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Wedding day talk - common sayings or interesting phrases?

kie  13 | 42  
29 Aug 2011 /  #1

I shall be getting married shortly in Poland. Do you have any common sayings or interesting phrases that are used in polish weddings, at the church, and at the reception after or any useful vocabulary?

Ideally the more humourous the better.

Also, can anyone tell me what is said in polish at the alter? As I should really start practicing this.

Thanks, Kieron.
catsoldier  54 | 574  
29 Aug 2011 /  #2
I shall be getting married shortly in Poland.


Unless you are taking those pills that your man was taking in "Limitless", the film, forget about wedding conversation, just some simple things and you will keep everyone entertained for hours, they won't have laughed so much in their whole lives.

What happened to change your mind?

basically, in my experience, they're a total pain in the a ss. Expect to say goodbye to your freedom, friends and hobbies, expect children any time soon and a rushed through marriage. Get out while you still can!

beckski  12 | 1609  
30 Aug 2011 /  #3
interesting phrases that are used in polish weddings

Be prepared to hear "Sto lat" over & over again.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
30 Aug 2011 /  #4
Do you have any common sayings or interesting phrases that are used in polish weddings, at the church, and at the reception after or any useful vocabulary?

I went through this myself knowing average Polish. My unsolicited advice? Smile a lot (as if you really mean it) and say dziękuję a lot. Here is your one "free pass" to not worry about your Polish - use it! You will have many more important things on your mind. Don't worry about this. You'll have plenty of time to work on your Polish. Congratulations! And Wszystkiego najlepszego!
OP kie  13 | 42  
30 Aug 2011 /  #5
Thanks for your thoughts, what do you have to say at the alter though?

Well spotted Catsoldier! I sounded very bitter!

Do you bother with speeches like we do in England?

On the one polski wedding I've been on, I remember the next day having these disco polo songs played by the band swirling around my head!

Are there any sayings about mother in laws to bring them down a peg or two?

beckski  12 | 1609  
30 Aug 2011 /  #6
what do you have to say at the alter though?

Just say nie to everything & all should work in your favor... (KIDDING!)
catsoldier  54 | 574  
31 Aug 2011 /  #7
Well spotted Catsoldier! I sounded very bitter!

You were probably having a bad day. I wish you the best. Wszystkiego najlepszego.

Are there any sayings about mother in laws to bring them down a peg or two?

You have to be joking!
rybnik  18 | 1444  
31 Aug 2011 /  #8
Are there any sayings about mother in laws to bring them down a peg or two?

Are you serious? Please don't make this potentially fatal mistake. Make your mother-in-law your ally. Mamusia plays a very potent role in the Polish family. Spare yourself a lot of grief and heartache(I'm speaking from personal experience). It's a battle that's not worth the fight. There will be no winners.....( I know I sound hysterical. I'm just trying to impress upon you how serious I am) :)
OP kie  13 | 42  
31 Aug 2011 /  #9
Mamusia plays a very potent role in the Polish family.

good advice I think!

'absolutny posluszenstwo' is what I was going to use.

Just nabbed these off a website (won't be using them just yet):-

Kobiety są piękne tylko do dnia ich ślubu - Women are only cute until their wedding day.

Myślałam, że cały ślubny dzień jest zrujnowany - I thought the whole wedding day was ruined.

Any others?

catsoldier  54 | 574  
31 Aug 2011 /  #10
Myślałem, że cały ślubny dzień jest zrujnowany - I thought the whole wedding day was ruined. Any others?

e instead of a because you are a man and not a woman, if you are going to have a laugh better to get your grammar correct at least. I only saw this error but others better than I may see more.
Marynka11  3 | 639  
1 Sep 2011 /  #11
When the guests yell "Gorzko, gorzko" (bitter, bitter) that means you have to kiss the bride.

Here are the catholic church vows:

Ja, (name here) biorę sobie ciebe (name here) za męża / żonę
(I, _____ take you ___as a husband/wife)

i obiecuję ci miłość, wierność i uczciwość małżeńską, oraz że cię nie opuszczę aż do śmierci.
(and I promise you love, faithfulness and marital honesty, and that I shall not leave you until death)

Tak mi dopomóż Panie Boze Wszechmogący, w Trójcy jedyny i wszyscy Święci.
So help me God Almighty, one in Trinity and all Saints

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