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Opening English and Business College in Poland

dublinmedia7  1 | 5  
5 Jul 2015 /  #1
Hi, we are from Ireland and thinking of Opening Business and English College in Poland, can some one guide us? we are interested to invest soon with UK and Irish Accreditations..
DominicB  - | 2706  
5 Jul 2015 /  #2
What kind of guidance do you expect from a bunch of random anonymous clowns on some obscure internet forum? If you want quality advice, shell out the cash for a qualified and experienced consultant, and build up your network in all three countries. Remember: free advice is worth every penny you pay for it.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Jul 2015 /  #3
Hi, we are from Ireland and thinking of Opening Business and English College in Poland, can some one guide us? we are interested to invest soon with UK and Irish Accreditations..

Certainly, I could guide you. In a nutshell, the market is very fertile - leave me your e-mail address and I'll be in touch.
OP dublinmedia7  1 | 5  
5 Jul 2015 /  #4
Thanks delphiandomine , we are very much excited to seek opportunity of business in Poland, i will drop email later today.
Atch  22 | 4299  
5 Jul 2015 /  #5
You don't sound Irish. Based in Ireland I think, but what nationality are you? Do you have Irish citizenship? If you're not EU nationals the regulations may be a bit different for you depending on what kind of company you want to establish.
OP dublinmedia7  1 | 5  
5 Jul 2015 /  #6
Dear, We are Irish based firm, with 15 years of experience in delivery of Education, indeed all team members are Irish national, much appreciated if you could contribute to thread.
jon357  72 | 23559  
5 Jul 2015 /  #7
Are the owners and backers from Ireland or elsewhere?

This does make a difference.

Also what does the 15 years experience in education delivery involve? And is it in Ireland or elsewhere - that's significant.
Atch  22 | 4299  
5 Jul 2015 /  #8
Dear, We are Irish based firm, with 15 years of experience in delivery of Education, indeed all team members are Irish national, much appreciated if you could contribute to thread.

Sorry if I offended you. There was no insult intended. It's just that you're clearly not a native English speaker and your nationality as Jon357 and I are pointing out makes some difference. By all team members I assume you're saying that all your teaching staff are Irish. Here's a link you might find helpful:

OP dublinmedia7  1 | 5  
6 Jul 2015 /  #9
@Atch you did not offend any one. 15 years of experience is only in Ireland, I was expecting some native Polish to guide me. Thanks all for your guidance.
6 Jul 2015 /  #10
Do not forget to consider overheads from day 1, most importantly national insurance which will probably be approx 220 euro per month. Market saturated with language schools in most places I can think of, but of course you might have some unique angle someone else isnt offering. Language school on every street in my city and quite a few of them by native speakers allegedly !
OP dublinmedia7  1 | 5  
6 Jul 2015 /  #11
Well we would be introducing FE (Further Education) courses in Field of, Business, HR, travel and Tourism, and Photography along with English Language. Is any insurance company offering Student Protection Policy? in Poland?
Wulkan  - | 3136  
6 Jul 2015 /  #12
i was expecting some native Polish to guide me, but like some one suggested there is a lot of , by non-Native. Good to see.

Yep, a lot of non-Native I know it all wannabes here and be careful with the guy who ask you leave an e-mail, he has very notorious history here. Seeking a professional consultant would be the best option for you, anything else is just a time wasting.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
6 Jul 2015 /  #13
@Wulkan: 100% agreed. If the guy was serious, he would seek Professional advice and he could start for instance with comercial attaché from Irish embassy in Warsaw, with a foreign (since no Irish) chamber of commerce in Warsaw rather than from "random clown from a random portal" like Dominic would say ...
6 Jul 2015 /  #14
I've no clue what a Student Protection Policy could be, what i was talking about was company overheads. If you start small as a one man op, you must pay obligatory contributions to the state from day 1 and its going to be something like 200 to 300 euro each month. Budget must take that in to consideration even if you find cheap premises to rent in a small town. It adds up to a dent in profits pretty fast. You should take a trip and research and get guidance from professionals like the Chamber as next step and do all the sums a few times :-)
Atch  22 | 4299  
6 Jul 2015 /  #15
(since no Irish) chamber of commerce in Warsaw

But there is an Irish/Polish chamber of commerce in Ireland where the OP is based. Here's the link:


Enterprise Ireland also would assist you in getting information/contacts in Poland. For example do you want to keep your business in Ireland and open a branch in Poland? They can help with that.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2015 /  #16
and its going to be something like 200 to 300 euro each month.

Not so high. Rather 100 Euro in the beginning, the so-called "reduced rate".

Anyway, I'm speaking to the guy via e-mail and it's all legitimate.
6 Jul 2015 /  #17
Pretty unlikely to break in to a market that is already mature but perhaps..
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
6 Jul 2015 /  #18
Actually, the market isn't particularly mature. I don't want to say more, but recent law changes have been very favourable.
OP dublinmedia7  1 | 5  
6 Jul 2015 /  #19
Markets will always be saturated. In case of Poland our research shows still there is potential in Education Sector.

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