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Polish citizen moving back from USA to the EU (Ireland or Netherlands) with American partner

Lyzko  45 | 9751  
16 Sep 2016 /  #31
@Maf, although the Dutch speak proverbially fluent English, this by no means signifies that when I've been to the Netherlands, I don't speak Dutch with them in order to insure we both UNDERSTAND one another fluently:-)

Klaudia, if you moved to the States when you were eight, how old are you now? I ask, because normally one never really "unlearns" their mother tongue, except consciously:-) You wrote that at present your English is better than your Polish. Many in my aquaintenceship have claimed similarly that they've forgotten their birth language, though after conversing with them at some length, it turns out that in the end, both their first AS WELL AS their second language have a foreign accentLOL

Archives - 2010-2019 / Law / Polish citizen moving back from USA to the EU (Ireland or Netherlands) with American partnerArchived