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how to get marriage with polish girl with non-EU

kash  2 | 14  
5 Nov 2014 /  #1
Hi every one...

Subject:requirements for marriage polish girle with asylum seeker in germany

With respect all of members
My question is i came in germany without any visa and got asylum in germany now i found a polish girle we both love each other and want to marry but we dont know how is this possible...
Wulkan  - | 3136  
6 Nov 2014 /  #2
how is this possible...

It's not possible
OP kash  2 | 14  
6 Nov 2014 /  #3
Every thing is possible in the world just we must found a way..
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
6 Nov 2014 /  #4
My question is i came in germany without any visa and got asylum in germany now i found a polish girle we both love each other and want to marry but we dont know how is this possible...

Marriage is possible all over the world, so you should go and ask there where the local people are granted marriage certicates.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
6 Nov 2014 /  #5
Ask in your Rathaus. For example for Munich: muenchen.de/rathaus/Stadtverwaltung/Kreisverwaltungsreferat/Standesamt-und-Urkunden/Heirat--Lebenspartnerschaften.html

Have you talked with her parents?
OP kash  2 | 14  
6 Nov 2014 /  #6
No but she told me her parents are not agree for marriage thats why i dont want we meet my parents only we are importants for marriage
Levi_BR  6 | 219  
6 Nov 2014 /  #7
Hey Pakistani guy.

So you said that her parents opinion doesn't matter, just yours?

So you iluded her enough so she will marry you, than after that you will force her to convert and use her as sexual slave??? And beat her or even kill her if she not blindly obey you??????

Anyone in this forum that answer this guy will collaborate with that!

I am not even Polish, but please my polish friends, protect your country against this kind of menace!
OP kash  2 | 14  
6 Nov 2014 /  #8
Love has highest post than relegion..i respect her relegion and she respect my relegion thats why we love each other.

You miss understand or my way of answer was not good.

My partner told me her parents are not agree coz they have fear/anxiety may be the reason is i am not polish or relegion..

And my partner dont want to show me front of her parents.i want to meet them two times i said my partner but she was angry with me and asked me i am important for you or my family thats why i quite silent.

I am graduated person i cant even think about beat her or loudely speak
coolzero  1 | 10  
7 Nov 2014 /  #9
So you iluded her enough so she will marry you, than after that you will force her to convert and use her as sexual slave??? And beat her or even kill her if she not blindly obey you??????

latin ignorant. get yourself educated. these kinds of news are only spread by only your media. there are some nerds who do such things but only a few and that doesnt mean that you can blame the whole nation and at least we dont support prostitution like in latin america. for us wife is not a sex slave. its only american latins who uses women as for sex and then seek for other women. and what latins do when their wives dont obey them oh sorry actually your wives never obey you. I have seen hundreds of Polish Pakistani couples and they are living a happy life. and you kash to marry her you better consult a lawyer. he can manage this thing and dont worry of these silly comments. they are even not Polish people.

and you Levi_BR if you want to make a dispute then come on my private message i will give you a dispute you wont forget
Wulkan  - | 3136  
7 Nov 2014 /  #10
I have seen hundreds of Polish Pakistani couples and they are living a happy life.

Every single one of them? :-)
coolzero  1 | 10  
7 Nov 2014 /  #11
why are you asking? another dispute maker.......

and if they are not living a happy life then why every year many Polish girls are getting married with muslims
Wulkan  - | 3136  
7 Nov 2014 /  #12
and if they are not living a happy life then why every year many Polish girls are getting married with muslims

Polish girls tend to have weak personalities and easily get manipulated/brainwashed.
coolzero  1 | 10  
7 Nov 2014 /  #13
shame on you for saying things for your own women. thats why they (polish women) prefer muslim men on you.

polish women as far as i know are most intelligent women in europe and they know how polish men abuse them
kaz200972  2 | 229  
7 Nov 2014 /  #14
t least we dont support prostitution like in latin america.

Prostitution occurs in all Muslim countries, it's not openly discussed but it still occurs. Latin america is more honest about it's social problems.

what latins do when their wives dont obey them oh sorry actually your wives never obey you.

Why does a woman have to 'obey' her husband? men do not have any jurisdiction over women's behaviour. What ever happened to a husband and wife sitting down and reaching compromises about acceptable behaviour?

Polish girls tend to have weak personalities and easily get manipulated/brainwashed.

I don't personally agree with this statement but I would say that Wulkan probably knows far more about Polish ladies than you, the OP (or me) given that he is Polish.

If the OP and his girlfriend wish to marry that's their choice however they owe it to their parents to sit down and say that they wish to marry and hope for parental support, they may not get this but at least the couple have behaved properly. I would be highly suspicious if a boyfriend/girlfriend didn't introduce me to their parents.
coolzero  1 | 10  
7 Nov 2014 /  #15
Prostitution occurs in all Muslim countries, it's not openly discussed but it still occurs. Latin america is more honest about it's social problems.

my dear lady kaz200972!
prostitution happens but who sell women to arabs. you say wulkan know polish girls more then me. if its so then why he dishonour them. i am not a polish but still respect polish women

Why does a woman have to 'obey' her husband?

amazing! in england about many years ago when a girl got marry, her parents advise her to obey husband, ask from those english folks why would they advise to their daughters? why wouldnt you ask from your mother about this thing "obey". maybe she can tell you

someone truely said "you can not trust ENGLAND's whether nor Women"
kaz200972  2 | 229  
7 Nov 2014 /  #16
prostitution happens but who sell women to arabs.

People from all nationalities sell women to Arabs (and other races), ladies of all nationalities prostitute themselves to Arabs.You should be asking why Arabs and other races of men 'buy' women, if men didn't buy women there would NO MARKET for prostitution! Look to your own gender to solve that problem!!


amazing! in england about many years ago when a girl got marry, her parents advise her to obey husband, ask from those english folks why would they advise to their daughters? why wouldnt you ask from your mother about this thing "obey". maybe she can tell you

My mum was very happily married for over 50 years and she never 'obeyed' dad in her life. If mum and dad had any problems they would sit and discuss the problem and come to a mutual compromise about what should be done.

I was married for 14 years ( I was widowed) very happily and we conducted our marriage in exactly the same way. I've had two relationships since my husband died and both failed partly because the men involved thought they could tell me how to behave. Men have to realise that they have no authority over women, relationships have to be based on mutual agreement. Times have changed and women are no longer dependent on men economically or socially.
Paulina  19 | 4558  
7 Nov 2014 /  #17
I don't personally agree with this statement but I would say that Wulkan probably knows far more about Polish ladies than you, the OP (or me) given that he is Polish.

Kaz, I live in Poland all my life and I've never met a Polish man soooo prejudiced against Polish women :))) I'm serious, I wouldn't trust anything he has to say about Polish women. All I've read from him are negative comments and he uses every opportunity to share his antipathy towards his female compatriots (while Polish men are mostly OK for him, apparently :)), like he's obsessed or sth.

As for "kash" - it seems to me it's the same person trolling all the time - "shade", "prakash38", etc.
kaz200972  2 | 229  
7 Nov 2014 /  #18
Kaz, I live in Poland all my life and I've never met a Polish man soooo prejudiced against Polish women.

He doesn't seem to have a very high opinion of Polish ladies,don't know why? I certainly wouldn't take what he says as being the gospel truth.

There is something about coolzero and kash that I wouldn't trust either. They seem to be setting themselves up experts on Polish ladies in quite a creepy way. I can't really explain what i feel about them but it's not a good feeling.

As for "kash" - it seems to me it's the same person trolling all the time - "shade", "prakash38", etc.

You're probably correct there :)
Paulina  19 | 4558  
7 Nov 2014 /  #19
He doesn't seem to have a very high opinion of Polish ladies,don't know why?

There is this type of men in every nation, it seems, who think their women are the worst in the world :) They usually marry (like Wulkan) or date foreign women and b1tch about their own women ;) I've seen this with British men on this forum too. Or men going like "All women in my country/my city are no good, I can't find any good woman, what is wrong with women nowadays, am I supposed to move somewhere else?" etc. ;)

There is something about coolzero and kash that I wouldn't trust either.

Ah, yes, I would add coolzero too - so it's "shade", "kash", "coolzero", "prakash38", etc. Probably the same person. "Shade" was also from Lahore in Pakistan (but he later deleted this info from his profile) :)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
7 Nov 2014 /  #20
There is this type of men in every nation, it seems, who think their women are the worst in the world :)

so true P, I have heard it so many times about us English women, that we are fat, unfeminine whatever, yet when I went to Poland the kind of guys that were there slavering over the poor Polish women were hardly prime bf material. Mostly kind of skinny and inadequate as I recall..:)
Paulina  19 | 4558  
7 Nov 2014 /  #21
Ah, yes, well, what can I say... :) They all deserve to be with supermodels and plastic babes from computer games, don't they ;) I've read once that there's a difference between how men and women view their attractiveness - men usually think too highly of themselves and women the other way around - they're too critical about their looks. Maybe it has sth to do with that.
kaz200972  2 | 229  
7 Nov 2014 /  #22
There is this type of men in every nation, it seems, who think their women are the worst in the world :)

Yes you see and hear it all the time in Britain (and America). No women is ever good enough for them!! They think they can pick through women of different races like sweets in a shop. They are never satisfied even if they get someone from another race they're soon unhappy.

so true P, I have heard it so many times about us English women, that we are fat, unfeminine whatever, yet when I went to Poland the kind of guys that were there slavering over the poor Polish women were hardly prime bf material. Mostly kind of skinny and inadequate as I recall..:)

Very true! They never ask themselves why all their relationships fail!!!
Paulina  19 | 4558  
7 Nov 2014 /  #23
They are never satisfied even if they get someone from another race they're soon unhappy.

Haha, yes, indeed... I could easily observe this on this forum too - when I first registered on PF there was a paean after a paean about Polish women coming from British men lol Even their teeth were more white, they said ;D And then, after some time, the b1tching started, it turned out Polish women aren't perfect angels from heaven, but women like in any other nation lol And above all - human beings that can be both good and bad, wise and stupid, normal and crazy, etc. Oh dear... The painful disappointment ;)
coolzero  1 | 10  
7 Nov 2014 /  #24
if men didn't buy women there would NO MARKET for prostitution!

thats true I accept. its man who makes a girl a prostitute and its also a man who brings happiness in her life.

I was married for 14 years ( I was widowed) very happily and we conducted our marriage in exactly the same way. I've had two relationships since my husband died and both failed partly because the men involved thought they could tell me how to behave.

am sorry for your loss madam. obey doesnt mean that you have to do everything that a man says but you should be faithful to your life partner and yes, times haves changed now women are independent and cannot be slave.

Ah, yes, I would add coolzero too - so it's "shade", "kash", "coolzero", "prakash38", etc. Probably the same person. "Shade" was also from Lahore in Pakistan (but he later deleted this info from his profile) :)

i dont know madam whom you are talking about. there are many fake, scammers here but that doesnt mean that you can involve me in that. that just ignorance. if any one is willing to make a dispute with me then come on my private message because if i started to insult here then it wont be good. thanks to all ignorant

and Paulina madam are you sure that the man was from really from lahore
kaz200972  2 | 229  
7 Nov 2014 /  #25
and its also a man who brings happiness in her life.

A woman can be extremely happy without a man in her life, what does she need a man for???
I miss my late husband as a person, I would equally miss a female that I had lost, I don't miss having a man in my life, I can provide for the children and I am happy as a single woman.

obey doesnt mean that you have to do everything that a man says but you should be faithful to your life partner

No one is disputing that partners should be faithful to each other, obey doesn't have the same meaning though.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
7 Nov 2014 /  #26
look why not just stop with your racist and sexist nonsense.
Why are you insulting english women now? did one of them turn you down ?
sad little man
Paulina  19 | 4558  
7 Nov 2014 /  #27
madam what are you? do you really have brains. as far as i know polish girls are smarter but you?. maybe you are an English

So now you're implying that English women are stupid? lol Well, keep digging that hole and I'll just watch... :)
kaz200972  2 | 229  
7 Nov 2014 /  #28
sorry to say madam but you dont have heart

I definitely have a heart, I miss my late husband because he was handsome, funny, clever and kind NOT as a meal ticket or money provider I can provide for myself.

Having a man doesn't make a woman happy, having the company of the right person enhances happiness, there is a difference !!!!!!

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