Atch 22 | 4299 21 Nov 2018 / #62That's an original way of describing it - very good!Btw I don't know if you've seen this but it might be useful to has a section about discrimination, but nothing about harrassment which appears to be what you feel you suffered. It also discusses how you can bring a case and says that it can take between 6 months and 2 years to get a decision.
Lyzko 44 | 9745 21 Nov 2018 / #63O P EU_citizen is clearly a troll. Who else would guardedly refuse to reveal their nationality after asking for legal advice?
Lyzko 44 | 9745 21 Nov 2018 / #65I'm guessing you're from Germany, but am probably mistaken. It's only that you tend to answer so directly, no warming up in the bullpen or anything.It's the absence of small talk which gives you away:-)