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Tax in Poland?

shewolf  5 | 1077  
1 Feb 2007 /  #1
What are taxes like in Poland?
hello  22 | 890  
1 Feb 2007 /  #2
Not sure about the exact numbers, but they are high... Too high - especially for businesses in Poland.
5 Feb 2007 /  #3
Actually the tax rate for businesses is lower than most of western europe, 19%.

Personal taxation is high, with a top band of 40%, but this kicks in very early, you don't have to earn that much to be a top rate taxpayer.
kaka  1 | 142  
5 Feb 2007 /  #4
they are quite lower then in scandynavia for sure
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
5 Feb 2007 /  #5
It's not tax you have to worry about it's ZUS
wonski81  - | 22  
5 Feb 2007 /  #6
You can check how much money You pay for tax and ZUS on this site:


Surprising...If You get 2500 per month, You will pay nearly 800 for tax and Zus, and
Your employer additional 500!!!

Actually, Your employer pay 3000 to You, ant THEY take nearly 1300 out of You!!!
chuck  - | 10  
6 Feb 2007 /  #7
hey wroclaw & WONSKI my wife and i are moving to poland we live in us, my wife is getting a job at a school in warsaw.her salary will be $3500usd a month how is that salary good bad or ok,and what would be the tax on that. thanks if you can help.
wonski81  - | 22  
7 Feb 2007 /  #8
3500 USD in Poland - good salary, in my opinion. She will get nearly 7000 PLN net pay.
Actually I don't know whether She will be employed by polish employer or american employer. Also not sure about regulations regarding tax for foreigners from USA.

Eg. in UK I'm also obliged by polish law to provide polish tax office with information about my incomes in UK, and to pay tax in accordance with polish rules...

I'm surprised that polish school offers such a good pay...
chuck  - | 10  
7 Feb 2007 /  #9
wonski. thank you so much for the info her employer is polish how does that efect her salary. what does zus mean. thanks again
8 Feb 2007 /  #10
Most Poles I know don't pay in full what they are due to the goverment - there are some tax tricks hehe
wonski81  - | 22  
8 Feb 2007 /  #11
There are some tricks - but our tax offices have better tricks, too. There are many stories about people destroyed by them. One of my father's collegues committed suicide (really sad story including the way he did it) after he decided to leave company and set up his own business. Tax office and ZUS killed him.. I know it is off topic - but...

Let's go to the point.
In Poland there are two government institution looking for Your money:
Urzad Skarbowy - responsible for collecting tax from employees and businesses.

ZUS - Zaklad Ubezpieczen Spolecznych - responsible for collecting money for social insurance purposes, like pensions, benefits, sick pays etc.

As long as You are employee Your employers takes care of all deductions due from Your wage, based on pay as You earn system. Employees responsibility is limited to sending once a year PIT form to local tax office, informing them about incomes, You can also apply for tax relief - there are few, every year less and less of them...

As I said before, Your wife's salary is quite good, so will be taxed proportionally, but we all pay taxes, so there is nothing to worry about.
chuck  - | 10  
9 Feb 2007 /  #12
hey wonski thanks again for all your help i think ill stay away from those tricks. how much money will my wife get back at the end of the year. is there a percentage.
wonski81  - | 22  
9 Feb 2007 /  #13
I would not expect that she will get back anything back, unless You, as her partner don't have any source of income, so You can be taxed together.

If You travel to work from another city (no matter what distance) there is small tax relief, but employer takes it into account automatically, deducting less tax from wage.

Tax reliefes and other deductions are changing every year, causing many difficulties. I'm now in UK so don't know how it works now.

Try contact Americans members of this forum who live in Poland now to get information about special tax rules for foreigners - if there are any.
chuck  - | 10  
9 Feb 2007 /  #14
wonski have you ever lived in the us. in the us if you pay alot of taxes out of your pay you get some back when you file your taxes at the end of the year. how about in the uk. do you live in poland or the UK.TALK TO YOU LATER
wonski81  - | 22  
10 Feb 2007 /  #15
I know what You mean - but as I said employers takes care of deduction, and normally You pay as much as it is required by tax regulation, therefore there is no tax refund at the end of tax year, unless You use one of tax reliefes, file Your tax together with partner, worked less than full year etc.

I do live in UK now, on my first year i had some refund because I did not work full year, and my eployer used so called emergency tax code, which allowed them to take more money than I should have paid. As soon as I sorted it out in tax office, I pay every month exactly as much as I should, eg. if in this month I earned more than in previous one due to bonus or overtime pay - I pay more tax, but in next month due to 2 unpaid leaves I pay less tax. At the end of tax year the balance is 0. That's why they call it Pay as You Earn, and it is very similiar to polish system.
dannyboy  18 | 248  
15 Feb 2007 /  #16
Jesus! And I thought Ireland was bad!!
Now I understand why so many people are leaving,I've heard it, but never saw it that well explained before.

I know the costs of living are very low, but relative to the wage the average pole is earning, even the the most unskilled, unemployable person would be better off in Ireland.
bossie  1 | 123  
17 Feb 2007 /  #17
Be careful with employers deducting your taxes monthly. What happens is that the normally deduce 19% of income tax and all the rest but if your salary is high you may be obliged to pay more than 19%, up to 40% (!). It once happened to my mom, she had to pay extra tax at the end of the year. Nasty surprise.
28 Feb 2007 /  #18
hi, besides the personal income tax taxt (range from 19% to 40%), is there any other tax payment that i need to be aware of for the monthly salary?
6 Mar 2007 /  #19
I think you're fine then. Unless your company has some sort of employee private insurance or pension plan (this should still be optional though).
14 Mar 2007 /  #20
i've got a job offer in Warsaw. The salary ranges from 2000 to 3000 euro per month. anybody knows about the taxes? how much i can save in a month? thank you :)

Aga76  - | 34  
14 Mar 2007 /  #21
well, if it's euros you are going to be paid in, you will live like a royality.this is about 10-15 times more than an average wage.
9 Apr 2007 /  #22
Do you know the email address of a tax office in Poland. I want to discuss a personal tax issue.
10 Apr 2007 /  #23
I found this just now, if it helps anyone:


This is apparently the Polish Finance Ministry Site and you can select English as the language

daffy  22 | 1153  
10 Apr 2007 /  #24
mmm thats very similar to the Irish rates

and in line with prosperous eu averages.

cept the corp tax rate in ireland is lower - but then how else can you attract MNC's to a small island? :)
10 Apr 2007 /  #25
It's weird that people are freaking out over a 19- 40% tax rate. Or am I missing something?

Tax Calculator

If you figure that the average American family income in my area is $48,000 per year, gross (this is the combined income for a family of four), then take away 20% of the gross amount for federal, state and local income tax and social security/disability tax. Then minus the monthly 401K retirement fund of 9% of gross (there are no pensions anymore, or rarely are, so most people have to fund their own retirement), then the monthly fee of $300 for family health insurance deducted, it works out to about the same.

If they get universal health care and their housing and utilities and food cost less there (I'd bet they do), they may actually come out ahead.

But since I don't know what they pay in property tax or housing, utilities and food costs it's hard for me to say if things are equivalent or not.

In my example, above, it equals approx $6700 per person annual income, after taxes, to pay for housing, food, clothing, transportation, insurance, education, etc.

Average home cost in our area is $200,000. With 20% down plus a 6.5%, 20-year mortgage; it's possible for most people to buy a home if both mom and dad work fulltime, BUT the average first-time home buyer in our area is age 35, pays only 10-15% down and takes out a 30 year mortgage. The average property tax is $500 per month for a 1/2 acre property with a home of that value sitting on it. It costs $120 per month to insure the house. Water and sewer fees average $150/mo, electric $100/mo ($200 in summer), gas is $100/mo ($200 in winter), trash fee is $30/mo, phone is $40, basic cable tv is $40 (expanded or digital can be $70), internet is $25 (for dial up, broadband can be $60), basic cell phone is $40.

Cars cost $16,000 average and gas is $2.80/gallon. Insurance is $100 per month for 2 cars. We have no public transport from where I live to the city, 30 mins away. You have to drive; the fastest way requires you to pay a road toll coming and going of $2.00 each way per car daily and it costs us $180 per month to park one car downtown.

A front-load washer and the matching dryer cost $1000. A TV $400. A computer $1000. A box of name brand cereal is almost $4.00.

Milk costs $3.22/gallon. Jeans cost $30 and a man's white dress shirt costs about $60. Shoes for a kid, age 4, cost about $20 per pair. Ground hamburger is $3.00 per lb and 5 thin, fatty pork chops with bones in cost about $7.00. A bag of apples is $4.00. Red bell peppers cost $3.00 EACH! 12 cans of Coke in 8 oz cans is $3.99. McDonald's costs $4.00 for an adult meal (no wonder we eat so much of that junk). Plus 6% state sales tax for each purchase, of course!

How does this compare to Poland? I know the salaries here are higher, but so are the costs of daily living and housing. And we don't have national or universal health insurance/care.

The average state college costs $3000 per quarter (3 quarters per average school year)and the average private college costs $40,000 per year. Room and board, books and fees are extra.

Anyone know how this compares?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
10 Apr 2007 /  #26
19- 40%

But that's just income tax - in fact less, becase there are many legal ways to pay less, average people pay something like 16% I think, but there's also VAT, huge tax on fuel, ZUS and health insurence (which people don't pay directly in both cases, but obviosly If empoyers didn't have to pay that people would get more cash) etc. Generally Poles are less taxed than Sweds, but no less than Germans or French and definately much more than Americans.
31 May 2007 /  #27
Hi there, i am considering moving to Poland for the experience and the job I am looking at pays 6000 PLN per month. Would that be an ok Salary? Thanks a lot
away guy  10 | 343  
31 May 2007 /  #28
not even doctors get 6000zl what do u wana become ?
31 May 2007 /  #29
I work in Finance and would be doing the same over there. I have no idea about salaries etc in Poland. Whats the average? Thanks
away guy  10 | 343  
31 May 2007 /  #30
HOw do you put a pic up in the typing block ?

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