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Non payment of child maintenance & court in Poland

Tilly106  3 | 8  
12 Sep 2018 /  #1
Hi all. I desperately need advice. My partner is polish and in poland. I am english and live in the UK. We had planned on being together but a court date for monies owed, by him, for maintenance is stopping us. The court is in poland. I have been told he may face jail. Is this right? Are there any circumstances where he wont be sent to jail?
Atch  22 | 4299  
12 Sep 2018 /  #2
If you mean that he hasn't been paying his maintenance and is being pursued for it, then he needs to go to court on the date of the case and agree to start paying off in instalments on the amount he owes. In addition to that if he is still liable for ongoing maintenance he will also need to pay that each month as well. Yes, in theory they can send you to jail for non-payment. They can also send the Bailiff to seize assets of any value to help pay off the amount. However they would probably prefer him to just start paying so I suggest that's what he does ASAP.
Ironside  51 | 13114  
12 Sep 2018 /  #3
I think, that if a couple wasn't married the dude shouldn't be paying anything for a child. For certain taxpayers shouldn't be paying for an upkeep of that child. That honor should belong firmly to the mother and her parents. That should sort out few things.

I have been told he may face jail. Is this right?

Yes, he may. Are you really sure you're into him. By what we know about he is a real treasure (not).
12 Sep 2018 /  #4
That honor should belong firmly to the mother and her parents. That should sort out few things.

May I ask for the logic of that?
OP Tilly106  3 | 8  
12 Sep 2018 /  #5
Why would i not be into him? His past is his past. He has been paying but couldnt afford it all
Ironside  51 | 13114  
12 Sep 2018 /  #6
May I ask for the logic of that?

Well, yes, she for being stupid/immoral (depends what your philosophy is) and her parent for rising such a precious girl.
,people would get married and therefore wouldn't be so many kids out of wedlock, that need to be supported by taxpayers that have nothing to do with the child or its mother. More personal responsibility and women will get their S together too.

Why would i not be into him? His past is his past.

Forgive me for butting in. You know him. I don't. Sometimes love is like a pair of pink tinted glasses we put on willingly.

He has been paying but couldnt afford it all

hmm... You see, you and I have no way of knowing it for sure. It could be the God's honest truth. Although it sounds like a common excuse. It could be just that - an excuse. As I said, just my two cents ...don't mind me.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
12 Sep 2018 /  #7
More personal responsibility and women will get their S together too.

ah Iron you are so funny. Maybe more personal responsibility and deadbeat dads with get their S together , too, eh?

Honestly OP don't bother with a man who needs a court order to make him support his child. he is a waste of space.
Ironside  51 | 13114  
12 Sep 2018 /  #8
Maybe more personal responsibility and deadbeat dads with get their S together , too, eh?

Sure, if they married mother or their children by all means. If they didn't, well that is an entirely different story.
Alexbrz  3 | 78  
13 Sep 2018 /  #9
I really wonder where you got the idea that a child is the mothers responsibility only. Just because the dude didnt marry her, he doesnt have to pay for sticking his dick in without protection?

Lets hope for the poor girls-out-there sake you are either married (sorry for your wife) or forever alone (not sorry for anyone)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
13 Sep 2018 /  #10
If they didn't, well that is an entirely different story.

strange logic. so if a man doesn't marry the mother of his child, that is her fault , and she should solely be financially responsible for it?

Nice get out clause for you men.

'the silly cow didn't make me marry her, so I am not paying for my children...' ok...
Ironside  51 | 13114  
13 Sep 2018 /  #11
Just because the dude didnt marry her, he doesnt have to pay for sticking his dick in without protection?

Why should he pay? I mean we are not talking here about retards do we? Women know very well they can get pregnant - right? So they should be smart about it. If they let a dude to impregnate them without protective agreement (marriage) - they have themselves to blame if he bales on them.

After all a dude is not asked if a woman want to have a child, want to have an abortion or whatnot. She can make decision on her own without his consent. So if she want a child she should pay for it. Are we for equality or not. Why men should be discriminated against?

sorry for your wife)

What? Do you know anything about women? Seems to me like you have no clue.

Nice get out clause for you men.

No, an abortion is. That would have a sobering effect on women. Right now they are delusional. Logic is fine, a marriage is not about not happy ever or a luve but about children, both partners agree to start a family, I see it as a contract.

The mare fact that a man sired a child shouldn't be a cause for discriminate against him. What right he has over that child - none or very little, but he has a duty to pay. That is clearly unfair considering that is a woman's decision to have this child in the first place.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
13 Sep 2018 /  #12
What right he has over that child - none or very little, but he has a duty to pay.

I know what you are saying Iron. But I must tell you that none of us, mothers or fathers, have 'rights' over our children. the children have rights, the adults have responsibilities...:)

Anyway the amount of men who lie 'she wont let me see my child' is astounding. They use it as a get out clause.

...and it is not up to the mother of the child to give/withdraw fathers' 'rights'.

It is entirely up to him and his actions.
OP Tilly106  3 | 8  
13 Sep 2018 /  #13
Guys, come on.. i wanted sound advice I didn't want a debateabput parenthood. Now the guy in question was married to her, built a house, looked after her well and she cheated which ended thier marriage.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
13 Sep 2018 /  #14
he would say that Tilly.

Perhaps you need a chat about parenthood, because if you are not careful you will be the next one to be raising a child alone.
cms neuf  2 | 1962  
13 Sep 2018 /  #15
So you have your advice already - jail is rare but he needs to start paying and the problem wont go away unless he addresses it.
OP Tilly106  3 | 8  
14 Sep 2018 /  #16
Thank you. Appreciated 🙂
Atch  22 | 4299  
14 Sep 2018 /  #17
i wanted sound advice

And I supplied it, did you not notice? I was the first person to answer you. A 'thank you' to poor little me would have been nice!

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