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Bring Ashes of Deceased Mother to Poland

GraziaUSA  2 | 7  
3 Mar 2016 /  #1
My family is making plans to bring the cremated ashes of my mother to be buried in Poland this year.
Does anyone know the name of the agency or department in the city of Wroclaw where I can submit an
application for permission to have her buried in the Osobowice cemetery in Wroclaw?
I live in Krakow Poland and can read some Polish.
Looker  - | 1129  
4 Mar 2016 /  #2
In Poland, the permission for burials gives the Board of Municipal Cemeteries (Zarząd Cmentarzy Komunalnych) - read additional information about rules of burials on the site below and contact the Wroclaw branch:


You might be also interested in prices - check this link:
OP GraziaUSA  2 | 7  
11 Mar 2016 /  #3
Thank you very much for your help. It is a good start.
Atch  21 | 4114  
11 Mar 2016 /  #4
Also Grazia be sure that your family checks with the airline about regulations regarding flying with ashes. I believe there's some kind of paper work needed, deceased's death certificate etc. Otherwise they might not be allowed to bring the ashes on board if they are found in their hand luggage during a security check.
OP GraziaUSA  2 | 7  
7 Apr 2016 /  #5
Thank you both for your kind help and information. We have the applications we need at this time no small thanks to the information posted here. Hopefully we will have the letter of permission within the month. I hope my ancestors look kindly on all who have helped us along on this road.
Atch  21 | 4114  
7 Apr 2016 /  #6
How lovely Grazia, and how thoughtful and courteous of you to come back and update us. I hope the laying to rest of your mother will be a beautiful occasion for your family. Remember it should be a happy day, bringing your mother 'home'. Hopefully you will have wonderful Polish summer weather for it, the sun will be shining on your mother on her special day.

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