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"Widzę stół"- Trying to learn Polish

joio  1 | 2  
4 Mar 2012 /  #1

To try and learn/remember polish im trying to use it in my every day life. So when i see an object i say "Widzę stół" im i saying this right? Im i saying i see a table?

4 Mar 2012 /  #2
So when i see an object i say "Widzę stół" im i saying this right? Im i saying i see a table?



Proszę bardzo :)
OP joio  1 | 2  
4 Mar 2012 /  #3
Thank you a.k. :o)
Chleb  1 | 25  
4 Mar 2012 /  #4
Me too.

Whenever I see my profile name, I see the word 'Chleb'. Sadly, this only helps me learn one word in the language.

Do widzenia!
pawian  226 | 27587  
4 Mar 2012 /  #5
"Widzę stół"

What kind of table do you see?


OP joio  1 | 2  
4 Mar 2012 /  #6
Oh dear didn't think of specifics lol I have only just started learning polish so i think ill leave specifics for a few weeks lol

Whenever I see my profile name, I see the word 'Chleb'. Sadly, this only helps me learn one word in the language.

You should defiantly try and do what im doing. I am hoping it will really help and the more i say it the more it will hopefully stay lol.
Chleb  1 | 25  
5 Mar 2012 /  #7
^^ Yeah, that's the best way to remember for me. Using it in every day language. Sometimes I say stuff in polish to my friends and they think I'm crazy(er).
catsoldier  54 | 574  
5 Mar 2012 /  #8
polish to my friends

To your Polish friends or to other friends?
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082  
5 Mar 2012 /  #9
What kind of table do you see?

melting table -
transformer table -
green table -
octopus table -
sumo table -

pawian  226 | 27587  
6 Mar 2012 /  #10
Excellent. Except for the green table. First I thought it is a real name for a pool/billiards table.

But a typical green table is this!!:
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082  
6 Mar 2012 /  #11

It is homework for joio

Except for the green table.

I'm sure you know that I'm retired troll ;)
pawian  226 | 27587  
6 Mar 2012 /  #12
I'm sure you know that I'm retired troll ;)

I know what you mean but not going to comment on it in fear of landing our precious posts in the bin. Sorry.
Chleb  1 | 25  
2 Apr 2012 /  #13
To your Polish friends or to other friends?

My normal friends; they don't have a clue what I'm saying. In fact, they think I'm speaking Norwegian.

There's only one Polish guy in our year and I really don't imagine us having a friendly conversation in Polish.
Specjalista  3 | 43  
22 Apr 2012 /  #14
You're doing well for a start. :)

May I make a suggestion which I went through myself? Learn to write well in English as this will undoubtedly help you in the future with Polish. Don't say ill because it does not mean I'll and i is a word in Polish so always use the English I.

Small things make a difference and in my studies I have found I had to learn lots about my own language in order to learn Polish.

Learn the meaning of these words (you'll need them!):

Grammatical Case

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