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Advice on rights for an unborn child in Poland

kumar123  1 | 3  
7 Mar 2016 /  #1
HI, I am Indian, visited Poland as a tourist in June and returned back to Indian after a month , i visited my girlfriend house, she is divorced women. she became pregnant and going to delivery on April 3rd 2016. due to some misunderstanding she stopped communicating with me. so please tell how i can get rights on my future son? what are the legal formalities should be done to register me as father to my child.? kindly help me, i have all information about my girl friend.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
7 Mar 2016 /  #2
so please tell how i can get rights on my future son?

you don't have rights. The child has rights, the parents have responsibilities. And no offence intended, but knocking up a girl on holiday is not all that responsible is it?

what are the legal formalities should be done to register me as father to my child.?

Best to ask your babymother as you will be able to do nothing without her.
OP kumar123  1 | 3  
7 Mar 2016 /  #3
but am the father......right and everything is alright upto jan2016,due to some misunderstanding she became upset with me...ofc she love me but now am affraid that she may not give my rights as father i deserve it.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Mar 2016 /  #4
due to some misunderstanding

Just open your wallet and accept that you'll be paying for the child for the next 26 years. If you don't pay, kiss goodbye to ever getting back into Europe.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
7 Mar 2016 /  #5
she may not give my rights as father i deserve it.

watch my lips....
Parents do not have 'rights'. Can you understand that?
OP kumar123  1 | 3  
7 Mar 2016 /  #6
ofc i am ready to pay to my son for whole my life, but i should recognize legally me as a father to child. so please answer me what i can do now? i responsible for her and to my child..
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Mar 2016 /  #7
my rights as father i deserve it.

You have no rights. The court will decide that, and there's no way the court is going to give an Indian sex tourist any rights.

You also have the right... no, the obligation to pay for the child. Expect your pockets to become considerably lighter.
OP kumar123  1 | 3  
7 Mar 2016 /  #8
ok than, i think i should not try for legal right....thank you guys for your advice
porky pok  2 | 127  
7 Mar 2016 /  #9
i am ready to pay to my son for whole my life

Thats a wrong attitude,that will make the mom and kid a spoiled brat right from the start.if she wont give me legal rights I would first get my DNA done then remburse her what she spends on/for the kid like crib,strawler,diapers,baby food as the baby grows.She can send you the bills and and you can pay.Also for a start if she dont have money I would give her cpl pf grand to use.in emergency.You do have rights if you have the money for lawyers to fight.Dont worry about these people who say you have no rights or have to pay a lot,thats the case for whimpos who think only an inch ahead.Yes you need money for lawyers and you have all rights.

Infact a friend of mine got full custody of an toddler even living in states and has to take the baby to Poland 3 times a year,and another female friend who lost her custody to Polish dad of her 1 year old.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
7 Mar 2016 /  #10
Dont worry about these people who say you have no rights

look I have been a parent for many years now, and I can assure you that according to European family law the only person who has 'rights' is the child. that is the reality.

Don't be so unkind to tell someone that they 'have all rights' because you are deluded and ill informed.

the only 'rights' you have are eg safeguard and promote the child's health, development and welfare.
Probably not what Pigsy has in mind.
Pol attorney  2 | 106  
7 Mar 2016 /  #11
If you file a lawsuit in Polish court, you will certainly be granted certain rights as a father of the child: including, but not limited to:

1) the right to take your child on your own to your flat once you arrive in Poland every 2 or 3 months,
2) the right to Skype contact every weekend or twice per week,
3) the right to make important decisions about the child's upbringing, education etc.

But it is necessary to file relevant paperwork in the Polish Family Court if the child's mother refuses to co-operate with you on this.
terri  1 | 1661  
7 Mar 2016 /  #12
In order to have any RIGHTS as a father, you must PROVE to the court that you are paying for the child.
If your name is not on the birth certificate, you CAN go to Court....but you will be liable for the CHILD. Usually 15% of your net salary.

Get all the evidence you can now. Keep all records relating to any purchases. Never give her cash and always make her sign for everything.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Mar 2016 /  #13
If you file a lawsuit in Polish court, you will certainly be granted certain rights as a father of the child: including, but not limited to:

Hahahaha. And then the mother tells the court that he's an abusive brown skinned man that wants to impose Indian methods on the child, including beatings and mental punishments.

Don't give him false hope. We know how the Polish family courts work, and a brown skinned man has no chance.
porky pok  2 | 127  
7 Mar 2016 /  #14
the only 'rights' you have are eg safeguard and promote the child's health, development and welfare.

Maybe you had some screwed up law firm.
@Terri, 15% thingy is useless,if he shows his income 100$ a month in india which is probably very manipulative there.
@OP,All depends what law firm you hire and how much money you have SIMPLE.If you went to Poland for tourism then I assume you have money.

Don't give him false hope.

He is not giving no false hope but its your primary school teachers knowledge of the law.Rest assured maybe at your level a brown or black skinned man has no chance.Infact I just finished talking to a lawyer friend in Poland and asked and his answer was the same with an example if the woman even drinks OCCASIONALLY all the lawyer has to prove that she drinks and can be a bad mother.Relationship fights are usually like dog and cat fights esp when kids are involved,the more dirt you throw at the other party more chances are of your winning.Sad but true.BTW the lawyer works for a large international law firm in warsaw(if you ever need any references and CAN AFFORD I will gladly pass you the contact)

I had to type this to TRY to wake you up from your little la la land you living in.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Mar 2016 /  #15
I had to type this to TRY to wake you up from your little la la land you living in.

Sure, sure. Keep on with the nonsense, because those of us living in Poland know that a brown skinned man has little to no chance in the Polish family courts. Anyone telling you otherwise is clearly having you on.

BTW the lawyer works for a large international law firm in warsaw

I doubt that somehow. If he did, he would steer clear of trying to advertise his services on PF.
porky pok  2 | 127  
7 Mar 2016 /  #16
Read up again he is not on PF,LOL Is thats why your so called CONSULTANCY BUSINESS failed miserably???You were lucky no one sued you and you had to resort to a teaching career?But again the level of your experience and knowledge of real life is exemplary.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Mar 2016 /  #17
Oh, you were talking about one of your imaginary friends.
7 Mar 2016 /  #18
Delph " Polish family courts work, and a brown skinned man has no chance." Absolute rubbish these people are educated professionals the iron curtain has been down for some time, people travel these days and have plenty a chance to mix with those of another race, please stop it with your stereotypes you sound like Bernard Manning in reverse . (Your fellow colonialist countryman remember him ) Apologies for your own countries racial bigotry, don't mix it up with Poland.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Mar 2016 /  #19
Absolute rubbish? You're familiar with the Polish legal system, then?

This is the country where people that carried out blatant racist physical assaults have been freed because the person inflicting the violence was drunk. This is the country where someone was allowed to openly burn an effigy of a Jewish person - and the police only reacted when it became obvious that there was an international outcry. This is the country where over 50% of non-white people have reported racial abuse or violence.

Poland is many good things, but there's not a chance in hell that a brown skinned man not resident in Poland is going to win in the family courts against a Polish mother. Heck, white skinned men have enough problems.
porky pok  2 | 127  
7 Mar 2016 /  #20
Oh, you were talking about one of your imaginary friends.

here we go..... what is not in your level is impossible in your opinion like JR having a house etc.
BTW the law firm has over 300 lawyers worldwide.
Tell me Delph why your consultancy business failed?No clients?wonder why .And now a teaching career with 40 year IMAGINARY mortgage on a flat.
Let me tell you the OP may have more money to hire a good firm and fry the poor woman whether he is brown/black skin,resident or not but a father of a child.Wake up

And stop abusing your host country where you are not even a citizen but just an economic immigrant.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Mar 2016 /  #21
BTW the law firm has over 300 lawyers worldwide.

Yes yes. Keep telling yourself that you're doing anything other than looking up where to buy new underpants from.

Let me tell you the OP may have more money to hire a good firm and fry the poor woman whether he is brown/black skin,resident or not but a father of a child.Wake up

If he had money to hire a good firm, he wouldn't be asking stupid questions on PF.

The fact of the matter is that anyone asking on PF for legal advice for something like this probably doesn't have much cash and has no hope in hell of ever winning such a case.
porky pok  2 | 127  
7 Mar 2016 /  #22
So you admit that you assume he cant afford to hire a good law firm?Also you are saying that only hopeless people ask here?How many times have you asked here?Then my imaginary attorney pal....dude maybe try to get a shrink for a group you might get discount.And please behave and respect your host country that atleast puts bread on your table then your motherland.

People when depressed ask questions everywhere and its not right to advice them wrong.Think why did your consultancy business went kapoot?Dont you think it was the same reason?Oh you embarassed to discuss that?Sorry, if I am offending to remind you of your very bad decision in business.May I suggest teaching career has no advancement prospects esp in your field also.

UMMMM underpants??First i soiled them(only you and your bum chum would know, I wonder how?)why so much obsession with my underpants...Sorry bud I am str8 and happily married since your history here indicates your sexual lifestyle, which dont interest me.THANK YOU though:D
7 Mar 2016 /  #23
Delph "PF for legal advice for something like this probably doesn't have much cash and has no hope in hell ",

So someone comes here to PF for help, that's the idea of this place, people should be able to come here and ask for help about all things Polish, apart from the banter that I enjoy here I quite like to help those in need of advice where I can.

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