BTW, can you explain why that manager should kick my wife out, you f***** Polish idiot?
With pleasure, you f***** American moron. He should kick you out first because it was none of your business to know how those Polish workers talk to themselves in Polish.
I made every reasonable (that excluded a lobotomy) effort to erase my Polish experience right along with the language.
Then the manager should kick your wife out as a kind of bonus for you from the house. That would make both of you rather reluctunt to come to the establishment again and complain of the Polish language spoken on the premises in whatever form. That in turn would have solved any the language problem with Polish that anyone might have at that clinic in future: you, your wife, the Polish workers and last, but not least, the manager himself. Problem solved! And remember, you really should consider lobotomy as a very good method of erasing your Polish experience along with the Polish language!
miód -> miedź (through softening of the kind widely used in Slavic languages);wiad -> wiedź (as in wiedzieć)
I am for it. It then would be "it who knows where honey is" rather than "it who eats honey". It is interesting that in Russian the starting consonant is "m" (miedwied'), whereas in Polish it is "n" (niedźwiedź). Likewise, we have "Mikołaj", while the Russians have "Nikołaj", but this time it is the other way round!