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Got Polish citizenship, now I need a Pesel and passport

Kay  1 | 3  
31 Dec 2010 /  #1
I am currently in Warsaw and have recently got confirmation of Polish citizenship.
Now I need to get a PESEL and passport.
Can someone give me the address of where in Warsaw to get these application forms as I have been all over so many departments and each one sends me somewhere else.

By the way I speak Polish.
One would never believe to trouble I have had!
Eustachy  - | 1  
31 Dec 2010 /  #2
not really quite sure, but i think you have to check with the district of warsaw where your living eg..bemowo, prague, ursus etc, i am also living in warsaw and at present undergoing their immigration problem just to get 1 yr stay as a student first. i have polish girl friend but do not know how she can help. good luck as i would love to know you more..morgeust@yahoo
OP Kay  1 | 3  
31 Dec 2010 /  #3
Thanks, but I am leaving for Australia in 5 days and have completely given up on these Polish bureaucrats and will see what I can do in Australia with the Polish consul. It can't be worse than here.

MrBubbles  10 | 613  
31 Dec 2010 /  #4
One would never believe to trouble I have had!

Oh I'm sure one would....

From what I can remember, you can get your passport through the consulate who processed your citizenship. If not, you have to go to the passport office in Warsaw.

My PESEL was eventually awarded by the USC (Urzad Stanu Cywilnego). I had to provide the documentation from the other offices I went to - I think it was proof of registration (zameldowania) from the local delegatura, a letter from the president confirming my citizenship and maybe something else from the passport office.

Sorry I can't be more help - the people in the offices are bastards and they look for any reason to get out of helping you. If you have some spare time, this looks possibly helpful - it has the address of the Warsaw USC if nothing else transparent.com/polish/tag/urzad-stanu-cywilnego/

Otherwise, it might actually be worth checking out out one of those private immigration firms - I think they will handle all the paperwork for you.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
31 Dec 2010 /  #5
Your PESEL you get from your local Gmina (Bemowo, Mokotów, Bielany....)
It should not pose any problems to get it if you have the correct documentation.
OP Kay  1 | 3  
31 Dec 2010 /  #6
Thanks MrBubbles,
I am going to the USC here in Warsaw Monday. Will let you know how I get on.

Guess what! The USC at ul Andersa 5 didn't want to know me or anything about a PESEL. They, as per usual, wanted to send me to the other side of Warsaw - not to where we have already been but to another suburb so I give up.

As MrBubbles says, they are all barstards and go out of their way to NOT help.
I am going to Australia on Wednesday so will ask the consul there to fix things up!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Jan 2011 /  #7
The USC at ul Andersa 5 didn't want to know me or anything about a PESEL.

That's because the Urzad Miasta (or whatever it's called in Warsaw) will issue it if you're registered in Poland. You'll get your dowód osobisty in the same place. As a Polish citizen, why didn't you just go to the same place that every other Polish citizen goes to deal with citizenship matters?
Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
3 Jan 2011 /  #8
I am going to Australia on Wednesday

Have a good trip! :)
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
3 Jan 2011 /  #9
s MrBubbles says, they are all barstards and go out of their way to NOT help.


Urzad Miasta (or whatever it's called in Warsaw) will issue it if you're registered in Poland.

But you need to be registered to stay anywhere in Poland, surely. If Kay is living in Warsaw, she should have zameldowanie, and her local USC / delegatura should issue the appropriate documents. I too had to go back and forth between offices until they acknowledged this.

Kay, best get it done in Australia - I'm sure you'll have more success.
OP Kay  1 | 3  
3 Jan 2011 /  #10
Thanks everyone for your advice and best wishes. I will certainly avoid Polish bureaucrats in future as much as I can. They are not communists but they can't get rid of their mentality and habits.

My file is about 5cms thick so I am leaving my footprint in Poland. I had to prove my origins right up to Mieszko I and his son Boleslaw Chrobry. Still I want to come back someday.

BBman  - | 343  
9 Jan 2011 /  #11
Getting a passport, pesel, and dowod osobisty are simple tasks. Get your passport at a consulate/embassy or in poland at and the pesel can be found at the urzad miasta when you apply for a dowod osobisty (bring your passport AND polish birth certificate or proof of polish citizenship).

It will take some time and the b!tches that work in these offices will be rude/unpleasant/try to make things difficult for you, but its not impossible.

It's a shame really to see these fairly attractive young women acting unhappy and grumpy.
Pan  - | 4  
29 May 2011 /  #12
hi everybody,

M sure its quite late to post anything here, but still feel to write n take out my frustration here (even if no bodys reading).

I got the Polish Citizenship Confirmation (the Desicion Certificate) and was happy finally no more of polish burecrazy, as per the law its like 14 days if one want to appeal, well i dint want to appeal so went for filling Passport and ID, and m back to square one (polish bureCRAZY)

1) cant have an passport without ID. (fine i understand its law)
2) Cant have an ID have to wait 14 days (OK i told my self)
3) I go after 14 days and the OLD FEMALES working there TELL me 14 days counting without weekend, WHAT THE HELL (there is no such LAW) but cant HELP, as they cant get communalish out of their mind.

4) I go after 14 days (excluding weekend) and NOW they dont want to even say Hi or anything and just right away seeing me, almost shoutingly says WE CANT work on ur ID, everything is done, the decision is public here BUT not done in WARSAW so come after one month, (AND I LEARNed HOW people BECOME CRAZY ending up in mental asylum).

I have already postponed my tickets once and now I am not sure how many time it will take, I got citizenship one month back but still have to wait ONE month more to file for ID, and it will take 30 days (or more only GOD KNOWS) and then i can file passport which they say takes one month. so in total 30+30+30+ !+?+!!+ ... = ???? days

IF I GO INSANE AND END UP IN MENTAL HOSPITAL, pls make the FEMALES working in Urzad Miasta office and other such People working in these offices wholey RESPOSIBLE for my condintion.

anyone whos plaing to take Polish citizenship, PLEASE read all the above and other stories over the NET and if you have a lot of FREE time and PATIENCE then only go or think for it.

29 May 2011 /  #13
Lame lame lame and again lame. Even my belorussian cleaning lady got her PESEL with no trouble and only haltingly speaking the language.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 May 2011 /  #14
anyone whos plaing to take Polish citizenship, PLEASE read all the above.

Or alternatively, you could stop TYPING in CAPITALS and instead use your brain.

With your attitude, I'm not surprised that they don't want to give you the Dowod.

Incidentally, three weeks is about normal for obtaining the ID card.

Of course, if you didn't want to do it like this, you could just..you know, not be Polish.
wielki pan  2 | 250  
30 May 2011 /  #15
With your attitude, I'm not surprised that they don't want to give you the Dowod.

you seem to be a nasty person Mr D, as I mentioned in a previous post on this topic, getting a Polish Passport for somebody not born in Poland is a real nightmare, believe me, the run around, nobody willing to help, and paperwork and fees. The merry go around continues when you have to find a place that can take your fingerprints, the average time seems to be around 12 months... good luck
Piast Poland  3 | 165  
30 May 2011 /  #16
I received my PESEL on my renewed passport.
asik  2 | 220  
30 May 2011 /  #17
2) Cant have an ID have to wait 14 days (OK i told my self)

No, according to the info from the Ministerial Department of Administration:

Termin załatwienia sprawy:

* do trzydziestu dni od daty złożenia wniosku
* w szczególnych przypadkach w/w termin może być krótszy lub dłuższy


It says
The terms of issuing Dowod Osobisty:
* It takes up to 30 days from the date the application was received.
* In some circumstances it can take shorter or longer than the a/s term.

So,Pan you were very picky towards this old lady . She was probably fed up with ignorant people like you and you should be shamed of yourself. Is that the way you want to start your life as a Polish person? Why do you bother?

I don't know your story but if Polish citizen is not living in Poland he/she should apply for passport (and other Polish documents) though the Polish Consulate in your country to spare yourself all of additional documents required if applying in Poland but not residing over there.

Everything is clearly explained if you really care to learn how to apply for your Polish documents. If in emergancy you should clearly state that (and pay additional fees as everywhere) in your application and you'd spare yourself some nerves.
inkrakow  1 | 98  
30 May 2011 /  #18
I got the Polish Citizenship Confirmation (the Desicion Certificate) and was happy finally no more of polish burecrazy

In my case it was much, much simpler to do it the other way round - once I had the Decision Certificate, I filled in the application form for a PESEL that the Polish consulate gave me and after some time, I went to pick up my new passport which already had my PESEL in it. Once I had that I went to my Urzad and got my Dowód Osobisty. There was minimal hassle! I only wanted a Dowód because I was moving to Poland - otherwise, there was no need to have it... Why are you doing it this way round? The Urzedy in Poland aren't very good at dealing with exceptions, while the Consulates are.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 May 2011 /  #19
Good, it discourages people from applying just for the sake of EU citizenship.

I can only hope that a Polish language test will be introduced in due course, preferably at B2 minimum level.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
30 May 2011 /  #20
Pan, in your profile, you answer 'Czy znasz jezyk polski?' question by saying: "very less". Is it the "english net language" that you've grown up with and I haven't, or is it just a mistake? I'm asking out of curosity.

edit: The mods have erased part of the topic in the meanwhile. Impossible to carry on any normal conversation. God bless the mods [and save the Queen, bien sûr]!
Pan  - | 4  
30 May 2011 /  #21
guys, u still not getting the point....
I know its takes a month to get the ID after filling, but the question is when to file?
I went to file after 15 days of recievig Citizenship, and they were asking me to wait for two month before i can file.
I met the director today, and he right away took my application, saying he was sorry for misguidence from him office, and i should get id in max 2 to 3 weeks.

Hope u guys get the message clear now.
CK1962  - | 1  
3 Feb 2012 /  #22
Hi, I'm new to this forum and decided to join for some assistance.
I'll be traveling to the Czech Republic and have plans to go to Warsaw to register my foreign birth certificate and then to get my PESEL number thru the Polish Consulate in Washington for which I'll only need to email or fax my Polish birth certificate so they can apply for my PESEL and then provide me with such number to apply for my Polish passport...

Question is: Do I have to have a registered residence in Poland to apply for my passport there? Being that I'll be traveling to the Czech Republic on a Schengen visa, can I stay in Poland beyond the expiration of my Schengen visa while I wait for my Polish passport? In the process of waiting for my Polish passport, can I apply for my Dowód osobisty?

I have plans to relocate and to stay in Poland but don't want to break any rules by staying in Europe beyond my Schengen visa expiration...

Please some advise is appreciated...close to travel within 20 days.
Thank you in advance.
antheads  13 | 340  
3 Feb 2012 /  #23
Yes you must have a registered address 'meldunek' if you want to apply in poland. Better to do it overseas in the country of your birth. However if you rent you can get meldunek.

I am pretty sure that you need a dowod osobiesty first before you can apply for polish passport if you apply inside poland.
10 Aug 2015 /  #24
Hi mr kay thx for your post congrats my question is how long are u here in poland and did u get positive decesion from presedent first atempt and cauz i applied and i got negative from presedent butt let me tell you u are angry at these ladys whos working in these offces i feel personally they are so hard working helpfull and nice always ready to help even i get negative decession butt still i really respect them they are lovely people even i dont speak good polish butt i never had any problem everything right on time after england i saw first time this much lovely civil servants for exam if u go to france or spain or anywhere in offces im sure straight way they will show u your place ?beleive me
12 Sep 2015 /  #25
I am 100% polish, and I will confirm that polish government workers are the rudest pieces of garbage there are. If you don't think so, obviously you haven't traveled much.
befranklin  1 | 41  
12 Sep 2015 /  #26
If you truly believe that then obviously, you have never any experiences with US immigration services, the horror stories abound and at least in Poland you deal with a real person.

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