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Retirees immigration regulations in Poland

plk123  8 | 4120  
21 May 2010 /  #31
Why? Wouldn't you be allowed to apply for permanent residency like anyone else after 5 years?

because you are not productive and you don't fit into the pencil pusher's categories i linked above. if you don't understand what i am saying in plain english, you have 0 chance navigating polish bureaucracy.

(first link).

like i just said.. i don't know if i'd give him/her any more ideas at this point..

are you suggesting the Euro will be devalued??

it sure isn't going up any time soon.
OP zuczek  3 | 52  
23 May 2010 /  #32
because you are not productive and you don't fit into the pencil pusher's categories i linked above. if you don't understand what i am saying in plain english, you have 0 chance navigating polish bureaucracy.

Why the smarmy arrogance pal? I have navigated it before many times and will do so again eventually despite it being full of people with smug attitudes like yourself. You mother clearly didn't teach you any manners. I also met people who retired to Poland but at the time had no interest in asking how they did it. They had permanent residency. Maybe you should refrain from posting snotty replies when you really don't know what you are talking about.

So....in plain English: Get stuffed :)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 May 2010 /  #33
And what would you know about Poland, seeing as you don't live here and have no idea about what's actually going on at the minute?

I would say that it clearly fits into the "other categories" as mentioned in the relevant law.

Why the smarmy arrogance pal? I have navigated it before many times and will do so again eventually despite it being full of people with smug attitudes like yourself.

He's got the classic "I left Poland yet I still believe I know best about everything in Poland" - despite the fact that their information is often years out of date.

The best answer I can give you is that while there's no specific provision for retirement to Poland, there's nothing preventing it, either. And yes, you're right about permanent residency - should be nothing preventing the acquisition of it after the relevant time period has lapsed.
7 Apr 2017 /  #34
I left Poland in 1974 for 8 month stay in the US. Then my Polish passport expired and Polish Consulate in Chicago refused to extend it telling me to go back to Poland and to apply for travel to United States. I was studying at the time at UCLA and I was supporting myself by working as a teaching assistant and clearly I did not have enough money to apply for the visa to United States to study. Then I got married and became permanent resident and then American citizen. I traveled several times to Poland on American passport (Polish passport expired in 1976). How I can extend my Polish passport? When I went to Polish consulate in Los Angeles woman asked me "czy ja sie zrzeklam Polskiego obywatelstwa). I do not believe that expiration of Polish passport and refusal by consulate to extend it means that I resigned from my polish citizenship. Anyone knows how (1) to extend Polish passport that expired in 1976 and (2) is it worth to do it. I have a valid American passport.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Law / Retirees immigration regulations in PolandArchived