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How do you write and pronounce "carry on" as in "continue" in Polish?

Grochowski_M  1 | 9  
3 Aug 2015 /  #1
How do you write and pronounce "carry on" as in "continue" in Polish?
When we google translation we get "kontynuować". Is this correct?
Another site gives us "Prowadzili" and gives us "Kontynuuj" for "continue"?
And "resume" is given as "Wznów"
Dziękuję bardzo
3 Aug 2015 /  #2
"Kontynuować" is the correct version (as a general verb). If you want to tell someone to continue doing something, you should rather use: "kontynuuj." So it's like "to be = być" vs. "be! = bądź." The word 'resume' could be considered 'wznów' in Polish (it suits perfectly in computer language commands).
Lyzko  44 | 9715  
3 Aug 2015 /  #4
How does "Tylko dalej" strike you?
Looker  - | 1129  
4 Aug 2015 /  #5
Better would be: "Tylko tak dalej", eventually just "tak dalej", or even better - "Tak trzymać!"

Archives - 2010-2019 / Language / How do you write and pronounce "carry on" as in "continue" in Polish?Archived