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How do you set up a company in Poland?

BrutalButcher  - | 387  
29 Nov 2009 /  #31

I hope those kebabs contain legal meat!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 Nov 2009 /  #32
or do u knw any angency who work in setup a business to forigen ppl

Yep - us - Lindenia
4 Jan 2010 /  #33
Can anyone help me how to register company as EU in UK? My email:justa2213@wp.pl

Thank you for any reply



My parents have company in Poland. Could you help me to give any advise how to register this company as EU in UK?

Justyna my email:justa2213@wp.pl
Joshtaylor  1 | 6  
17 May 2010 /  #34
[Moved from]: What kind of documents I need to open tour operating company in Poland?

What kind of documents will be required to run tour operating company in Poland.
18 May 2010 /  #35
try to contact Polish Chamber of Tourism on the website

and get acquainted with

D19970884Lj.pdf (Dz.U. 1997 nr 133 poz. 884)
on the website
Joshtaylor  1 | 6  
18 May 2010 /  #36
Thanks for your help. It was helpful.

free3yourmind  - | 1  
12 Aug 2010 /  #37
Thread attached on merging:
Open Self-Employee Company in Poland (internet company)

Hello to eveyone,

I am a EU citizent and i am looking to open a self-employee (1 person company, myself) company in Poland my situations is like that:

i do not have any permanent address to register the company, i am ofthen visit poland (for few months each time) but i always change place, the company i want to open has to do with internet advertisments etc so i really dont need to have a physical address to work on.

Do you know if this is possible to open company without a register address, do you know any company to suggest me who will be responsible to do all the paper work for me (register me, keep accountant books, help me to set up my company etc)?

any help is highly appreciated
jonni  16 | 2475  
12 Aug 2010 /  #38
Hi - you'll need an address - accountants can sort this for you.

I suggest using the search function though - there's already been hundreds of posts about setting up companies, and you'll find that everything you need has already been written.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Aug 2010 /  #39
I am a EU citizent and i am looking to open a self-employee (1 person company, myself) company in Poland my situations is like that:

Why not open it in the UK? Taxation is lower and in your case, it'll probably be much easier.
29 Mar 2011 /  #40
I have got an offer from a polish legal firm proposing ot work together insettingup a compan in Poland via mail.
I s ther anyway I can check thru mail if his company is legal and not a scammer?
9 May 2012 /  #41

I am not sure where have you reached so far with the company registration, if you are still looking to setup a company in Poland and need help, then give us a shout.

Please visit

InstantCompanyPoland dot com

for details.


Adam Smith
7 Aug 2012 /  #42
Buy a ready made shelf company. I went to local lawyers and wasted months waiting for documents and registrations

I used Blackstones in Warsaw. They've got some Englisgh solicitors and communication was immediate and clear. Not the cheapest but its all fixed prices and I was up and running in 2 days and no surprises. I think they can set you up as self employed too and do the accounting. Dave R
2 Sep 2013 /  #43
Hi Mag,

Are you still looking for business to partner in. We are looking for partners too. to start Poland's first budget chain of fitness clubs. Contact me if you are interested gymco.sc@gmail.


Michal- CEO  
14 Mar 2016 /  #44

if any of you are still looking for some help od business advising, we can help you :)
Im sure we will find the best solution for you.
morticella  - | 1  
4 Apr 2016 /  #45
Merged: Open Individual company in Poland step by step and how to issue invoices in EU

Hi there,

I've a web developer, and I work with Italian companies remotely but I don't understand 2 stuff :

1. I've opened an individual company, I've already NIP and REGON, besides I've opened a ZUS position but I don't understand which should be the next step.

2. I've understood that you can work without VAT as in UK but without VAT can I issue invoice in EU?

Thanks for your help

Merged: How to open a VAT/R EU?

Hi there,

someone know how to open a VAT/R EU?
23 May 2018 /  #46

Any GO or NGO helping in setting up a company in Poland from scratch?

I'm looking for an Organisation that helps foreigners in setting up a company from the scratch namely gastronomy business and can help in filling out the documents, registering the company, finding a place to rent the premises and buying permit and so on. If there is no such Organisation then probably a qualified lawyer who can assist in this matter.

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