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Foreigners Getting Married in Poland - a Guide to Formal Preparation

synaptic  5 | 10  
29 Oct 2012 /  #31
I got married in 2009 in the municipal building. On that day the office worker took my original birth certificate and I took home a color scan of it. Now I am in need of the original birth certificate but my wife says that I can not get it back which I think is just her not wanting to deal with it (I don't speak Polish so I would need her help in retrieving it).

So when one gets married in Poland, is this proper legal procedure to take one's original birth certificate and store it at the municipal building?
ryoh  - | 19  
29 Oct 2012 /  #32
They do require the birth certificate but it's not needed to be the original, it could be the official copy of the birth certificate, according to what your country's embassy in Poland suggests.

You should convince your wife to go to the municipal office to find out if you can get it back, and then turn in an official copy instead, with a translation.
synaptic  5 | 10  
29 Oct 2012 /  #33
Ok the birth certificate was translated when we got married already. All we will have to do is hand in the color copies then.

ryoh  - | 19  
26 Nov 2012 /  #34
the birth certificate was translated when we got married already

Actually the translation of the original one doesn't work, because you need the translation of the official copy of birth certificate which states "this copy of birth certificate is true to the original".

So you need to have someone translate it again.
MoOli  9 | 479  
27 Nov 2012 /  #35
So when one gets married in Poland, is this proper legal procedure to take one's original birth certificate and store it at the municipal building?

Yes it is,I had to go through same but dont forget they give u Polish certificate thats EU certificate also.I dont know where u are from but in the USA we pay 5$ and get a new one from the office:)so technically still have both.
Pako Lorente UK  - | 5  
27 Nov 2012 /  #36
The Indian guy who want s to get married in Poland but lives in England is trying to circum-navigate the UK immigration controls. He is obviously illegally here in the UK and thinks if he can marry a Polish girl he can stay being married to an EU National. He has no interest in her apart from that or he would get married in the UK which is easier but he can't because he is here illegally.
23 Aug 2013 /  #37
Hi..! im an indian and i want to get married to my polish girlfriend in poland. so is it possible to do that and what all the documents required. currently im in india now..!!!
sobieski  106 | 2111  
23 Aug 2013 /  #38
Translation: I want to get a Polish residence permit, working permit and an entry into the EU.
I thought LT or LV fake marriages these days are much cheaper as Polish ones?
11 Mar 2014 /  #39
sorry to bump an old thread but I am in need of some help. I am recently married here in the US. We did a town hall thing to make it legal and official here in the US but we are planning the big reception and party in Poland next year as thats where the wife is from and I do have family there. I have never met them but thats a whole other thing. Anyway, I dont care if the wedding is "official" in Poland. While my wife would like to have the whole church wedding, she is aware of the great many hoops that need to be jumped through to make this happen and has accepted the fact that it may not happen. We are looking for someone to perform a ceremony. The guests at the wedding dont know that we are already married except for a select few so this is important. We have the hall booked and are wondering if there is someone that would come in and perform a ceremony there. The ceremony at that point may be just for show, and not have any legality to it in Poland but we dont care. We are married in America and thats where we are going to live. I know I could have a friend take an online course, get ordained and perform something but I am trying to do something much more classy. Anyone have any ideas about something like this?
smurf  38 | 1940  
11 Mar 2014 /  #40
You cannot be married again, that's impossible.
You will however be able to get a 'blessing' from a priest......but it's a different ceremony and you won't be able to pull the wool over the regular church goers in the crowd........which I presume would be your missus' parents.

Nice try though, best of luck :)
12 Mar 2014 /  #41
A brown envelope with a suitable large amount of cash for Curia funds should allow you to do as you please.

The Church administration is notoriously corrupt.
26 Jun 2014 /  #42
hi can somebody help me?!Im a filipina, just want to ask about the legalization of my marriage with a Polish guy. I'm just a bit confuse, our marriage certificate was issued in Manila and someone told me that if our papers was issued here in Phil we must go to Kuala Lumpur. Is it true that we have to go to Kuala Lumpur? or is it possible to file it here in the Philippines? My husband is planning to legalize our marriage in UK when we go there next year. We got married last January and we still don't know where should we endorse our papers. Does it have a penalty if we didn't send it right after we received our certificate of marriage?

Thanks for your help! God bless! :)
Roger5  1 | 1432  
26 Jun 2014 /  #43
someone told me that if our papers was issued here in Phil we must go to Kuala Lumpur.

"Someone" is talking nonsense. What has Malaysia got to do with this? If your marriage certificate is legal in the Philippines, you have nothing to worry about.
mcm1  2 | 81  
26 Jun 2014 /  #44
Unfortunately you have not understood something or someone.
First, as neither you nor your husnband are UK citizens there is nothing for you to 'legalise' in the UK.
Second, your husband being an EU national can come to the UK whenever he likes, you cannot without the relevant visa/ permit.
Your husband will have to qualify to bring you to the UK, there are several ways to do this.
He has to have a permanent employed position where he resides currently that pays him the equivalent of £18,600 per year, he must have held this position for at least 6 months and also have a permanent position of employment that he can start within 3 months of entering the UK of a similar amount.

He can move to the UK on his own and so long as he has permanent employment that pays him the minimum amount as above after 6 months you can then apply for a visa/ spouse permit.

Another option is for you both to have a sum of £62,300 in liquid savings that you have held for at least 6 months, after 2.5 years you must still have this liquid money at your disposal. For the next 2.5 years some of this money can be used subject to certain conditions. Monetary loans, houses etc.. do not qualify.

It is a moot point but if your husband was a UK national then you both would be invited to KL for interview.
24 Jul 2014 /  #45
Hi Reistlin. I don't know whether I'm not too late but my suggestion is rationalist wedding. It's a secular ceremony, which from what I can gather is not legally binding yet in Poland, but will allow you to make the ceremony very personal. Just goole it and see what you think. I'm considering it myself as an alternative to the church wedding


Little correction, I meant humanist wedding oficiated by the Rationalist Association
12 Aug 2014 /  #46
Hi. Is it possible to get married with a Polish citizen if I'm an illegal immigrant? Will the registrar office question about it? I've been together with my boyfriend for two years and he decided if he marry me I can stay in Poland legally. But I'm illegal now. Is that possible? Really need your help. Thank you.
12 Aug 2014 /  #47
Is it possible to get married with a Polish citizen if I'm an illegal immigrant?

No. Sorry.

Will the registrar office question about it?

Yes: you need to evidence to them that you are legally in Poland.
16 Nov 2015 /  #48
Hello my name is chidI I wanna get court marriage in poland my girlfriend she is from England what will I do and what do you need from me to get it done please let me know
jon357  72 | 23528  
17 Nov 2015 /  #49
idI I wanna get court marriage in poland my girlfriend she is from Englan

First of all, why Poland and not England?
Wulkan  - | 3136  
17 Nov 2015 /  #50
she is from England

Then you need to go to England and get married there.
10 Mar 2016 /  #51
I'm living in Italy and I wanna get married to polish girl .. Can they allow me to cross the border with the marriage certificate because I don't have documents yet?
3 May 2017 /  #52
I'm from Philippines get married polish man, He is divorce but the problem is he can't take wedding in church again ?
jon357  72 | 23528  
3 May 2017 /  #53
It depends which denomination. Most Protestant churches will marry divorced people and there are Protestant churches in all large Polish towns.
7 Feb 2019 /  #54
Hi we are foreigner do we need court permission to get marry in Poland

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