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Are foreigners with kids on work visa in Poland eligible for the "Family 500 PLN" benefit money?

26 May 2019 /  #1
I am moving to Gdansk soon with 2 kids on work visa. I read about family 500 scheme in Poland. Will my kids eligible to get this benefit? Or there is any condition?
26 May 2019 /  #2
From what I read, as long as your kids live in Poland and you have a legal status to work in Poland, Polish taxpayers will pay you 500 PLN for each child (that applies to families from around the world who get to Poland with children).
Cargo pants  3 | 1425  
26 May 2019 /  #3
That is one reason I am withTrump about immigrants,these people before even coming to there host country already have know how and plans how to milk the system.Sad very Sad.
cms neuf  1 | 1907  
26 May 2019 /  #4
He is going to work - thus he is also contributing to the system, which many native born Poles are not.
Ironside  50 | 13046  
26 May 2019 /  #5
That's not the point. that 500 plus was to help Polish people having more children not to give out money to all and sundry. OK if that goes to all Polish citiznes even or people from EU countries, but like anyone WTF? PiS are fraud.
cms neuf  1 | 1907  
26 May 2019 /  #6
Yes but this guy didn't write the rules. Just doing the logical thing.

I have no idea if you are entitled to benefits in Chicago or Norway or wherever you are, but probably you can get them. You are not a Polish taxpayer so it's not your money that is being spent.
Ironside  50 | 13046  
26 May 2019 /  #7
I have no idea if you are entitled to benefits in Chicago or Norway

My earning are such that the only benefit I can take is a tax reduction. Also I'm a citizen of a country that pays me, so ...

Also I own property in Poland so I still pay some taxes.

Aslo I'm not saying that he is not doing a logical thing but that Poland's gov F up!
Cargo pants  3 | 1425  
26 May 2019 /  #8
I have no idea if you are entitled to benefits in Chicago

In sanctuary states like NJ where I am from the kids of illegals get free education in schools which costs almost 28k a year per child and of course other benefits like medical etc.Who is paying for that?While I have to dish out almost 4k $ a month for my health insurance for 2 people.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 May 2019 /  #9
Will my kids eligible to get this benefit? Or there is any condition?

No conditions. Everyone gets it in Poland as long as they have children under 18. In a few months, it will be 500zł per month per child regardless of income.

You can apply for it through a Polish bank account quickly and easily.

I encourage all migrants to Poland to apply for it ASAP so that there are no delays in payment.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
28 May 2019 /  #10
do you believe it is responsible of you - I thought you were critical of PiS social programmes and now I see this - the 500 plus for every child is irresponsible move by PiS and it is possible that in the future the state finances will collapse under it's weight
johnny reb  49 | 8066  
28 May 2019 /  #11
Welcome to the failures of Socialism
Kennyboy  1 | 42  
28 May 2019 /  #12
Gumishu, I agree, It's only a matter of time before Poland runs out of money and everything comes crashing down around us, to reverse the question, what about the approx. 35,000 Polish children that live in Poland but because 1 of their parents lives in the UK they can claim child benefit in the UK, it's a universal benefit and you don't have to be working to claim it. I wonder if anyone has thought of this, Mum lives in Poland and claims the ''500'' plus money, dad lives in the UK and claims the UK child benefit for the same 2 children, possible?
gumishu  15 | 6228  
28 May 2019 /  #13
Gumishu, I agree

Kennyboy - probably the best thing would be tax returns linked to having/raising children
- even though the original 500 plus programmed was entirely funded by the growth in VAT tax within a year of introducing the programme (curbing VAT tax fraud in Poland was a big success of PiS) the current/subsequent programmes are not based in the hard tax arithmetic (e.g they will be funded by national debt if not now then at any sing of economic downturn)

- the original 500 plus programme was delivered as promised before the election and it was based on the assumption that it would be pretty easy to tighten the grip on the VAT mafias - there is still a leak in the system of collecting taxes in Poland but it will be much more difficult to curb because it is in the area of income taxes which is not paid in Poland by most international corporations

- my guess is PiS went for 500 plus payment for the second and next children because it was a sing of generosity that all people with 2 or more children would instantly feel in their wallets regardless of how much they earn - some people earned real peanuts and the tax returns would be in fact lower than the child benefit they collect now - 500 plus child benefit got enough traction that (some) people believed PiS can deliver on all of their promises and are a responisible party - I believed it too - but now I am in a serious doubt about it (that they a responsible party)

- the main reason why, I think, PiS promised 500 PLN for each child (among other benefits) now is that the original programme has not given the party popular support they counted for (according to the polls) - so the new programme(s) are essentially a bribe - a bribe that worked (because a large section of society now believes PiS will deliver) as the recent EU parliament election shown - if the national election were held right now PiS would again gain the majority in the Parliament probably including the senate and this without the bad luck of some of the opposition parties had in the 2015 elections (PiS really had an instant of formidable luck in those elections)
gumishu  15 | 6228  
28 May 2019 /  #14
Mum lives in Poland and claims the ''500'' plus money, dad lives in the UK

I thinks it's practically possible but I have no idea how common it is - sorry for not answering your question in my first post - I got carried away
cms neuf  1 | 1907  
28 May 2019 /  #15
Kenny I think in that scenario the kid is not entitled to 500 plus if it's in England - not sure however ! But certainly there are those people that do that
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
28 May 2019 /  #16
so the new programme(s) are essentially a bribe - a bribe that worked (because a large section of society now believes PiS will deliver)

Yes, agreed. That, combined with the scaremongering (KE will take away your money) was more than enough. I actually think that these elections were almost completely about social welfare promises for PiS voters and nothing else. That would also explain why people voted for PiS despite claiming that they would go for Kukiz/Konfederacja. People are saying that the PiS voters ran to defend the church, but I don't believe it.

Mum lives in Poland and claims the ''500'' plus money, dad lives in the UK and claims the UK child benefit

Possible, but the UK and Poland exchange social insurance information. Most people wouldn't be so stupid as to try and pull the same stunt in two countries at once, and I wouldn't be surprised if they check this regularly.
mafketis  38 | 11199  
28 May 2019 /  #17
Remember how mad Polly got when I suggested many Polish voters had sold their dignity for 500 plus? I stand vindicated! I do miss Polly though...
terri  1 | 1661  
29 May 2019 /  #18
The sad thing is that people in receipt of the 500+ do not realize that they themselves WILL have to pay for this through increased taxes. In the villages, where PiS is very popular, many people have lower-paid jobs and this extra 500+ means a lot to them. They do not comprehend the fact that increased prices for food and media and transportation will get more out of them through taxation than the 500+ they receive. This 'bribe' and the '13th' for pensioners are all funded from 'borrowed money', which will have to be paid back with interest.

When the Finance Minister threatened to resign and said that there is no money, Prezes (all powerful with no responsibility whatsoever) said that 'we will borrow as much as we need as we must win the Elections.' This is what happened.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
29 May 2019 /  #19
people in receipt of the 500+ do not realize that they themselves WILL have to pay for this through increased taxes

this is not true for the original 500 plus programme which was thought up under realization that there is a huge VAT gap and it can be pretty easily reduced - essentially the growth in income in VAT tax funded the original 500 plus programme already a year after the programme was introduced

- there was also the issue of illegal fuel sales in Poland which could have been easily addressed when PO was in power but there was NO WILL to do it - when PiS addressed the issue the legal fuel (mostly diesel) sales grew more than 20 per cent between 2016 and 2017 - to a large extent this is not the case now with the new social spending programmes PiS promised -

a responsible leadership would say if you are not happy with us now and don't want us to continue fundamental changes in the judiciary and various other fields we just give up and you will see what you will get under opposition parties - Kaczyński gambled because the polls had shown people are not quite grateful for what they got under PiS - I still do not understand those who think PiS was worse than the previous government anyway
mafketis  38 | 11199  
29 May 2019 /  #20
polls had shown people are not quite grateful for what they got under PiS

Not surprising, people are remarkably ungrateful for handouts and will only ask for more.

I have no problem with trying to shore up a social safety net and/or help families in trouble, but note that that's not what PiS has done, they've degenerated into naked vote buying via handouts to their base.

There is no way that this can end well, what more can they do in the fall when the base is wanting even more 'free money'!
terri  1 | 1661  
29 May 2019 /  #21
Just aside. I receive a small Polish pension and got the 13th in May. However, no one bought my vote.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
29 May 2019 /  #22
There is no way that this can end well, what more can they do in the fall

More free money. The government has been quietly cancelling tenders for infrastructure projects, and hospital debts are getting worse and worse.

I still do not understand those who think PiS was worse than the previous government anyway

PiS is worse for one simple reason: they've wrecked the education system. Have you read the NIK report?
johnny reb  49 | 8066  
29 May 2019 /  #23
hospital debts are getting worse and worse.

That's because there is no such thing as "free money".
gumishu  15 | 6228  
29 May 2019 /  #24
they've wrecked the education system. Have you read the NIK report?

I haven't read the report to be honest - my imagination tells me though that there can a problem with double the number of first year students in secondary education - however we are in a demographic low so I honestly don't know if it will be really a huge problem

also - if you compare transitory (as I imagine) problems with education to a huge VAT and akcyza gap during PO-PSL terms then we are talking nuts versus hard dollars
29 May 2019 /  #25
Family 500 plus programme entered into force on 1 April 2016. Parents receive the child benefit in the amount of PLN 500 a month regardless of their revenues for their second and any consecutive children until they turn 18 years old. In the case of families with revenues below PLN 800 net per person (or PLN 1,200 net if there is a disabled child in the family), the benefit may be granted for the first or only child as well. From 1 July 2019, 500 plus will be granted also for the fist child, regardless of the revenues of a family.
terri  1 | 1661  
29 May 2019 /  #26
You still have to submit an application. The 500+ is also granted beyond the age of 18 as long as the child is in full time education.
Ironside  50 | 13046  
29 May 2019 /  #27
many Polish voters had sold their dignity for 500 plus?

Righly so, after all it is only your opnion not a fact.
Miloslaw  20 | 5133  
29 May 2019 /  #28
It is becoming increasingly difficult to discern actual facts from reliable sources.
Often, opinions is all we have.
terri  1 | 1661  
30 May 2019 /  #29
When all the high-earners have left the country for work elsewhere, there will be no one left to support these free payments.
However, we will all see the results of these policies in 5 or 10 years.

I have just read that VAT in Poland will go up to 26% to cover social payments. This will mean that prices will rise and everybody will be worse off.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
30 May 2019 /  #30
I have just read that VAT in Poland will go up


the only place I found it was the Najwyższy Czas website which might not be the most veritable source

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