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Search Engine Optimisation in Poland - the same SEO rules apply?

spiritus  69 | 643  
1 Dec 2011 /  #1
For those of you who know anything about this do the same principles SEO principles apply in Poland or is it a completely different market ?
hma  - | 2  
2 Dec 2011 /  #2
Hi spiritus,

It would be better if you clarify what you mean by "same principles". But assuming that you are talking about best practices to create search engine friendly webpages the answer is yes.

Good luck with your SEO ;)
Ant63  13 | 410  
2 Dec 2011 /  #3
And why .pl domains so damned expensive?

Something I have found highly beneficial with SEO is hosting location. For example I used 1and1.couk for a period of time assuming they were located in the UK. WRONG and they weren't very good either. When I moved my .co.uk sites to true UK hosting then my search engine rankings improved dramatically. I did research this first of course. I am guessing hosting in Poland would be on a par with quality UK Hosting as regards price. Expensive but worth it.
hma  - | 2  
2 Dec 2011 /  #4
The server location is relevant. If your site is polish and you want google to index your website efficiently and accurately for google.pl a server in Poland can influence a bit your rank.
boletus  30 | 1356  
2 Dec 2011 /  #5
That could be. This probably very much depends on the server's profile. This is one thing if you want to sell some products, possibly appealing to a local population, and another if you want to provide some international services. My experience with a pro publico bono server, which I had run for 10 years or so, was different:

+ Location was irrelevant, traffic would come from Asia, Europe, America
+ SEO was irrelevant, I did not bother with keywords, I did not submit my site to any engine, I was too busy working on the content. Nevertheless, my site was soon indexed and it was quite highly rated.

+ Visitors coming from google search were usually random, one-time visitors, who mistook my site by something else, or who did not know how to precisely specify their search directive.

+ Most, if not only, valuable traffic was coming via references from other, somewhat related, web pages
Ant63  13 | 410  
2 Dec 2011 /  #6
+ Location was irrelevant, traffic would come from Asia, Europe, America

It's totally relevent and a good proportion of your traffic will always come from the three locations mentioned. They are massive. In particular the Asians are making great use of the internet to search out potential customers. Just look at how google works now. Local this. Local that. In a way, unless you are a known International Brand, it is a bit like bricks and mortar, location, location and location.If you haven't signed up for Webmaster Tools do so.

+ SEO was irrelevant, I did not bother with keywords, I did not submit my site to any engine, I was too busy working on the content. Nevertheless, my site was soon indexed and it was quite highly rated.

Google hasn't used keywords in Meta tags for a long time. That kind of SEO died with the keyword stuffers. Remember the days you searched for chocalate and every site was a prn site. They killed keywords. True SEO will be gone in 5 years as Social Media sites will dictate search rankings which is why Google has invested heavily in +1.

+ Visitors coming from google search were usually random, one-time visitors, who mistook my site by something else, or who did not know how to precisely specify their search directive.

This can be converted to useful visitors by taking a look at your Meta Descriptions which is what appears below the link to your site in Googles results. Writing good landing pages with relevant content and good Description tags is critical.

+ Most, if not only, valuable traffic was coming via references from other, somewhat related, web pages

Thats exactly what I aim for but this takes time to evolve and relies on good content from your site. There are subtle ways of speeding this up but like anything to get a return you need to work hard and add a bit of lady luck.
OP spiritus  69 | 643  
4 Dec 2011 /  #7
Hi spiritus,

It would be better if you clarify what you mean by "same principles". But assuming that you are talking about best practices to create search engine friendly webpages the answer is yes.

Good luck with your SEO ;)


I was thinking more along the lines of black/grey hat SEO such as blog commenting, Web 2.0 profiles. Social Bookmarking etc

A lot of the things I would do on the English side is harded with Polish sites e.g. I can't find any article sites that accept foreign languages, likewise anything similar to Web 2.0 sites in Polish

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