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How do I get onto the Polish electoral roll to vote in the European Parliament elections?

kulek  2 | 4  
1 Apr 2014 /  #1
Hi everyone,

I'm an EU citizen currently living in Poland and would like to get on the Polish electoral roll. Does anyone know how to do that?

1 Apr 2014 /  #2
Go to the gmina office and register, it literally takes five minutes. However, you'll need to hurry if you want to get on the electoral roll for the next elections. Also, I think that you might well have to have a maldunek sorted out (and quite possibly a certificate confirming your right to reside in Poland as an EU citizen), in which case you really need to hurry.
OP kulek  2 | 4  
1 Apr 2014 /  #3
well I have only the registration paper and that one has an "Adres zameldowania" line in it with my address. Does this count as maldunek?
jon357  72 | 23712  
1 Apr 2014 /  #4
well I have only the registration paper

What does it say in big letters at the top?
OP kulek  2 | 4  
2 Apr 2014 /  #5
It says Rzeczpospolita Polska :) But I guess you mean this line: "Zaświadczenie o zarejestrowaniu pobytu obywatela Unii Europejskiej".
sobieski  106 | 2111  
25 May 2014 /  #6
Went to vote today. Voters have to sign off on the election roll behind their name, and this per street
However my name was on a separate blue-coloured page. One other person was on that page, I suppose also a EU citizen.
Did anybody here had the same experience?
I remember during the last local elections I was on a different page as well, but still white :)
kepler  4 | 19  
26 May 2014 /  #7
However my name was on a separate blue-coloured page.

Mine wasn't on a blue paper (it was white) but on a separate sheet as well. It's because EU citizens were listed on the B part of the electoral register. Who did you vote if I may ask?
26 May 2014 /  #8
Mine was white. And I had the entire piece of paper to myself (it appears that the other two EU citizens have moved away).
kepler  4 | 19  
26 May 2014 /  #9
Actually you can check the number of EU citizens in each polling stations at the following page: pe2014.pkw.gov.pl/en

For instance in this station there was only one guy and he/she showed up: pe2014.pkw.gov.pl/en/wyniki/protokoly/54646
26 May 2014 /  #10
Thanks! That's a cool site. At my polling station turnout of Poles was 35% and for other EU citizens it was 100%.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
26 May 2014 /  #11
Who did you vote if I may ask?

I always vote PO...despite the fact they not always deserve it. What I bemoan is there is no serious opposition party worthy of that name who I could vote for

What is for me downright bizarre - every time I vote I see in my polling station 1.People sitting down at some table, analyzing their voting form, even discussing it with passers-by... 2. or crowding with a whole family in the voting cubicle...and discussing loudly all the options.

Where I come from such a vote would be automatically null and void. Most peculiar.
26 May 2014 /  #12
1.People sitting down at some table, analyzing their voting form, even discussing it with passers-by... 2. or crowding with a whole family in the voting cubicle...and discussing loudly all the options.

Can't say I've ever seen any of that, but then the polling station does tend to go rather silent when a voter is talking to the electoral committee in a language other than Polish (I do always start by speaking to them in Polish but they always reply in English).
sobieski  106 | 2111  
29 May 2014 /  #13
It seems Macieriwicz found a new topic - after all his "religia smoleńska" has run out of steam (Goofy?) - he now claims PIS lost the elections because of fraud....

As PIS lost six elections in a row, they probably all were falsified :)
jon357  72 | 23712  
29 May 2014 /  #14
It says Rzeczpospolita Polska :) But I guess you mean this line: "Zaświadczenie o zarejestrowaniu pobytu obywatela Unii Europejskiej".

Hehe - that should include your registered address.

he now claims PIS lost the elections because of fraud....

Is there no end to that guy's idiocy.
29 May 2014 /  #15
I just looked at mine. Despite me owning the place where I live and having had five previous residency permits at that same address and having been visited by the police at that address during and being on the electoral roll at that address and presenting the notarial deed which proves I own the place when I applied for the latest bit of paper, my Zaświadczenie o zarejestrowaniu pobytu obywatela Unii Europejskiej does not include my registered address.

Is there no end to that guy's idiocy.


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