Not only Poles, though. If anything it's a universal phenomenon.
Benefit entitlement in Poland for foreigners
rozumiemnic 8 | 3893
1 Oct 2011 / #32
If your idea of a good time is spending hours inside a government office filling in forms then Poland is the place for you
I hope your Polish is up to scratch
I hope your Polish is up to scratch
that's what I call ambition......might just be easier to look for work.
As a citizen of EU, I am entitled to all the benefits and support available to the citizen of any EU country. Thats the law. I intend to take advantage of this law to the fullest to my benefit and pleasure during my stay in Poland.
actually the law states that if you have savings, you are 'entitled' to jack Shyt...certainly in the UK anyway. it's not for 'pleasure', it's for food and heating for people who have nothing.
it's for food and heating for people who have nothing.
Well said!
Either save more money or work in Poland Miss Austrailia! No one has the right to expect any government to subsidise your 'world tour'
There are plenty of us doing nasty distressing jobs for peanuts who can't even afford a holiday in Poland let alone spend a couple of years bumming around Poland!
Try doing something useful, there's plenty of voluntary work needs doing in Africa, south America and other places, you'll see the world and meet some decent people!
irishguy11 6 | 157
1 Oct 2011 / #34
I just thought that I would throw in the aussie debate to dissolve the queen as the head of state. If this happens, then our aussie friend will not have any brit connection? If the aussies take vote on this then prob solved. She will not be a 'european citizen'.
Having a Brittish Passport has nothing to do with wether australia is a republic or not.
She will not be a 'european citizen'.
She isn't anyway - Aussies don't have British passports and vice versa. As far as I know it's a bit like British people getting Irish passports - if you have a grandparent born there you're eligible for one. Though a New Zealander I know who ought to have been eligible couldn't get one (or even a residence permit) due to missing some sort of cut-off date.
that reminds me of something. doesn't delphiandomine always post on here that minimum wage is like......1200 something zl per month? how would someone earn less than 900 then? man, 900 was my ZUS payment every month.
Man...this is Poland :)
Average salary here is around 1200zl.
And yes, the benefit system is ****** up in Poland... Soviet era rules and regulations.