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ari_sauces  1 | 6  
27 Oct 2008 /  #1
hello, i want to take my sacuces to poland they teasted really good because its a traditional Mexican sauce....and i'm really interested in know how i can do business with it.. in first i would like to know if people there like the sauces in their daily food. And which are the stores that frecuently the most for buying this kind of product, thanks a lot for your answers.. =)
sledz  23 | 2247  
27 Oct 2008 /  #2
you want to market some kind of hot sauce in Poland,
Is it real spicy? Thats the good stuff when your eyes start watering:)
27 Oct 2008 /  #3
why do you want to import? just go to Poland, plant some tomatoes, squize to a bowl, add spices, make salsa and sell.... as simple as that...

McCoy  27 | 1268  
27 Oct 2008 /  #4
you can't sell the mexican sauces in Poland. they contain substances banned in Poland.
27 Oct 2008 /  #5
the sauces are too hot to handle by Poles?

OP ari_sauces  1 | 6  
27 Oct 2008 /  #6
they're not so spicy, they are from a rececipe of generations México, and my really point of taking my sauces there is that the people knows another kind of sauces and unique taste, also I assure you that the food you eat with my sauces in it will be excellent...and you will want more of the sauces...=)
sledz  23 | 2247  
27 Oct 2008 /  #7
If they put ketchup and corn on pizza why not a little hot sauce:)
OP ari_sauces  1 | 6  
27 Oct 2008 /  #8
what substances you think a sauce from México have that are banned in Poland????
sledz  23 | 2247  
27 Oct 2008 /  #9
they are from a rececipe of generations México

why Poland?
the USA is right next door with potential sales
27 Oct 2008 /  #10

what sauaces are you talking about? mole, salsa?.....?
OP ari_sauces  1 | 6  
27 Oct 2008 /  #11
what substances you think a sauce from México have that are banned in Poland????
McCoy  27 | 1268  
27 Oct 2008 /  #12
I know about one american guy who moved to poland and wanted to import the original hot sauces from mexico to poland but he was told by the chief sanitary inspector that some of the food preservatives are banned in PL (EU?)
OP ari_sauces  1 | 6  
27 Oct 2008 /  #13
i already search for the gastronomy in Poland and i'm sure the polish people people can handle it and also like it.. =)
thanks for telling me about the ingredients.. but it is different the hot sauces from a traditional sauce because this is made by natural raw material.

Guys where do you buy your meal commonly???and another question is there some kind of sauces or spicy products for your meal???

Yeap i know US is next door, but I want my sauces being known from other cultures and make business with pretty people and I think polish people is =)
vlaspol  - | 2  
28 Oct 2008 /  #14
Polish people become more and more open to the outer world. many of them went abroad for work and came back to Poland or shall do so in the near future. all of them bring new openminded ideas back to their country. i'm pretty sure that Mexican sauces are accepted as well.

what ever that you sell (gastronomic that is), it is always worth mentioning that it is based on old recepies, made as at home, made as on the country side. those things always sell in Poland, even Mc Donalds knows this. check out the Mc Donald in different countries what type of hamburgers they sell. you'll find out a lot if you go deeper into it.
OP ari_sauces  1 | 6  
28 Oct 2008 /  #15
thank you so much for your help and your advices, it really help me to go on with my importing sauces, if anybody wants to tell me something that could help me for this importing its quite welcome.. =)

thanks again for the help. have a nice day =)
loco polaco  3 | 352  
28 Oct 2008 /  #16
poles don't care to dress up their food with sauses man but i sure bid you good luck.
28 Oct 2008 /  #17
This is a pretty good business idea. Don't do it through the US, go through the Mexicans because it will be a lot cheaper. You might have the occasional banditos hijack a truck or something but all in all you should make a good margin.
OP ari_sauces  1 | 6  
28 Oct 2008 /  #18
actually we have scale economy and i think the most expensive in the made of the product is the distribution, would you please tell me the names of the common stores that you visit for buying your daily food.. thanks so much =)
29 Oct 2008 /  #19
There are the big supermarkets (such as Carrefour, Tesco, Real, etc) but I wouldn't bother with them: you're too small for them. The best people to get your product onto the Polish market (in an admittedly limited way) will be Kuchnia Swiat (the name translates as "Foods of the world"). They are run by a company called SaneChem and their website is here and it's in English too!


Another company worth trying is the only website in Poland dedicated to hot sauces ostrakuchnia.pl but Polish language only.

If you want to post me a couple of bottles of your sauces for my personal research purposes, send me a message and I'll send you my postal address.
30 Jan 2009 /  #20
i want to import delicious indian spices to all our world...can u help me ...call me at 00919941919376 r do mail ........architectvijay@yahoo
2 Feb 2009 /  #21
Hola yo soy de Mexico y vivo en Polonia escribeme para ver que hacemos con la salsa
ongos2000  3 | 20  
25 Feb 2009 /  #22
I've been thinking about creating a taqueria type restaurant now that I live here in Poland. I'm from deep South Texas (Rio Grande Valley) and have been wanting to bring some of home back here. So far, the tacos that I've made have had rave reviews from the locals, but I had to bring some corn tortillas and salsita from home.

I'm having a hard time finding Maseca here. The corn flour here in Poland doesn't make for good corn tortillas, unless I'm looking in the wrong places (The gorditas I made from it came out great though).

Ari, let me know how things have been going with importing the salsa. Does it pica a lot like the taquerias from Monterrey N.L. or is it mostly pico de gallo in a blender like many restaurants make? Nonetheless, I'm pretty sure it's delicious and I'd kill for some right now. If, and when, I get that taqueria up and running, maybe it'd be an idea to use your salsa exlusively. Talk to me.

Oh, if someone can point me in the right direction for large amounts of cilantro (coriander?) too, that'd be fantastic. I found a little in Makro, but I need lots more. I would love it more if someone can find me some Maseca though (corn flour for tortillas).
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Feb 2009 /  #23
I'm having a hard time finding Maseca here.

It might be worth investigating Berlin for this kind of thing - it's only a 3 hour drive (even less if you don't have problems with traffic between the end of the A2 and the border) from Poznan and I suspect that you'd have far more luck there than in Poland.
olito  6 | 53  
26 Feb 2009 /  #24
I am mexican and have been many times to Poland, (I also lived there for a few months). I will try to give you some advice on the mexican restaurants that I have been to in Poland:

- Tequila (Wroclaw Old Town): great decoration, menu options are good but taste is far away from real mexican or tex-mex food. Sometimes the decoration is more important because the locals have no idea how tastes real mexican dishes.

- Mexico Bar (Wroclaw Old Town): decoration is little bit cheap, including some masks that have nothing to do with Mexico. However, the corona candelabra they have is great. Food is great, especially the "pollo en mole", its not very expensive and is the closest to mexican food that I personally experience in Poland.

- Taco Mexicano (Krakow Old Town): location is good, place is big and they have good original beans, peanuts and nachos. The food is above average and have nice waitresses (this could be a plus also!).

- Pueblo (Lublin Old Town): cozy atmosphere, good location, they have tables in the cobbled streets of the old town, just like typical cafes from Paris. Food is still far from being really mexican, especially the enchiladas. Good prices, but service is not the best.

- Taco Factory (Warsaw Zloty Tarasy/ Krakow Galeria Krakowska): this is a fast food business, mainly serving tacos and burritos. Salsas are good here, real spicy and tasty like the ones in Mexico. Can't compare with a restaurant, but food is OK for the price you pay, however lacks of many typical dishes.

* Suggestions:

I believe that if you offer real mexican tasty dishes (i.e. you could offer filled chiles "chiles rellenos" or carne asada, which I have never seen in Poland), good salsa, nice waitresses, and real mexican decoration with shiny colorful mosaics, real cactuses, talaverna dishes, etc. you could have more than average success. All of them lack of a good selection of Tequilas!! Usually they only have Cuervo, Sauza and the horrible Sierra! You could offer some nice Tradicional, Cazadores, Herradura, or Don Julio and 1800 for the high-roller customers.

You can buy Maseca in Germany, Spain and France. Some international supermarkets in Germany offer some corn flour from Venezuela for making "arepas", you could use it for corn tortillas as well (arepas are the venezuelan equivalent to mexican gorditas). The only "mexican food dealer" that I know is a company called SURIMEX and they are located in Hamburg. So far I know they import all kinds of products from La Costena, Dona Maria, Maseca, and so on. But the prices I guess are going to be expensive if you mind to make your business in Poland.

In Poland there are a couple of stores called Kuchnia Swiat (have only seen them in Galeria Krakowska and Zlotye Tarasy in Warsaw) where you can find mexican ingredients to sky-rocketed prices (i.e. a small can of chiles jalapenos La Costena for 4zl (16 pesos), same can costs you 6 pesos in a mexican supermarket).

Buena suerte!
ongos2000  3 | 20  
5 Mar 2009 /  #25
Gracias Olito.
I'll have to start with Mexico Bar in Wroclaw since they have mole. I miss those enchiladas en mole from home. I just ate a ton of food but after thinking about mole, I'm hungry again, no joke. I'll have to make a trip to Berlin to find some to bring back and give it a try I guess. Thanks for your input and restaurant reviews! Very helpful! Let me know if you're ever in Poznan and we'll find a Dos Equis somewhere.
15 Jun 2009 /  #26
Hi ¡¡
I'm Mexican, I live in Gudalajara Jalisco, If you want to import something from Mexico, let me see and i could send you samples and do bussiness.

my email is ara_30@hotmail

My name is Aranzazu.
juanca  - | 3  
27 Jul 2009 /  #27
I am interested in receiving offers for importing into Poland

paulo  - | 1  
5 Mar 2010 /  #28
Hi ¡¡
I'm Mexican, living in mexico city, If you want to import something from here, let me know and i could send you samples and do bussiness.

my email is paulo_marquez_0@hotmail

I am interested in receiving offers for importing into Poland

Best Regards,

Paulo Marquez.
don edmundo  
30 Mar 2010 /  #29
I am from Lithuania, I have mexican restaurant in Vilnius. I am interested in receiving offers for importing mexican products into Lithuania.
My email is catering@mail.lt

Best regards,
Edmundas Koncius
6 Jun 2014 /  #30
Hi im in Guadalajara México, maybe if you want Maseca or coriander seed I cant export for you, my email karisa75 gmail or near my home are really good flour tortilla dont need special temperature and mini-corn tortilla for tacos, it could be possible high vacuum and freeze I dont know. Maseca has different kind of corn flour and have for different tamales, Do you know them, have you ever taste before? and with traditional food in Poland or mexican taste food inside you can sell great gourmet-fussion product. Im dietitian and I have been working in different food services. Have great weekend. Karla Isabel Colin go to Facebook. Tienes máquina para hacer tortillas de harina o de maíz o por lo menos la prensa con calor? saludos.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Law / I WANT TO IMPORT SAUCES AT POLAND THEY ARE FROM MEXICO..can you help me??Archived