American as America can be and what a sh!thole it was.
matter of taste. This is how I felt visiting some places in Europe too.
There’s nothing wrong with staying in your gated community and shutting yourself out from the rest of the world
you have to admit that you're very anti-American. What you're describing is maybe typical for some big cities here but in the country I can't absolutely confirm your statement. Nothing smells around here and even in the poorer communities I don't see as much trash laying around as I saw it for example in Poland (Poland is just an example). There are quite a few European countries that I personally don't consider clean.
Let’s be honest though, for every bad you point out in Poland a similar can be found in U.S. or worse.
is that why you said
If it was do you honestly think that so many young people would have left?
America ain’t all that, been there, seen it, let me tell you not impressed.
How much I was impressed of Europe shows the fact that I'm back home and really happy about it too. However I don't complain about my years in Europe, at least I have a chance to compare and to discuss about the differences with people like you knowing what I'm talking about.
When you live in one country you get a totally different feeling about it than when you're just visiting it.Once you have the financial means one place is as good as the other.
agree only to the certain extent as one place can be still way more comfortable to live in than the other. Matter of preference too.
You on the other hand either really live the sheltered life or have the tendency to isolate yourself from the reality by staying in your golden cage (your gated community or that all inclusive resort when on holiday), in reality you surround yourself with artificial bubble and you refuse to recognize that the myth of that all elusive American dream is just that - A DREAM for the vast majority of your countryman.
but the undeniable fact is that the vast majority of "my country men" still lives better than yours, even you said it
If it was do you honestly think that so many young people would have left?
If you have the financial means it don’t really matter where you choose to stay, if you don’t even U.S can be a third world sh!thole, I know - I’ve seen it.
I replied to that one above. I have an idea why you're so negative about everything American but there's no reason to talk about it since it won't change anything on both sides anyway.