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Marriage celebrant question - considering trying to get married in Poland using a paid celebrant if possible

Jaimeg  2 | 6  
22 May 2018 /  #1
Hi I am getting married in Warsaw. Have provided all documents to the USC Civil office, however now that the sun is out there are no nearby dates to get married in an office in Warsaw. That combined with travel out of the country in a few months means I am considering trying to get married using a paid celebrant if possible. A google search is not helping.... does anybody know if this service exists in Warsaw?

I have looked at some churches sites but you have to be a member of their congregation and also want to see baptism certificates
Tlum  12 | 309  
22 May 2018 /  #2
The best bet would be Las Vegas ;) But Poland is (rightfully) conservative and it's not easy, if possible, to find a 'marriage celebrant.' Actually, USC Civil office person is such a celebrant. In the US it's possible for any married man to work as such. I doubt you'd find a legitimate priest to do the job, unless you pay enough money - then it may be possible.

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