This is what I said :
The mutual agreement between Poland and UK about the avoidance of double taxation
does not pertain the inheritance tax .You said something like that :
So I am sorry but posters 7 is totally wrong as there is NO shared aggreement on inheritance between Poland and the UK.
First thing I don`t fully understand what you wanted to say , in the first place . But I think you said exactly the same thing as I said
Second thing is the fact that you didnt pay taxes because a some mutual agreement exists between Poland and UK, but there is a provision in Polish tax system giving a possibility for some people who pay for their house ( mortgages etc ) to deduct money spend on such purposes , within a period of 2 years from the date of receiving the inheritance money . So , there are certain provisions in Polish Law that some people can use to avoid paying taxes , it happens in case of spending money on house mortgage or construction.
The OP havent said anything like investing his money on his house , thats why I have not mentioned about this possibility .
And also the important matter is that inherited money came from a sold house , because there are loopholes designed for house purchasing , renovation or construction where the Polish taxman is given more oportunities .
But I see that some posters who gave totally false and outdated information about our tax system were given more credit than me ,and you, ukpolska discredited me citing my post nb 7 - which contains true information - not noticing that I gave a detailed information about the tax issue questioned by OP , but only commenting that I was wrong - still don`t know whre I was wrong , I can only say that I will never give any legal information here on this forum , because it is not worth to help anyone for the price of being called a prostitute or someone like that for no reason or being called other slurs constantly by some wordy but ignorant people .