened and the and the bad service so that consumers (like me) will no not to deal with them. That is incredible though...
15 Nov 2010 /  #58
she is already dreading the fact she'll have to be on her own for a week or so. She says that since the guy in question has her details (and mine as well - well, he's welcome to come to my place ... :D), she feels unsafe and intimidated.

Do you have a screenshot of the review, and copies of the emails? Take them to the police and report threatening behaviour. Write to the guy saying you have removed the review because you felt threatened and that the police will be taking the matter further.
OP Stu  12 | 515  
15 Nov 2010 /  #59
Yes, inkrakow. Of course she has.

You know what the problem is? I live in the Netherlands, and she still has an apartment in WRO. Once a month she flies to WRO for a week, so she can stay in touch with her friends and family. When she is over here, she only fears for the safety of her apartment, but when she is alone in WRO, she's afraid in her own home. I'm thinking of flying to WRO on the 27th, but this situation can't go on like this.

Do you really think the police will take this matter seriously? Just to give you an example: how many times it happens that for example a wife feels threatened by her husband, she goes to the police and she's been told that they can't do anything without "real" proof? And a couple of days later they find her with her head bashed in. It's just a question ... curious how you feel about it.
peterweg  37 | 2305  
15 Nov 2010 /  #60
You mentioned that you couldn't find their office? Well, guess what they don't have one, they are a bunch of cowboys.

I think a large number of negative postings around the internet about euro-rent.pl wiuld be in order. Don't worry about 'legal action' its bullshit.

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