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Incorrect data on Polish resident card

Paritosh  10 | 62  
22 Dec 2014 /  #1
I obtained my polish card ( I am a foreign national) , but my data(place of birth) is incorrect on the card which I found out later (next day) .

Please let me know the process to correct this data

Thanks in advance.

terri  1 | 1661  
22 Dec 2014 /  #2
Would it not be easier to go to the place which gave you the karta and tell them of this mistake?
How can anyone on this forum change your place of birth?
OP Paritosh  10 | 62  
22 Dec 2014 /  #3
I asked the PROCESS
terri  1 | 1661  
22 Dec 2014 /  #4
Yes, you may have asked the PROCESS - but how do you think a person, (who has never needed, never will need a visa or karta pobytu) can help you. Surely, it is better to go and ask THEM - if you don't speak Polish, take a friend with you to translate.
OP Paritosh  10 | 62  
22 Dec 2014 /  #5
Okay, thanks for your response.

A lot of expats are here so that is why I asked this information.
JollyRomek  6 | 457  
22 Dec 2014 /  #6
Surely, it is better to go and ask THEM

This would make this forum completely obsolete, don't you think?
terri  1 | 1661  
22 Dec 2014 /  #7
NO, it would not make the forum absolete.

But unless you are a qualified specialist on current Polish law, karta pobytu, visa and other documentation - there is very little that anyone can advise the 'asker'.

My advice would be to go to the originator of the card and tell them they have made a mistake. They are only human and maybe able to issue another card immediately.

As an aside, I have my own specific problems with bureaucracy in Poland - my next step is going to the papers or on a TV programme.
JollyRomek  6 | 457  
22 Dec 2014 /  #8
But unless you are a qualified specialist on current Polish law, karta pobytu, visa and other documentation - there is very little that anyone can advise the 'asker'.

So, in your opinion it is best to "shut the thread down" and tell the OP not to bother the forum with his questions because there MAY not be anyone able to answer his questions?

Interesting approach!
22 Dec 2014 /  #9
They are only human

Surely you do not wish to imply that any Polish bureaucrat is in any way less than perfect?! They themselves will surely not share that view.

Clearly the problem here is that Paritosh has been foolish enough to be born in the wrong place; it is for him to go back and correct that mistake.

maybe able to issue another card immediately.

No chance. They might (depending on where they are in their coffee & cigarette cycle) be able to immediately issue another request for a card, but they certainly cannot issue another card immediately (they simply do not have the equipment to make one).

I asked the PROCESS

The process is you go there and tell them that they have made a mistake. However, before you do that, it is a very good idea to check the photocopy that you have of the forms which you submitted to them (and got them to stamp as a true copy of the submitted forms), otherwise you may find that they claim the mistake was yours.

The question is whether the mistake is big enough that you need to get it fixed. Is it an obvious error (i.e. 'London' spelt 'Lnodon') which has no bearing and is manifest? Is it a spelling which you can claim "The name is spelt that way sometimes"? Or have they (as they did with me) managed to write that you were born in a completely different continent?
OP Paritosh  10 | 62  
22 Dec 2014 /  #10
Hello Harry ,

Thank you for your response.
Since, the whole process was taken care by another agency (law firm) , I don't have any photocopies for the document submitted. But, though i filled these document, the mistake can be from my side as well. I have already contacted the agency, but also since it is Christmas time, they will be busy as well or on leave.

So , I wanted to know the process , so I could proceed myself.

22 Dec 2014 /  #11
Thank you for your response.

Happy to help.

Since, the whole process was taken care by another agency (law firm) , I don't have any photocopies for the document submitted.

How did you provide that agency with the info they needed? By email?

so I could proceed myself.

First you need to decide if it's worth bothering with.
OP Paritosh  10 | 62  
22 Dec 2014 /  #12
I met with their representative and gave them the information. Since , it was three level of information sharing (me, agency, polish firm), the problem could have happened anywhere , thus, the important thing for me is that I should be able to change the details.

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