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Can a foreigner appeal against prokurator (prosecutor) decision in Poland?

foreigner777  1 | 2  
2 Jan 2019 /  #1
i'm a foreigner and i living abroad ,i have a legal case with a polish citizen (fraud).
i sent my appeal to prokurator in poland by email .
unfortunately the decision of the local prokurator was unfair ,although i introduced all evidences which prove my rights.
so , is it possible to appeal against prokurator decision ?.
thanks for your help
terri  1 | 1661  
2 Jan 2019 /  #2
NO. The only person you can write to is Mr. Ziobro. Any decision has an explanation and it is unlikely that another Court will overturn the decision of the first Court. It also depends which political party the 'prokurator' belongs to.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Jan 2019 /  #3
so , is it possible to appeal against prokurator decision ?.

Yes, it is. You need to appeal to the court that has jurisdiction over the case. They'll review the case and order the case to be investigated if they feel that the prosecutor's decision was wrong.
OP foreigner777  1 | 2  
2 Jan 2019 /  #4
thanks terri , who is Mr. Ziobro?

thank you, can appeal online to court?must be lawer? can you please refer to the link of gdansk court?@delphiandomine
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
2 Jan 2019 /  #5
Mr. Ziobro?

Some sort of fascist "politician" who will be emigrating to sunnier climes in 4/5 years when PIS are booted out.
terri  1 | 1661  
2 Jan 2019 /  #6
Put 'Zbigniew Ziobro' on-line.
For those that can understand Polish, look on You-tube under 'Miller v Ziobro'.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
2 Jan 2019 /  #7
The only person you can write to is Mr. Ziobro

This is highly unlikely that the Minister of Justice will take care of every case which is contested.

is it possible to appeal against prokurator decision ?.

You appeal to the court within the 7 days that follow the date when you receive the decision of the prokurator.

Musisz wiedzieć, że zażalenie wnosi się w terminie 7 dni od daty kiedy doręczono Ci postanowienie. Zażalenie przysługuje do sądu właściwego do rozpoznania sprawy. O tym jak ustalić właściwość Sądu w Twojej sprawie opowiem Ci w kolejnym wpisie. Pokażę Ci także wzór zażalenia.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
2 Jan 2019 /  #8
it is unlikely that another Court will overturn the decision of the first Court.

It is very likely and happens quite often. The court which may do it is called the Court of Appeal.
Then you may appeal to the Supreme Court against the decision of the Court of Appeal.

The above is basically common rule in every democratic country. In which country do you live, Terri?
gumishu  15 | 6228  
2 Jan 2019 /  #9
Some sort of fascist "politician"

if Ziobro is fascist then you are definitely a Maoist :P
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
2 Jan 2019 /  #10
Well, what is your definition of a fascist? Ziobro never takes council when he's off on a rant - he dictates, and makes himself look a fool. That's how I understand it. A matter of opinion? The OP asked who the minister of justice was. Being an obliging sort of chap, I answered him.
OP foreigner777  1 | 2  
4 Jan 2019 /  #11
hello all
i wrote to ziobro and i got answer {Uprzejmie przesyłamy zgodnie z kompetencjami -KATARZYNA MAKOWSKA
główny specjalista-Departament Spraw Obywatelskich -KANCELARIA PREZESA RADY MINISTRÓW)
any positive comment ?[/quote]

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