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Credit for British in Poland?

jack010  2 | 18  
27 Apr 2012 /  #1
Ok, so I've been living in Poland for 9 months, I ahave an account with Mbank, and I work on a 1 month rolling contract because I pay less tax this way.

I have a reasonable amount going into my account every month, what do I need to do to obtain any type of credit in Poland?

anybody have any experience? what bank? .......
jon357  72 | 23482  
27 Apr 2012 /  #2
what do I need to do to obtain any type of credit in Poland?

You certainly need your stay regularised with one of those Karta Obywatela things that replaced the Karta Pobytu. You should also be registered at an address.
OP jack010  2 | 18  
27 Apr 2012 /  #3

Is that one of those things you have to update every three months? if so then Im waiting for my new passport to arrive (old one expired) then I can do this.
jon357  72 | 23482  
27 Apr 2012 /  #4
Is that one of those things you have to update every three months?

No. They last for 5 years (as far as I can remember). UK citizens don't have to update anything.
OP jack010  2 | 18  
27 Apr 2012 /  #5

ah excellent ok I'll have to look into that, thanks :)
jon357  72 | 23482  
27 Apr 2012 /  #6
There are some good threads on the subject here, but you'll have to trawl through the search function.
Gustav  1 | 50  
27 Apr 2012 /  #7
Depends what you need I guess

British financier provident.pl should be able to help you increase your difficulties if you have them :)

More seriously with regular banks- go joint with your wife/gf/bf and use his/her family home as security if you are unable to provide your own.
jon357  72 | 23482  
27 Apr 2012 /  #8

Don't touch them with a bargepole. They are a set of leeches on the poor. It's a scandal that they are allowed to operate in Poland (and wouldn't be allowed in the UK if the last government had got its way).
Gustav  1 | 50  
27 Apr 2012 /  #9
Don't touch them with a bargepole. They are a set of leeches on the poor. It's a scandal

Let's all sing together....'Oh comrades come rally........'

As I recall, they don't hold guns to people's heads when signing contracts.

Businesses taking advantage of the poorly educated and fools is nothing new.
jon357  72 | 23482  
27 Apr 2012 /  #10
As I recall, they don't hold guns to people's heads when signing contracts.

Unfortunately their agents (allowing Howard and the rest of the Provident gang to avoid responsibility) have a history of not only pushing credit on the vulnerable but also giving cash loans to people with learning disabilities who in theory aren't allowed to sign contracts but in practice often can.

My job for 7 years involved picking up the pieces.

'Oh comrades come rally........'

And the last fight let us face....

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