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Property rights in Poland after divorce

rwallace  1 | -  
30 Jul 2019 /  #1
I am married to a Polish man and we have a child together, he has three older children from a previous marrage, The mother is not in the picture in any way. We have just had our third year Anniversary, but I've been living here for the last 9 years.

The first two years were great, but slowly over time he has got more and more abusive (not physically, more like lots of shouting, gaslighting, etc...). I just received a long term visa (5 years) and I think I am eligible for a permanent residency visa. But I have no money, I've lost all connections (in terms of family) in my home country. He tells me that I have no rights to anything if we get divorced. He tells me that according to Polish law that since he owned the property before we got married, that I have no rights to the house we maintained during the last 8 years (He paid the mortage and I and utilities, I paid everything else), and while I would never think about just taking our child, he said that it would be very difficult for me to take our child back to my home country because he is a Polish Citizen now and I do not have a passport for our child from my home country. I don't know what to do.
terri  1 | 1661  
30 Jul 2019 /  #2
First thing is to gather as much evidence as you can. Get all your paperwork which shows what bills you paid. Get a good solicitor/lawyer to advise you. Do that now. Do not wait till your wonderful husband hits you or maims you or kills you before you do anything.
pawian  224 | 27191  
31 Jul 2019 /  #3
You have no financial rights but you can still dwell there after the divorce.

He paid the mortgage and I and utilities, I paid everything else

This one is a bit equivocal, who paid what exactly?
Mac Sam  - | 4  
13 Aug 2019 /  #4
Generally your husband have right to the property title after divorce. But particulary there are some ways to settle the expenses after the divorce, it depends of your situation. There are 2 different proceedures in polish family law which should be made when you want to divorce. First is the divorce by itself and the second is the division of assets.

You can make an passport without the husband permission for a child but you need to take action in court for it.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Law / Property rights in Poland after divorceArchived