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Can I get Polish citizenship if exceeded the "3,5 year after marriage" time limit?

21 May 2011 /  #1
Hello Everybody:
I am a US citizen and have been married to a Pole since 1996. I have a Permanent Residency (Karta stalego pobytu) since 1997. I am potentially interested in applying now for citizenship, but see that there is apparently a requirement that I should have done this within 6 months of getting my Residency and/or 3.5 years after marrying my spouse. Can I still apply, or how could I get a "special dispensation" to be eligible?

Thanks for any relevant advice. Chris
KateLouise  - | 50  
21 May 2011 /  #2
Is there a time limit, or is it just that you must be married for 3.5 years before you can apply?
ChrisPoland  2 | 123  
21 May 2011 /  #3
The time requirements are not limits (or windows) but minimum requirements which you have exceeded.

What does your card say? Does it say "karta stałego pobytu"? I am asking because they have stopped issuing cards with that title. My card says "karta pobytu" and then has rodzaj wydanego zezwolenia -osiedlenie się (the right to settle). I can do everything but vote.

When I received my card, I planned to apply for my citizenship as well. I even went directly from the karta pobytu office to the passport for foreigners office, where I was told by a very nice lady that Poland doesn't issue passports to foreigners. I informed her that her door says something different and went home. 5 years later and I still haven't taken care of it.

Good luck!
al111  13 | 89  
21 May 2011 /  #4
where I was told by a very nice lady that Poland doesn't issue passports to foreigners.

Rightly so and which country will give it's passports to foreigners my dear? You have to write a letter of intending to aquire polish citizenship within 6months of receiving your permit to settle and from there they will tell you what documents to bring in. Nowadays they try by all means to give a decision with in 3months if all documents are in order.
alda  1 | 5  
15 Sep 2012 /  #5
Merged: Do you acquire citizenship of Poland by marring a Pole?

Hi. as far as i know it is not enough to marry a Pole to acquire polish citizenship, but one has be a polish resident for at leas 5 years to acquire the citizenship,,can anyone confirm this information, please?!

thank you in advance
3 Jun 2014 /  #6
It's enough to live permanently in Poland (on residency permit) for at least 2 years, being in marriage with Polish citizen for at least 3 years.
3 Jun 2014 /  #7
Hi Looker,

Is there a language requirement or some history/national exam to take before being considered for citizenship?

Monitor  13 | 1810  
3 Jun 2014 /  #8
why don't you read his link.

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