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Registration procedure of a new vehicle in Poland - I have 1 year flat contract and meldunek, is it enough?

Motha  1 | 2  
10 Nov 2011 /  #1
Hey everybody ! I live in Poland- Warsaw. I'm not Polish.I would like to buy a new " 0 km" car in Poland.But i have got just visa and passport.I have 1 year flat contract and i have a meldunek. Is it enough for register this car in Poland for just use this car in Poland ? What am i suppose to do for registration of this car ? am ı suppose to go foreign office or something else ? Please help me about this situation ! thank you so much!
10 Nov 2011 /  #2
I'd love to answer that question (as I have done precisely that myself) but unfortunately I will have to wait for clearance from a moderator before I do answer it (these are strange times at PF).
OP Motha  1 | 2  
10 Nov 2011 /  #3
i really need to learn how to do it by myself ? or anyone can help me for this in Poland ?
11 Nov 2011 /  #4
If you live in PL, hopefully you know someone you've befriended who speaks Polish. Get him/her to a Urząd Dzielnicowy (if it's a big town) and show them a buy/sell contract and fill out some forms.
OP Motha  1 | 2  
11 Nov 2011 /  #5
I'm living in POLAND / WARSAW.But i'm not a citizen of Poland or EU.I'm from Turkey.I only need to show them my buy/sell contract and fill out some forms ? Is ıt enough for make the car registration ? After i show the buy/sell contract and fill out some forms can i use the car in safe ?

please someone help me about this situation :(
Richfilth  6 | 415  
14 Nov 2011 /  #6
Motha, if you have a meldunek, the umowa, some ID (even just a passport) and the registration document of the car, then you need to go to the Urzad on pl. Starynkiewicza (corner with Jerozolimski). Ground floor, room 10 or 11 I think. In there, they will check your documents and either register it, or tell you what you need.

They won't speak English, so take a Polish-speaking friend if you have one. They may ask you to pay something, which can be done by walking up the road to Millenium Tower where there is a bank, a cash machine and a post office. I expect you will have to pay for the plates, the window sticker, the dowod and the karta pojazdu.

If you only have a temporary meldunek, they will ask you to come back every year to re-register the car, which just means showing the dowod for the car, and your new meldunek, so that they can update their systems.
wozzy  8 | 206  
17 Nov 2011 /  #7
Is it enough for register this car in Poland

NO... I had just bought a house in Poland that took almost 18 months, even though both parents are Polish.
So I bought a car with Polish registration from a Polish man in England and drove the thing back to Poland thinking I would save myself the problem when I'm there................. Not quite so.

First came the Insurance, I could insure my home no problem, but the car can't do it without a Nip ( Poland's equivalence to a British national insurance number).

Then spent a day paying the taxes and a visit to a agent who specialises in registration paid the fees and everything was to be OK......No

No Nip no registration.............And I should not have bought a car with Polish reg in England... its illegal...and the car was confiscated.
The car then was bought back from the authorities by my cousin and he insured and registered it, the whole process took months due to my return to England for a while.

Poland is full of red tape, especially when it comes to non nationals.
Things might change next year 2012 apparently there is a lobby to simplify things to fall in line with the rest of europe.

If I were you I'd get a friend to register the car and insure it with you as a part owner.

The thought has occurred, If you had a new European I.D. card would the have to be accepted ???.

Food for thought................. :0)

Archives - 2010-2019 / Law / Registration procedure of a new vehicle in Poland - I have 1 year flat contract and meldunek, is it enough?Archived