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Can I get a PESEL and register foreign birth certificate in Poland without citizenship?

1 May 2017 /  #1
I've posted so much within the past month but I started looking at getting a Polish passport, so I'm full of questions. You guys have been so helpful! Anyway, I do have a Polish passport that was valid between 14/05/2001 and 14/04/2011. Someone on here mentioned it can count as a 'recently expired passport' and I had this confirmed by the consulate today. So after reading tons and tons of info on how to confirm my Polish citizenship, turns out I may not actually need to.

The only problem is that I do not have a PESEL! Am I able too obtain that without a citizenship confirmation certificate? For this I would need to register my foreign birth certificate in Poland, can I do that as a 'foreigner' or will I need to obtain the citizenship confirmation?
Paladine  3 | 29  
1 May 2017 /  #2
You get a PESEL once you apply for temporary or permanent residency - so no you don't need to be a citizen to get a PESEL. I am on 5 year temporary residency and was issued a PESEL when I obtained that.
MarkC  6 | 20  
10 May 2017 /  #3
You are entitled to register your foreign birth certificate through right of blood, assuming of course that is how you previously obtained your Polish passport. I know this as I did this for my son who was born in the UK (his mother is Polish).

I must say, I am curious how you have a Polish passport but no PESEL, birth certificate or birth certificate. I thought this was provided at the same time if done via consulate. In fact, I didn't realise you could have a Polish passport without confirmation of citizenship. But I'm not that up to date on such procedures, so there you go.
OP Ewa23  
11 May 2017 /  #4
Hello @MarkC
My mum obtained the passport for me in 2001, before all the tough laws came into place. She said she was so proud of herself that she made it through the years without having to register my brothers and I for a PESEL (we have lived in Poland for some time as children). She was raised in the post war era and is very anti government, hence the pride. Unfortunately not having a PESEL will now cost me, as I will have to go through the long process of confirming my citizenship. I went to get an apostille for my documents today and it's like $80 per document, and this is only the start.
15 Jan 2018 /  #5

How long will it take to register my foreign birth at the Poland's Consulate

I have a confirmation of Polish citizenship letter and now need to register my foreign birth certificate at the embassy (to get a Polish one). After I submit the documents, how long will it take to get the certificate? I assume that I cannot file my application for a passport or PESEL until they approve the registration of the certificate, correct?

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