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Stopped by the Poland's Police for no reason while walking at night

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 May 2017 /  #31
Looking straight in the eyes is a sign of honesty.

It's like when you get stopped for speeding. Looking the police officer in the eyes, smiling and admitting to what you've done is a good way to get away with it. Staring sullenly at your shoes and being all "yes sir, no sir" is a guaranteed way to get yourself fined.
jon357  72 | 22981  
1 May 2017 /  #32
Looking straight in the eyes is a sign of honesty. Being unable to meet your interlocutor's gaze, it is an indicator of guilty conscience,

Yes. It's normal. Police (detectives more than ones on traffic duty etc) are very skilled at picking up clues from the eye movements of people they're interviewing.

Well in the U.S.A. if you stare at a cop in his eyes during questioning it could be perceived as a challenge of authority.

Normal people do not avoid someone's eye, police or not. It comes across as shifty.
kondzior  11 | 1027  
1 May 2017 /  #33
American police freaks me out, to be honest. They do not see civilians as someone to protect but rather as potential targets. Operating under the assumption of "guilty unless proven otherwise, and probably guilty nonetheless". Where did USA go wrong?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 May 2017 /  #34
They do not see civilians as someone to protect but rather as potential targets.

Didn't they gun down someone sitting innocently in his car not so long ago?

Operating under the assumption of "guilty unless proven otherwise, and probably guilty nonetheless". Where did USA go wrong?

Never mess with an American cop that hasn't had his donuts and coffee yet.


This is absolutely insane. If you scroll down, you can see advice about only opening the window 1/4th of the way, putting your hands on the wheel and not answering questions. Does anyone need any more reason as to why American police are insane?

Polish police are nothing like that. Even if they check your documents and the car, there's no harm whatsoever in being friendly and talking to them. I remember they wanted to check the car once, and I had a nice conversation with them while showing them good potential places to hide something in these models of cars. Of course, because I was friendly and cooperative, they had no reason to bother checking elsewhere in the car. If I had been a dick about it, they almost certainly would have caught the long-expired fire extinguisher.
johnny reb  46 | 7614  
1 May 2017 /  #35
American police freaks me out, to be honest.

I stay away from them if all possible.
Did you hear about what happened in Slupsk awhile back ?
After a football match, hundreds of fans were peacefully going back home and a group of 12 people decided to cross the street on red light.

This was noticed by nearby policemen in a patrol vehicle, Dariusz Woźniak.
Woźniak caught up to a member of the group, the 13-year-old Przemysław Czaja and repeatedly hit his head and neck using his baton.

This fact was witnessed by tens of people.
Despite pleas, the policemen did not call an ambulance for the unconscious Czaja.
Later, the boy died from his injuries.
I can't believe the Polish police would kill someone for just crossing against a red light.
I guess it's not just in America where police abuse occurs.
Where have the Polish Police gone wrong since communism left.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 May 2017 /  #36
Did you hear about what happened in Slupsk awhile back ?

That was 20 years ago. Things have changed dramatically in Poland, not least because the old Milicja methods of policing have long gone.

Compare and contrast to aljazeera.com/news/2016/09/video-shows-police-shoot-kill-unarmed-black-man-160920042318546.html - where a black man that had already surrendered was shot dead because...well he was black.
jon357  72 | 22981  
1 May 2017 /  #37
the policemen did not call an ambulance for the unconscious Czaja.

This sadly does still happen. A crowd of them stood by and watched some mafia taxi drivers attack someone in Warsaw a few years ago. Unfortunately for them he was a journalist on Tygodnik Powszechny (a Catholic national newspaper) and it rebounded on them.
johnny reb  46 | 7614  
1 May 2017 /  #38
This sadly does still happen.

Of course it does jon, in ever country in the world there is police brutality.
Go to Jamaica for a week and you would see first hand and understand what real police brutality is.
Some here just insist on baiting Americans to defend ourselves no matter if it is our police or if it is our cheese because they are jealous of America and want to get as many digs in as they can to soothe their inferiority complexes.
jon357  72 | 22981  
1 May 2017 /  #39
Go to Jamaica for a week

This is true, however very worth noting that police culture and behaviour varies a lot from place to place. I once had a ride in a police car in the Bahamas (from the airport to the ship I worked on) and the policemen said "if you've got any drugs with you, smoke them now, the ship are doing random checks today". That was a surprise.

In Poland (ask anyone here) the police don't have a great reputation. They're getting much better than they used to be, however there are still a lot of bad apples.

If they just stop someone for a routine check, it's usually OK, just a routine check - they're sometimes given a quota to fill. Otherwise, it's best to be very careful and keep your dealings with them to a minimum. Young people especially should be careful.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
6 May 2017 /  #40
Looking the police officer in the eyes, smiling and admitting to what you've done is a good way to get away with it.

That's worked for me a couple of times, but if the cop has you banged to rights, it's better to just accept the fine and points with grace. I copped four points and a 100PLN fine last week. I just consider it payment for all the times I don't get caught.

Polish cops are much improved these days, although the young guys I know are sceptical.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
6 May 2017 /  #41
I as a Pole am very happy when Police stops and checks on brown skinned/asian/arab looking foreigners!
6 May 2017 /  #42
Johnny Reb.
you really have no clue what it means to have an authority and where a public official derives it from. sometimes it is better to shut up and only seem to be stupid than to open your pie hole and make it plain obvious. now if you start ranting you will confirm my point.
johnny reb  46 | 7614  
6 May 2017 /  #43
sometimes it is better to shut up

I do believe that is exactly what I said isn't it ?

you would learn quickly to shut your mouth

I must have either stuttered. :-/
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
7 May 2017 /  #44
I've been in Poland for 7 years studying medicine and I didn't have any racial telorance nor problems and I've been welcome everwhere

Why would you give this extra information unless you thought it was relevant?

You say you have not had any issues in Poland in seven years, then got stopped once, so what is the problem? It would be more suspicious if you were stopped every week in various areas of the country for no reason. Then you could write this and ask if it's about your skin colour.

it was a good idea for them to target Polish cars in the morning due to the tendency of Polish men to drink heavily and then drive

Well that's nice of you. Substitute Polish cars for cars driven by Muslims, blacks, women etc. and you would be seen as racist/sexist, you name it. At least we know who the on the site has 'donosicielskie' tendencies. Lucky Poland is not still a communist state.
jon357  72 | 22981  
7 May 2017 /  #45
Why would you give this extra information unless you thought it was relevant?

Perhaps because he considered it was relevant.

cars driven by Muslims

Do they drink heavily?
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
7 May 2017 /  #46
Perhaps because he considered it was relevant.

Why would it be relevant if this is the first time in seven years he has been stopped by police, and other than that has said he has no issues in Poland due to his race? Why would he assume the one time he is stopped and asked for ID, it must be racism?
jon357  72 | 22981  
7 May 2017 /  #47
Why would it be relevant

So you think he shouldn't have posted?
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
7 May 2017 /  #48
It' the race card, playing the victim or whatever you want to call it. If he left out the last sentence it would have better. It would seem he wanted to know if police in Poland stop you and ask for your ID even when you appear to be doing nothing wrong.

He mentioned his race because he hoped somebody would say 'ah yes, it was because of the colour of your skin.'

A white person would not have said 'oh by the way I'm white.' Or a woman 'oh by the way I'm a woman' or a disabled person etc. You get the picture.
jon357  72 | 22981  
7 May 2017 /  #49
He mentioned his race because he hoped somebody would say 'ah yes, it was because of the colour of your skin.'

No sign of that in any of his posts.

A white person would not have said 'oh by the way I'm white.'

I wonder why.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
7 May 2017 /  #50
He mentioned his race because he hoped somebody would say 'ah yes, it was because of the colour of your skin.'

For some in this world they know from their household and community upbringing that they are judged by the content of their character while others have been conditioned by the leftists in the media, academia and politics that they are victims because of the color of their skin and therefore should be exempt from any judgement to the point of never being questioned by anyone for anything.

I wonder why.

White = Requirements and responsibilities.

Non-white = Opportunities and entitlements.
Schmiznurf  9 | 31  
8 May 2017 /  #51
I am a white man and I was stopped by the police at around midnight back in Wales, they asked what I was doing out so late. It's nothing to do with skin colour but when someone is walking around so late it's a little suspicious.
jon357  72 | 22981  
8 May 2017 /  #52
Non-white = Opportunities and entitlements

Maybe in your mind.

Here in Poland, nobody thinks like that.
MarkC  6 | 20  
10 May 2017 /  #53
White = Requirements and responsibilities.

My experience in Poland is Everybody = Requirements and responsibilities. If anybody is looking for handouts or priorities of some sort, then this is the wrong country.

I know elsewhere it is as you described but as jon357 said, not here in Poland. Sure, some people are racist, some are not, but it doesn't change how their expectations of anybody.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
10 May 2017 /  #54
If anybody is looking for handouts or priorities of some sort, then this is the wrong country.

Unfortunately, it's no longer the case. There's whole families in Eastern Poland who think that it's perfectly fine to live off 2000zł/month from having 5 kids, while getting additional support in various ways. They do odd work on the side, and voila, they've got a lifestyle that taxpayers support.
nothanks  - | 626  
10 May 2017 /  #55
when someone is walking around so late it's a little suspicious.

Yup. Is your car broken, are you lost, is everything okay.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
11 Aug 2018 /  #56
I'm posting this in random so as to nor get another off topic... [moved from]

. They are there to protect the system and themselves, not individuals.

Then why do their cars say 'to serve and protect'? They're supposed to protect the community yet all i see is them protecting each other and harassing the community.

If they're there to protect and serve than why did a dozen cops all with vests and a bunch of guns not go on to shoot one guy with a handgun at stoneman? Instead they all hid like cowards... because lime usual they use the tired line of 'that's what our training says' or 'I felt scared'.. well mofo, if you're still scared with 12 dude backing you up then maybe police work isn't the career for you, if you're scared of a dog that doesn't even reach up to your knee and fear for your life than maybe be a teacher or an accountant... But yet when they go against people without a gun thays when they're tough and pump em full of bullets, even if their back is turned and they're running away bc it's too hard for their donut munching fatasses to catch up to dude, arrest him, and charge him with evasion.. no that's too hard..

still waiting for the first case where their victim did everything he was told and got shot.

Oh there is plenty. One merely needs to go on YouTube for videos that didn't make it into the news. And what about that cafeteria worker who was shot? He did everything the cop asked him and was nice to the officer.. all because of a broken tail light...

Cop shoots small dog that doesn't even reach up.to the cops knee... he felt 'scared' and his life in danger rofl


Cop shoots owners dog - no search warrant, no owners permission to enter property


Cop shoots unarmed person during home search, immediately after asking him to put his hands up... Even after she realizes she ****** up she stkll cuffs him while dude is bleeding out


Cops shoot mom of 3


Or this famous video where a cop automatically pulls out his gun on a dude in his yard hooking up his boat... luckily no one was shot..


Cop arrests nurse because she refused to draw an unconscious patients blood, per policy agreed by the pd and hospital... she later won the ghetto lottery - 500k thanks to that d1ck cop...

that channel and also copwatch have a ton of videos showing cops abusing their power, shooting/beating unarmed people, etc.

Or how about this one? A guy is on the floor, clearly unarmed has cops pointing an ar15 on him and asks him to.crawl towards him with his legs crossed?? Poor kid is begging not to get shot... But he was anyway...


To me, the police brutality is a BLM slogan

I despise BLM but I understand their concerns. I have college educated black friends with no record whatsoever and they constantly get pulled over when they come to visit simply because the police automatically assume a black dude in a white suburb is up to no good. They've been pulled over so many times, stopped, put on the curb, had their whole car searched or forced to wait for a k9 that they don't even like coming over to visit anymore. Now thags ****** up when my friends can't come visit me because the cops automatically assume some sh1t about them.

I've already sued my local pd once for false arrest and I can't wait to win the ghetto lottery again. **** the police! I'm sure there are decent cops who will risk their lives to help someone, but to this point I nor anyone I know has met one. I have however met a bunch of aggressive power tripping cops though who pull their pistol out, not a tazer, even though they know the person is unarmed
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
11 Aug 2018 /  #57
Then why do their cars say 'to serve and protect'?

That's Clinton talk with the fine print missing. A mind trick most fall for by automatically appending this legally meaningless line with you.

In this one youtu.be/BOnx5k2TiGk the guy was a confrontational a-hole. When the cop says take your hands out of your pocket you do just that and keep your big mouth shut. You is editorial.

In a nation of 330 million, have of them idiots who were never told to respect authority, the number of police shootings is actually amazingly low. The fact that Americans tend to scream even when it's totally unnecessary, does not help any. Just watch any of the Housewives shows and see the attitudes. Or those brawls at McDonalds. Always black broads and over bulls***.
johnny reb  46 | 7614  
11 Aug 2018 /  #58
Then why do their cars say 'to serve and protect'?

Because if it said, "To Enforce and Execute" the cops wouldn't have the element of surprise.

Thing is Dirk with you carrying on like you do here there is NO DOUBT in my mind that the cops are very aware of your hyper active demeanor towards Law Enforcement.

This puts a very big target on your back thanks to this day and age of the computer in all their cars.
They know who you are,(name, age, soc.#, residents address), your prior arrest records, that you are hyper active, that you are known to be confrontational, that you have a concealed pistol permit, your mental health status and the last time you let a fart BEFORE they even walk up to your car or the door to your house.

And you really wonder WHY they are going to have their partner step out of the police car with a riot twelve gauge shotgun with 3 inch magnums with double 00 buckshot while he stands behind the opened door of the police cruiser ready to take the back window out of your car while his partner approaches your car with his hand on his glock .40 while he stands back by the back door of your car forcing you to turn around to see him until he can see your hands eliminating any surprise that you may have waiting for him ?

And then when he tells you to get out of your car it is not a request.
About then their back up of two more bulls show up.
Do you really want to play loud mouth tuff guy at that point and expect there is no chance of getting tazed or shot ?
They love guys like you for live practice as they get bored just driving around drinking coffee.
At the end of the day it is just a job to them and they go home to their families.
Hope that answers some of your questions of why cops act the way they do sometimes.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
11 Aug 2018 /  #59
NO DOUBT in my mind that the cops are very aware of your hyper active demeanor towards Law Enforcement.

Of course they do. They play their games, well play ours. I know what the cops in my suburb are doing where they are, who they pulled like 95% of the time anyway - anyone with $100 in their pocket can go buy a scanner. Ever since I successfully sued them for throwing me in a cop car with all the windows up for hours till I passed out despite not being charged they've had it in for me, which is fine and to me was totally worth it - it paid for the nicest living room i have yet to see elsewhere. They know what goes on at my house but they can't do **** about it as they know it's surrounded by cameras and I sure as hell wont let them in without a warrant, which they can't get just by suspicions and hearsay.. and if they try to pull some sh1t they'll get sued again. Whats awesome too is it's on a no outlet street and is surrounded by forest on 2 sides so there's no way they can ever do surveillance without sticking out. Plus if they happen to find something illegal well i can't be charged with it as its in the forest on city property and not on my property line.

see him until he can see your hands eliminating any surprise that you may have waiting for him ?

They ain't gonna see **** through my tints esp at night, which are just light enough to be legal. I keep paperwork regarding this with the particular statute and the receipt showing their percentage in case one of em gets cute and tries to say my tints are too dark to be legal.

Pointing a gun at someone for no reason doesn't just cut one way legally. Most people don't know that. A cop cannot pull his gun out on you and intimidate you if you've done nothing wrong, no matter how much of an asshile you are to them, as long as you're not violent or threatening, just as a civilian can't wave his gun around. A tazer yes as that is not considered a deadly weapon. A cop also cannot shoot a person running away, but oftentimes they're too lazy go get their fat donut munching asses moving to arrest someone for misdemeanor evading.

And then when he tells you to get out of your car it is not a request.

A police officer in my state must articulate a crime that he or she suspects you of committing before even asking for ID. That's the law. Now if I stole a car or robbed a bank they can do what's called a felony stop - where they order you to get out of your car with your hands up while they draw their weapon as you describe. However they cannot do that for simple misdemeanors or traffic stops, no matter how bad or long that person's record is and if they have no felony warrants. Also I am not required to show id if I am a passenger or a pedestrian. I will cite every relevant statute and record the encounter till they give up asking for my id, which they always do as they themselves know only a driver must carry and show id in this state. And if they arrest me for not providing id, great that's another case and more money for me.

Do you really want to play loud mouth tuff guy at that point and expect there is no chance of getting tazed or shot ?

Absolutely. I know my rights and if they shoot me unprovoked and survive I'll have an extra couple mill, i dont my family members won't have to work another day in their lives.

At the end of the day it is just a job to them and they go home to their families.

Well I don't shed a single tear when one of these pigs doesn't make it back. **** em. They signed up for a job interacting with criminals so if they get shot for a change instead of doing the shooting that's part of their job duties. They're nothing like cops in Europe who are polite and non aggressive without a reason. Notice how few police shootings there are in europe and how few cops get shot. The cops in america didnt esrn their hatred overnight. Its something thats been brewing for a long time. And theres plenty of dudes just like me, many with no record at all, that have been undeservingly harassed by police like the russian trucker beaten to a pulp. Same **** even happened to my mom - she gets pulled over just so thr cop.can tell her my dads license was going to expire in a few days then accused her of being drunk and the car smelling like wine. My mom doesn't even drink and after numerous field sobriety tests, breathalyzer, AND a trip to the hospital to draw her blood she was let go several hours later. **** is ridiculous. Very, very few cops in Poland would pull some sh1t like that or in the rest of Europe for that matter. Most of them are extremely courteous, pleasant and never approach aggressively, the total opposite of most cops in the USA. They're all tough till they have to deal with someone who knows their rights or someone who also has a gun and can shoot at them. Then their cowardice really shows just like st stoneman I can't think of a more perfect example. Dozens of cops with all those shotguns 40s vests backup and all the other **** you describe and they can't take out 1 dude with a pistol SMDH
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
11 Aug 2018 /  #60
Also I am not required to show id if I am a passenger or a pedestrian.

Now that is what ***** me off about Poland. The straz seem to think that we still live in a communist state. They often demand my documents when I am out with the dog, and I tell them I don't have to carry documents.

The stupid truth is that within 80 kilometres of the country boundary, we do. Historic paranoia and quite pathetic. When the cops came they offered the bright but unworkable idea of " carry some photocopies of your ID with you" if you don't want to risk losing your documents.

Clueless, and if the people as a mass said no, then we wouldn't have such intimidation.

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