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Poland's Citizenship application - "Uzasadnienie" - what to write in this section?

nope  2 | 43  
14 Mar 2016 /  #1
Cześć everybody,
I'll go on Friday to the offices of Wojewoda to fill the documents for the polish citizenship. I have everything I need but I have a problem, in the form I downloaded online there is a section which says : Uzasadnienie.

I don't know what to write there :(. Could somebody give me an idea what to write in this section ?
Thank you in advance
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
14 Mar 2016 /  #2
Why do you wish to become Polish citizen?
Write it down there.
OP nope  2 | 43  
14 Mar 2016 /  #3
Well that's a tricky one, I can't just say I genuinely hate the country I was born :( . Rumcajs do you think it's enough to write what I like about Poland and Poles and the fact that I feel a bit polish ? Or the office needs only BS reasons and nothing about with one's feelings?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Mar 2016 /  #4
Just write that you have a connection to Poland

(are you applying via naturalisation or via descent?)
OP nope  2 | 43  
14 Mar 2016 /  #5

Just write that you have a connection to Poland

Just received dowod osobisty :). Happy to be a Pole.
Mr Wiech  1 | 39  
30 May 2016 /  #6
Congratulation, what country you was born to?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 May 2016 /  #7
Just received dowod osobisty :). Happy to be a Pole.

Excellent :) I'll follow you in another few months!
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
31 May 2016 /  #8
Just received dowod osobisty :). Happy to be a Pole.

Congrats! I'll drink a pint for your health!
OP nope  2 | 43  
31 May 2016 /  #9
Cheers Rumcajs :)

Congratulation, what country you was born to?

I would prefer not to say, don't want to open a can of worms in PF :).

Happy for you Delph :)
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
1 Jun 2016 /  #10
I would prefer not to say, don't want to open a can of worms in PF :).

oh, c'mon. nobody will give you a hard time, even if you are French... nobody's perfect, you know?!
OP nope  2 | 43  
15 Jun 2016 /  #11
you are French

haha, I'm not French :).There is a member in PF who particularly dislikes everyone with the same origin as me :)
mafketis  38 | 11278  
15 Jun 2016 /  #12

that doesn't narrow it down much, there's a lof of hejterzy here....

Archives - 2010-2019 / Law / Poland's Citizenship application - "Uzasadnienie" - what to write in this section?Archived