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Marriage Interview at Foreign Office in Poland - possible questions and chances for a negative response

williamJ  1 | 1  
7 Aug 2015 /  #1
Hello everyone.

I am getting married with my fiancee here in Poland and we have an interview next week with the lady that is handling my case.

I'm a young (21) white male from the US and I've recently bought a flat. We live together and we are quite happy.

Now, I'm quite nervous about the interview because I don't know what I would do without her, since we started this new life together (I was previously studying at a Polish language school here).

Anyway, my questions are: What type of questions will she ask? What are the chances of a negative response from her?

Cheers and thanks,
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Aug 2015 /  #2
Expect in-depth questioning. You can expect to be asked about your sex life, her preferences, her dislikes, everything. They can and will interrogate you thoroughly about your relationship to make sure that it's genuine.

The fact that you've got married at 21 will set off alarm bells.
OP williamJ  1 | 1  
7 Aug 2015 /  #3
I'm just worried that they would only say no because of the fact that we're young.

It is most certainly a genuine relationship, so I'm not worried about personal questions.

Anyway, I suppose it is indeed something to stress about. These upcoming months won't be easy :(
Hitslife  - | 7  
8 Aug 2015 /  #4

contact me on hitslife@yahoo.co.in
Sparks11  - | 333  
8 Aug 2015 /  #5
They don't ask about your sex life, that's ridiculous. If anyone did I'd tell them to go f*** themselves. Just stuff like, did you go on vacation, where, what did you do? What's the last movie you watched together? You can say that you don't remember or don't watch t.v. or whatever and they just ask a different question. As long as your answers basically add up. Don't worry about it.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
9 Aug 2015 /  #6
They never ask about sex ;). When they suspect scam marriages, they do ask questions in order to check whether they live together and they know each other well. In the case above, a good kid from America and a nice Polish girl don't seem like a scam ;). They are very young but they are in love and a couple. Americans are not desperate to live in Poland so they don't need to even think of scam marriages.

Administration does check in case of guys from 3rd world countries marrying Western (including Polish) girls. When different religions, when huge cultural differences, when the guy's original culture does not respect women, YES, authorities do check as they are entitled to think about scam marriages but not in the case of let's say an American boy ;).

Keep cool, William and all the best to you and to your soon-to-be wife!
Roger5  1 | 1432  
9 Aug 2015 /  #7
We live together and we are quite happy.

If you are genuine, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. If they ask her shoe size, they won't reject you because you don't know it (how many guys do?), but they might ask whether she takes sugar in her coffee, or what side of the bed you take. Just tell the truth and don't worry.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
9 Aug 2015 /  #8
@Roger: Cool! In a case of an American, they won't ask him anything. It'll be a pure formality, as they HAVE to meet foreign spouses, they'll will meet with him and they'll just ask "where and how did you meet?", out of curiosity and no big deal. I got married in Poland and had no meeting, and wasn't asked any question by anyone.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
9 Aug 2015 /  #9
I got married in Poland and had no meeting, and wasn't asked any question by anyone.

Same here.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
9 Aug 2015 /  #10
@Roger: the guy is American so not suspected of a scam marriage ;). As an American, he also has a culture and a life style completely compatible with the girl's.

In Poland, like anywhere else, they are harsh when the guy comes from a 3rd world country and means to escape from poverty, war... Americans are not concerned ;).

Officially they have to meet OP, they'll spend 2 minutes with him and congratulate him.

No need to make the boy worry over nothing! ;)

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