Today the World Economic Forum released its latest Global Competitiveness Report (
I copied some of the results in this thread - I've put some of them in bold
1.09 Burden of government regulation ...........................2.6 ..........131 out of 144 countries
1.10 Efficiency of legal framework in settling disputes ....3.1 ..........111
1.11 Efficiency of legal framework in challenging regs. ...3.2 ..........103
1.12 Transparency of government policymaking .............3.8 ..........104
1.13 Gov't services for improved business performance 3.1 ..........105
2.01 Quality of overall infrastructure ...............................4.0 ............79
2.02 Quality of roads ......................................................2.6 ..........124
2.03 Quality of railroad infrastructure ..............................2.4 ............77
2.04 Quality of port infrastructure ...................................3.5 ..........108
2.05 Quality of air transport infrastructure....................... 3.8 ..........105
3.01 Government budget balance, % GDP* ..................-5.2 ..........111
3.04 General government debt, % GDP* .....................55.4 ..........103
5.02 Tertiary education enrollment, gross %*................ 70.5 ............21
6.07 No. days to start a business* ..................................32 ..........105
6.08 Agricultural policy costs.......................................... 3.6 ............98
6.09 Prevalence of trade barriers ...................................4.2 ............80
6.10 Trade tariffs, % duty* ..............................................0.9 ..............6
7.04 Redundancy costs, weeks of salary* .......................10 ............38
7.05 Pay and productivity ...............................................4.3 ............39
7.06 Reliance on professional management ...................4.2 ............74
7.07 Brain drain .............................................................2.9 ..........108
7.08 Women in labor force, ratio to men* .....................0.81 ............65
9.02 Firm-level technology absorption ............................4.2 ..........112
What is your opinion on what it says about Poland's global competitiveness. Does it make good reading? Where is room for improvement? What can Poland be proud of? Is there any data you find remarkable..
This ranking is a joke because it is based on general population opinions. So for example if someone ask a Pole: "what is an infrastructure state in your country" the answer is mostly from not very good to terrible, because a Pole compares it to the west of Europe, mostly German autobahns of course, the newest sections...
So for example supposedly Poland, Czech Republic, or ... Norway! has worse roads than bunch of third world countries... come on how monstrous BS is that?
If someone would ask Eskimo if 10 Celsius was cold, he would probably answer that it is considerably nice summer :-) What is the point to compare that with the answer of Egyptian ?
This report is totally out of context and compares apples with oranges...