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Polish Governmental Bureaucracy on Permanent permit of stay.

Viva Polska  
21 Nov 2014 /  #1
Good evening good people of Poland,

I'm here to seek and contribute advises while understanding the bureaucracy of Poland and it Government.
Before I begin, I want to thank whoever will spend his or her time to read and contribute his/her relatively experiences with the Governmental issues on renewing their residence.

As non-EU, married with Polish national 3yrs ago, had 2 kids and expecting the third. I followed the due process of the law, and now I applied for the permanent residence in which I was called up for interview with my wife.But the surprising issue is my in-laws and their house-hold were also invited for the interview.

I will hint u more: My family lives in the family house of my in-law. But the issues is, is that a normal process of issuing the permanent permit? or is there anything I need to know?

Before you guess, I 'm in very good relation with my wife and her family and no problem of so-ever.

NOTE: Please, people with relative experience or who knew the due process should help me out. I am confused due to the invitation of my in-laws.

Thanks and God bless.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
21 Nov 2014 /  #2
It's normal procedure to find out if the marriage is not fake, just for the permit. If you have children together, then they should be convinced, but it's probably they do it. Read for example that:

Nigerian wife spoke to her husband in sign language. For the fictional wedding she took 2 thousand Euro - so much pay the capital gangs for hired spouses. Checking applications for temporary residence reveals more and more fraud.
In Mazovia the number of marriages increases from year to year. More and more often officials also reject applications for issuance of a temporary settling foreigner after marriage.
Nobody saw the husband. The prosecutor of Ochota and Pruszkow just completed two investigations regarding gangs, which specialized in finding money for foreign brides.
The findings of Ochota investigators shows that by 14 fictitious marriages brokered 44 year old Congolese citizen who lives in Warsaw.
A man searched for young women, which agreed for money to enter into a marriage with a foreigner. Frequently there were no education, unemployed, and without any assets. They married Nigerians.
Together with Tony K. B. who was head of the group, on the dock will sit 19 other people, including women, which the gang gave the money for the the wedding. - For the favor they received several thousand zł. Most of them pleaded guilty and wants to voluntarily submit to punishment. They face up to five years in prison.

OP Viva Polska  
21 Nov 2014 /  #3
Ok Monitor,

I knew about the stories of fake or no fake, but I am not in to panky and yanky games. I just want to be sure that it is due process.

The fact that the Police and Border Police already visited our home and asked neighbors about me. I am not worry of whatsoever it maybe but I need to understand how things are being done in issues like this.

Only foreigners with similar experience please should advise.

God bless
jon357  72 | 23363  
21 Nov 2014 /  #4
I am not worry of whatsoever it maybe but I need to understand how things are being done in issues like this.

They used to do that for all foreigners (but seemed to forget about me). They stopped after EU accession but still do it for non-EU people. A lot depends on where you are and the policy of their local office.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Law / Polish Governmental Bureaucracy on Permanent permit of stay.Archived