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how do i change my Polish last name

9 Aug 2006 /  #1
i want to have a polish last name , but i'm just 16 . it's that possible , what are the options i have?? . please help me out.
rafik  18 | 589  
9 Aug 2006 /  #2
which country are you from and why do you want to change your surname:)?polish surnames are difficult to pronounce and most of them end with ski or ska.it is boring:)
9 Aug 2006 /  #3
Get married to a Polish guy. They are the nicest guys in the world. Do not marry an American. They suck.
OP brelnis  
9 Aug 2006 /  #4
i'm from usa. but my surname comes from spain ''diaz'' and i hate it ! , everytime i'm in school and people hear my last name they say '' ohh r u hispanic? '' because they think that's a hispanic name.

yeah i def. want to get married with a polish guy . i guess i'm going to date one in a short time.
10 Aug 2006 /  #5
i want to have a polish last name , but i'm just 16 . it's that possible , what are the options i have?? . please help me out.

how about nice Irish name!
10 Aug 2006 /  #6
There`s nothing wrong with your name. And if you`re going to marry a Polish guy then you`re going to take his name anyway - so what`s the point in changing your name now ?
10 Aug 2006 /  #7
Wujek_Dobra_Rada - I hope to god you were not taking that post seriously!
10 Aug 2006 /  #8
Well, I`ve ment that seriously. Getting married is one option - but she can`t do that untill she`s 18, can`t she..
10 Aug 2006 /  #9


I know you dont like the BBC but have a look at this, I have never seen my train station with so many armed Police as I did this morning...fcuking animals

Well, I`ve ment that seriously. Getting married is one option - but she can`t do that untill she`s 18, can`t she..

I think you need to lighten up a bit.....getting married to change a name?? dont they have depoll in the states - you can do that before 18 too
10 Aug 2006 /  #10
I know you dont like the BBC but have a look at this, I have never seen my train station with so many armed Police as I did this morning...fcuking animals

What does this have to do with her hanging her name ?

But why should she do that before she`s going to be 18 ?
10 Aug 2006 /  #11
What does this have to do with her hanging her name ?

I am assuming you mean hate, I posted it because I really cant be bothered starting my own and assumed you would be responding and also as this was such a shit post I thought I'd give it a bit of umph!

But why should she do that before she`s going to be 18 ?

you can change your name by depoll - you can do this before you are 18!!!!!
10 Aug 2006 /  #12
I see - but as I see the terrorist attack had been prevented. We all have to calculate that such things might happen every day. This is a war.

you can change your name by depoll - you can do this before you are 18!!!!!

But why should she do that before she`s going to be 18 ? Perhaps later on she`s going to come to an opinion that she dosn`t want to do it.
10 Aug 2006 /  #13
But why should she do that before she`s going to be 18 ? Perhaps later on she`s going to come to an opinion that she dosn`t want to do it.

then she can change it back, it's less drastic than marrage
10 Aug 2006 /  #14
But she dosnt have to do it.
10 Aug 2006 /  #15
I see - but as I see the terrorist attack had been prevented. We all have to calculate that such things might happen every day. This is a war

it's a bit frustrating, I travel by train every day and by air every other week so it's a pain in the arse if I have to check hand luggage in

This is a war.

oh yeah, because it's really affecting Poland isnt it?
10 Aug 2006 /  #16
oh yeah, because it's really affecting Poland isnt it?

It`s a war in which for a change we aren`t at the first front this time - but yes, we`re also affected by it. Some two years ago there have been some suspiciously looking Muslims here who were taking photos of subways, trainstations and government buildings. They were all rounded up and deported.

Besides, can you immagine what would happen to the Muslim minority here if there would be a terrorist attack on our soil ?
10 Aug 2006 /  #17
Why are there so many muslims in Poland? Where did they caome from? There never used to be any.
10 Aug 2006 /  #18
Besides, can you immagine what would happen to the Muslim minority here if there would be a terrorist attack on our soil

A wild guess would be there would be no muslim minority
10 Aug 2006 /  #19
Why are there so many muslims in Poland? Where did they caome from? There never used to be any.

Well, the Tatars were always here - right now there are only 5000 of them left. But nowdays most of this minority consists of immigrants and foreign exchange students - the which make out about 30.000 people.

A wild guess would be there would be no muslim minority

Yes - if the government wouldn`t do anything, the people would take justice into their own hands.
15 Aug 2006 /  #20
lol poor complexed that dummy wanting to change his lastname.

Spain people is white you moron be proud of your lastname you are complexed because of all the native americans from mexico etc are called ""hispanics""and have spanish lastnames.

Black people have english names and native americans from south america(there also is white people in south america) have spanish lastnames because the Spanish colonized south america.

Hispanic is not a race is an ethnicity and like in the u.s there are black asian and white hispanics but you find this word offensive over there because all the "hispanics" you see over there are all native americans or black not whites.

Unlike the english the spanish didnt exterminate all the native people.

The REAL Spanish are white so dont mistake the Spanish people from Spain with other races like the native american people.

Calling people from other countries like mexico etc "the spanish people" is an insult for the Spanish people because those spanish speaking people are frowned upon.

Should we call the smart americans "jamaicans" because they also speak english?

Hey complexed, actress Cameron Diaz is white,cant you tell the difference or what ?

Screw the racists
guess who  
15 Aug 2006 /  #21
Your nationality or your last name does not determine who you are. It is your character, it is what is in your heart that does.
krysia  23 | 3058  
16 Aug 2006 /  #22
Some people just simply don't like their names. Some people don't like the way they look, they get bored with their lives and want a change, have plastic surgeries, change their hair color, their sex etc. All this doesn't really matter much, because you live, get old and die.

"GUESS WHO" has a good point. It is what's inside and what you do with your life that counts. Some people live in a wheel-chair all their life and would give anything to walk again. They appreciate what they do have. That they're alive. Others take life for granted, are not happy with what they have and want more.

That's only human nature.
26 Apr 2007 /  #23
i want to change my last name

Pawelek  - | 11  
26 Apr 2007 /  #24
i want to have a polish last name , but i'm just 16 . it's that possible , what are the options i have?? . please help me out.

The best advice I can give you is to take pride in who you are. Your name is part of that. Do some research into Spanish history. There was a time when Spain was the most powerful country in the world. Columbus sailed to the New World under a Spanish flag. It's a proud heritage. Dont' let the ignorance of others make you ashamed of it.
21 Jun 2007 /  #25
polish surnames are difficult to pronounce and most of them end with ski or ska.

Not only that, when you have to sign your name it goes across the whole page. lol
jnowiski  2 | 121  
21 Jun 2007 /  #26
wtf Nowski... :D nice last name. krysia, what's wrong with Polish-americans? haha.
witek  1 | 587  
21 Jun 2007 /  #27
polish surnames are difficult to pronounce and most of them end with ski or ska.

nobody in Canada has pronounced my surname right, it starts with an i and ends with icz. masakra.

they even have trouble with my name Witek

they pronounce my name Why-tek

i tell them that it is pronounced vtec like the honda engine or vtec phone.
jnowiski  2 | 121  
21 Jun 2007 /  #28
people add an extra n in front of the ski on mine...i don't know why.
Meg  1 | 38  
21 Jun 2007 /  #29
I got a very nice Polish last name when I got married . . . but my husband laughed at me when I suggested it be "-ska" not "-ski" legally. :^( Apparently English-speaking Poles in English-speaking countries just don't do that, as a rule. He said only one of his 7 sisters ever tried to go by "-ska", and it never quite stuck.

The name is "Lakowski" and of course English-speakers pronounce the "w" as "w" not "v" - my father-in-law always responds, "There are no cows here!"
jnowiski  2 | 121  
22 Jun 2007 /  #30
try living with nowiski...the thing i hear more than people calling me dirk is "Nowiski...SUCKS FOR YOU!!" or "If that was my last name i'd change it to YESwiski" I just stand there with a blank face.

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