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PESEL or NIP in Poland for an American married to Polish citizen

grspring  11 | 55  
17 Jun 2016 /  #1
I am an American and have a residence card based on my marriage to Polish citizen. I am also retired and my Social Security payments are deposited into our Polish bank account and Polish taxes are withheld. The bank has asked me for a PESEL number saying that I would need it to pay taxes.

I went to the PESEL Number issuing office and was given an application to take to a different office to get a NIP number.

So far I've been told, I automatically get a PESEL number because I registered my permanent address, I need a PESEL number, I don't need a PESEL number, I can't get a PESEL number and now I need a NIP number.

There does not seem to be a definitive source of information. Can anyone help.

dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
17 Jun 2016 /  #2
Greg , get in touch with the guy below, he is american and moved to Poland some 7 years ago, he has been through the mill and knows his stuff when it comes to moving from USA to Poland

OP grspring  11 | 55  
17 Jun 2016 /  #3
Thanks, have sent off a note.
GraziaUSA  2 | 7  
19 Sep 2016 /  #4
Merged: Are Pesel numbers Issued to Poland's Visa Holders?

I am trying to get my husband, a US citizen, a pesel number so that he can get an EU health card - and - it's 'ring a round the rosey" bureacratic game-playing time. We are living in Poland (since Sept 2015). I am a Polish citizen. Hubby has just reapplied for his temporary visa for another year long stay here in Poland. We are both retired. Our pension is deposited into a Polish bank account out of which are taken: Polish taxes and payment for the NFZ which is the Polish national healthcare. We have tried a few different ways to get a Pesel number so that he can file a tax return next year and have some healthcare coverage when we travel in the EU. Is there some secret protocol or some new rule for getting a Pesel number? They will not accept an application outright; it does not come automatically on the back of his visa card and ..... they will not tell me why. All I know is .... from what I've been told by a very reluctant young lady at the Urząd, who actually seemed scared to talk about it ..... is that there is a new protocol and we need to look it up online and we need to meet the standards for pesel number. That is what we were told on Friday. Online, I've found the new electronic platform (E-puap) - great for me but hubby does not qualify to sign up for it without a pesel number and yet it was hinted that it is a step in the process. And everything else online is outdated information i.e, automatically issued a pesel number with the visa card or submit an application if you pay taxes in Poland - brick wall. Any help offered would be greatly appreciated. A secret handshake? The password?? ?
19 Sep 2016 /  #5
From March 2015, PESEL is issued to permanent residents only. He should apply for NIP, which replaces PESEL for temporary visa holders. With NIP, he will be able to file the tax return. Speaking from personal experience.
OP grspring  11 | 55  
21 Sep 2016 /  #6
Does an NIP number qualify a person for healthcare benefits if taxes and NFZ deduction payments are taken monthly from their foreign retirement funds, deposited into a Polish bank.
GraziaUSA  2 | 7  
21 Sep 2016 /  #7
Thank you for your answer, Vlad. We will work on the NIP.
OP grspring  11 | 55  
21 Sep 2016 /  #8
Does an NIP number qualify a person for healthcare benefits if taxes and NFZ deduction payments are taken monthly from their foreign retirement funds, deposited into a Polish bank?
WhirlwindTobias  - | 88  
14 Feb 2017 /  #9
I have NFZ, ZUS, NIP, and AZ.

I had an accident recently - dislocated shoulder - the Hospital did Xrays, the reduction and put my shoulder in a cast no problems. They only required my passport and EHIC.

However when going back for a follow-up, the Orthopedic doctor said he cannot see me without a registration. Next availability was Czerwiec, so we went for treatment elsewhere.

This new place took off the cast, gave me a sling with NFZ discount and gave me an appointment for Kontrol two weeks later. We just went there yesterday, and they stated they cannot do Xrays because I don't have a PESEL. How can I proceed? I want to continue using this place as it doesn't keep registration beyond that day and therefore there's no queue. I'm consulting other sites and acquaintances too.
cms  9 | 1253  
14 Feb 2017 /  #10
You could try making your PESEL up - first 6 digits are your birthday and then just add some random ones. That worked for me a few years back while I was waiting for my real one to arrive. I don't think the government's computers are often connected to other departments though some data sharing is happening in tax etc.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
14 Feb 2017 /  #11
because I don't have a PESEL

Are you sure? When I got my permanent residence card they told me I needed to get a PESEL but when I went to the relevant urząd (where I had done zameldowanie) and they had already given me one a couple years previously.

Also check your residence card (if they still do those) it might be there. Mine's on the bottom of the front.
WhirlwindTobias  - | 88  
15 Feb 2017 /  #12

They stopped giving PESELs with AZ from May 1st 2016 due to legislative changes. My Karta Pobytu is lacking any numbers with my DOB.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
15 Feb 2017 /  #13
They stopped giving PESELs with AZ from May 1st 2016 due to legislative changes.

Weird. It sounds like another legislative triumph of PiS, depriving healthcare from those paying into the system (but who can't vote).

I remember getting NFZ care before I had the PESEL, they thought it was weird I didn't have one but they liked me and so they did whatever they needed to.

It occurs to me that I do know someone who might know how to proceed, I'll try to see what they say and let you know tomorrow.
Arabian master  
15 Feb 2017 /  #14
My permit to settle issued in 2010 also has pearl number in the front bottom
WhirlwindTobias  - | 88  
15 Feb 2017 /  #15

Oh, I've had healthcare benefits. I even had a 90% discount on my sling after their office did a background check, from the same place too. Which makes it more peculiar.

Someone who I discussed this with thinks that the doctor & nurse stating they need a PESEL aren't informed about the fact that a NIP counts as a PESEL for foriegners post May '16. Too many legislation changes to keep up, apparently.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Feb 2017 /  #16
We just went there yesterday, and they stated they cannot do Xrays because I don't have a PESEL.

You don't need the PESEL. The system uses national ID numbers as a replacement, and all insured people are accessible at the touch of a button to them. Ask them to search for you by name, or if not, by national ID number (that ZUS has on file).

It's a common problem as they're simply used to searching by PESEL, but since they 'turned off' the PESEL for foreigners, all government systems (with the exception of one very important one...) use the national ID number instead.

The problem is that like in most countries, medical receptionists are usually power tripping mrons who aren't willing to do a second of work to establish whether or not you have insurance. If you cannot be found on the system, then you should ask your employer for the ZUS RUMA document, which will prove your insurance status.
WhirlwindTobias  - | 88  
17 Feb 2017 /  #17
you should ask your employer for the ZUS RUMA document, which will prove your insurance status.

This is exactly what the patient advisor line told my girlfriend when she called them yesterday. Thanks Delphi, you're always a goldmine.
Maciek Stopa  1 | 2  
14 Mar 2017 /  #18
If you know someone who needs to apply for a NIP, please tell them to check out this article: just ask poland/ nip-for-foreigners . I explained how to apply for a NIP step-by-step, including some basic translations of the NIP-7 form.
perkujki  4 | 26  
7 Jan 2018 /  #19
I have been approved for my Karta as a spouse of a Polish citizen. The Urząd Woj. office said I must get e PEZEL. Assuming they are not up to date, I should get a NIP number for payroll and tax purposes. Now, I have read that 3 years down the road when I get my permanent Karta it will automatically include a PEZEL. If that is true, how do I connect 3 years of NIP payments to my PEZEL to qualify for retirement etc, in the future.
mafketis  38 | 10911  
7 Jan 2018 /  #20

PESEL, you might already have one, go to the urząd wojewódzki where you did zameldowanie and ask.

I should get a NIP

no longer needed
perkujki  4 | 26  
7 Jan 2018 /  #21
Thanks, That's the catch 22 though. We live rather far out in the country. Urząd wojewódski handling the karta said I need one. I asked urząd miasto for a number when we were in the office a month ago and they said no. I also tried registering residency then and they said no, after karta. We're going back tomorrow and try and brow beat them telling them wojewódski demands a number. We are rather far out in the sticks!
perkujki  4 | 26  
9 Jan 2018 /  #22
Follow up, so we told urząd miasto that urząd woj requires a pesel for my karta and that the WORD office requires one for PKK and driver's license. So, they rolled their eyes and reluctantly registered my residence and gave me a pezel number.

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