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Stopped by the Poland's Police for no reason while walking at night

MedZac  1 | 2  
29 Apr 2017 /  #1
So me and my friend were walking at night last Thursday near from his apartment and suddenly the police car stopped and one of the officer came to us asking for IDs I asked him why he didn't responed and kept asking for the IDs we gave him ours went to the car and registered our information and asked where we live and what are we doing in poland

We told him we are students and etc I asked him why are you taking our info he said it's a dangerous place keep away from it , I know it's not because my friend lives there and it's near college of medicine in krakow , also I think it's not a good reason to stop us is it a lawful act for police to stop people in the street and take there info ?

Ps ( we have brown skin )
Wulkan  - | 3136  
29 Apr 2017 /  #2
we have brown skin

Stop playing race card, it's not gonna work in Poland. People of all colors randomly get stopped by police like that, it doesn't happen often but it happens.
terri  1 | 1661  
29 Apr 2017 /  #3
You are very lucky, that they didn't shoot first and ask questions later. The Police have the power to stop anyone at anytime and ask for their ID papers. If you have a complaint you can raise it at the Police station, but then remember that you can be held for 24 hours without any reason at all whilst helping the Police with their enquiries.
OP MedZac  1 | 2  
29 Apr 2017 /  #4
I'm not playing the race card I'm just giving extra information if you have a reasonable response please elaborate me if not please don't start accusing, I've been in Poland for 7 years studying medicine and I didn't have any racial telorance nor problems and I've been welcome everwhere so please don't change the topic of my thread and stop me getting the help I need .
Passing by  
29 Apr 2017 /  #5
Better stopped by cops then skin heads,and the cops do have rights to ceck.
Aain you are in Poland 7 years and still dont know this?hard to beleive.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
29 Apr 2017 /  #6
if you have a reasonable response please elaborate

Yes, and so I did, read my whole message again in case you missed it. Police have all the rights to stop you and the color of your skin is not going to give you any favor here.
jon357  72 | 22981  
29 Apr 2017 /  #7
is it a lawful act for police to stop people in the street and take there info ?

They do that here. Sometimes it's to prove they were actually working rather than sitting in a police car doing nothing. They're more likely to stop people at the start or at the end of their shift.

Ps ( we have brown skin )

The Kraków police have long had a bit of a reputation for that, however they're a lot better than they used to be.
OP MedZac  1 | 2  
29 Apr 2017 /  #8
I'm studying medicine so I don't go out much :) Thanks for your answer.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
29 Apr 2017 /  #9
I used to get stopped outside our town late at night after driving back from the airport, this stopped once the police knew who I am , It makes me feel safe that the Police stop random strangers and ask for identification, I have no problem with it and we had a laugh, chat and got to know each other. (I am white by the way)
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
29 Apr 2017 /  #10
White:I am white.(RACIST)

Thats what I love about Poland we just don't have the racial tensions or issues that I have seen in France,UK, Gemany or the USA, there maybe a few exceptions or islolated incidents in a few cities and towns but thats it, long may it continue.

As for crime the police do a good job here, I feel as safe in Poland as I did in the UAE or Dubai (in my opinion two of the safest places to walk around in at night)
29 Apr 2017 /  #11
Passing by has quoted that wrong, it's,

Black pride is proud to be black.
Asian pride is proud to be Asian.
Gay pride is proud to be gay.
White pride is considered racist

Yes, it's wrong to have pride in ones colour isn't it. Just like the pride the black panthers had in killing whites only. They even have a symbol for their pride in being black. Still, black pride is ok for black culture aside from those pond dwellers you speak of who killed only whites.

Are you ashamed of being white ?
The Irish lad  
30 Apr 2017 /  #12
If you're racist just say it stop fooling around
Black pride white pride...you remind me of the aryan nazis! don't criticise the black panthers and then do the same as they did
30 Apr 2017 /  #13
Wow some serious post altering going on in here, had it been hacked by the Russians​ ?
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
30 Apr 2017 /  #14
A posting was binned by a mod and now our reply's to that binned post are out of context and open to mis misinterpretation
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082  
30 Apr 2017 /  #15
and suddenly the police car stopped and one of the officer came to us asking for IDs I asked him why

You played it all wrong. Never talk to police. Never discuss first. Answer yes no only. In Poland we have IDs and police has a power to ask for ID zillion times a day.
30 Apr 2017 /  #16
Yeah maybe, but my post has been​ cut and pasted and joined with another plus links removed. Ironic that someone should suggest you're a racist when they have a nationalist user name.
Crow  154 | 9260  
30 Apr 2017 /  #17
Ps ( we have brown skin )

So what? Jesus Christ was also brown and Poles and rest of us Slavs love him. What is important is that you aren`t radical Muslim.
30 Apr 2017 /  #18
Why did you feel the need to bring up your brown skin in the first post? Are you racist?
jon357  72 | 22981  
30 Apr 2017 /  #19
Never talk to police. Never discuss first. Answer yes no only

This is generally good advice.

The OP said he or she's a medical student. I'm not sure if the same protocol applies for them as doctors, however there are special procedures that the police follow if they stop someone (even for committing a misdemeanour) and that person is a doctor.
Crow  154 | 9260  
30 Apr 2017 /  #20
Use brain, not brown.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
30 Apr 2017 /  #21
Never talk to police. Never discuss first. Answer yes no only.

Absolutely correct !
Yes Sir & No Sir without smiling while looking at the toe tips of your shoes.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Apr 2017 /  #22
Yes Sir & No Sir without smiling while looking at the toe tips of your shoes.

Johnny, this isn't the United States. People in Europe are free to smile and joke with police officers, and police officers in Poland aren't paranoid idiots that shoot people because they reach for their wallet. Police here aren't feared, they're there to help people, and many police also have community support functions, meaning they're there to serve the people, not the local donut factory.

You really should try visiting Poland and see these things for yourself. If you get stopped by the police for speeding, a smile and a friendly admission of guilt can often see you let off with a warning. You'll often see "cordons" set up for alcohol checks, and there's absolutely no reason not to greet them warmly and smile when they request you to blow in the machine.

By the way, at least in European culture, staring at your shoes would often be perceived as rude and hostile.
Marsupial  - | 871  
30 Apr 2017 /  #23
Haha it tells you the rubbish quality of usa cops.
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
1 May 2017 /  #24
rubbish quality of usa cops

Compared to what ?
Number one most police officers in the U.S.are cross trained with fire fighters.
Also a lot of them go thru paramedic training.
All police officers are required to have at least a two year associates degree in law enforcement or two years MP experience in the military.

Can you say that for the Polish police departments in Poland ?
Also they are equipped with video cams on their shirts to show that procedure was followed during an arrest.
Some have had extensive training in detecting if an individual is high on marijuana and or other drugs.
If you are driving a motor vehicle of ANY KIND they have the authority to demand you take a blood test for detecting drugs or alcohol if they believe you are under the influence.

Starting to see why there are so many people incarcerated in the U.S. compared to Poland ?
They also devote personal time in going into the schools to teach classes like CPR and safety classes on boating and gun safety.
When they go to a domestic dispute most likely either the husband or wife will be taken to jail until things cool off for the families safety.

Different then Poland, quite.
When a police officer tells you to get out of your car or put your cigarette out or take your hands out of your pocket it is not a request.

It's their job not only to keep the public safe but also themselves safe.
You have a weapon and raise it towards a police officer you will get shot and people are aware of that.
You give the police respect and you will get respect.
You want to be a dick head they have no problem showing you that you have no rights.

at least in European culture, staring at your shoes would often be perceived as rude and hostile.

Well in the U.S.A. if you stare at a cop in his eyes during questioning it could be perceived as a challenge of authority.

And a loud mouth smart ass like yourself there is a good chance you would learn quickly to shut your mouth by getting tazed waking up twitching in a puddle of your own pee.

Your second encounter with them you would be looking down saying Yes Sir, No Sir and be on your way in two minutes.
You say rubbish quality..........better think about that again as I would say highly trained professionals.
Crow  154 | 9260  
1 May 2017 /  #25
When my grandmother used to drive car in her last decade (ley God give peace to her good soul), on cop`s comment and question about her age and eventual limitations, there would be silence and then she would start: ``My child, do you have old mother,...``
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 May 2017 /  #26
You give the police respect and you will get respect.

Which is why being friendly and open gets you a long way in Europe. I remember having a nice conversation with the police in Slovenia after being stopped for a random breath test, and even explained to him that it was a good idea for them to target Polish cars in the morning due to the tendency of Polish men to drink heavily and then drive the next morning. They were only doing their job, they asked politely if they could check the documents and if I could do the breath test, so no issue at all.
kondzior  11 | 1027  
1 May 2017 /  #27
Well in the U.S.A. if you stare at a cop in his eyes during questioning it could be perceived as a challenge of authority.

Looking straight in the eyes is a sign of honesty. Being unable to meet your interlocutor's gaze, it is an indicator of guilty conscience, it mean that you have something to hide.
Crow  154 | 9260  
1 May 2017 /  #28
while looking at the toe tips of your shoes

It is sign of disrespect. Its ok if you want to achieve that effect.
Marsupial  - | 871  
1 May 2017 /  #29
I dont blame cops in tbe usa for being harsh and paranoid. The gun nut failed society has made them that way. Cant blame people for not wanting to look at them either, also a product of a broken gun nut society. Nothing wrong with chatting to cops in poland or here.
kondzior  11 | 1027  
1 May 2017 /  #30
Yes Sir & No Sir without smiling while looking at the toe tips of your shoes.

It befits a petty thief caught red handed, not honest citizen undergoing routine ID check.

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