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Ways to say "bring" in Polish, and differences between them

pernumba  4 | 1  
15 Jun 2018 /  #1

These are some of the ways to say "to bring" in Polish. Does anyone have any links to any good resources for getting better at this? Understanding is not the issue, it's just that I am never really sure which verb to use. I know the prefixes generally follow the same rules as the prefixes for "iść" / "jechać" the "go/come" verbs etc. But I would really like a comprehensive look at this. If anyone has any resources, online, or books that are available online, let me know.

Also, if any non-slavic learner has "mastered" this, please let me know what you did, and how you went about it :)

Dzięki Wielkie :)
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
15 Jun 2018 /  #2
If you know the meaning of the prefix, it is simple:

w-nieść (w = up or w = into)
z-nieść (z = down), also "znieść" means "to stand something" as in "I can't stand it" - Nie mogę tego znieść/wytrzymać.
majkel  - | 60  
15 Jun 2018 /  #3
I'll try to translate those:

nosić - these means "to wear" most of the time, like in "nosić spodnie", it never means "to bring", more like "to carry"
nieść - that's "to carry", but with destination, like in "niosę to do domu"
donieść - almost exclusively used as "to snitch\rat"
nanieść - that never has anything to do with carrying\bringing, it's more like "to revise" especially in the meaning of "nanieść zmiany"
obnieść - also has nothing to do with carrying\bringing, only meaning I know is "obnosić się" - which means to gloat, flaunt
odnieść - that means "to bring back", but also "odnieść się do czegoś", like in "w odniesieniu do tego co mówiłeś" - "relating what you said"

podnieść - to pick up
ponieść - mostly used in reference to horses - "koń poniósł" means that the horse you were riding went wild and is uncontollable, don't know specific terms

przenieść - to move something somewhere, also "przenieść się" as in "to move houses", "to move places"
przynieść - to bring
roznieść - to give things around, like in pamflets or soup, also used in "roznosić choroby" - spread diseases
unieść - to lift, also "uniesienie" means as in "exploson of joy", or "uplifting mood", you catch the drift
wnieść - to take something in, like "wnieść po schodach" or "wnieść do bundynku" - take something up the stairs or take something into the buiding

wynieść - to take out
wznieść - to build as in "wznieść budynek" or "wznieść pomnik"
zanieść - to take something somewhere, "zanieś to do domu" - take it home, "zanieś to tam" - take it there
znieść - to brign something down, also to put up with/ to bear, also to cancel as in "znosić zakaz"

This is loose translation with no grammatical background.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
15 Jun 2018 /  #4
One also shouldn't forget either the close connection in Polish between the concepts of "bring" and "carry"!

"niesc" can signify taking something by transporting it physically over from one spot to the other. If I'm "bringing" someone a cup of coffee (for which I'd employ "PRZYniesc" vs. "przynosic", for instance), obviously, I'm going to be carrying it to someone. In English though, these two verbs "bring" an "carry" are two separate, unrelated words, even if their actions can be related conceptually.
cinek  2 | 347  
20 Jun 2018 /  #5
You must also remember that there are a whole bunch of other words whose's general meaning is 'to bring' but which express other ways of doing it like:


Lyzko  44 | 9745  
20 Jun 2018 /  #6
Oh, quite Cinek.

"Przywiezc" though can mean to bring via some sort of land conveyance, e.g. "woz" (mechanical or other), whereas "przyniesc" typically is used for conveying something by hand aka carrying, as I'd mentioned earlier, thus it's unprefixed root "niesc"/"nosic" = to carry or take someplace manually or physically.
14 Aug 2018 /  #7
Quite often, all the words with different prefixes use completely different verbs in other languages. Don't get hung up on the prefixes. They actually make things easier for you because there are fewer things to remember.

For example, in English, you need to remember
to bring
to carry
to move house
to rise
to lift
to distribute
to take out

In Polish, it's
przenieść się
unieść się

Treat them as separate words, and notice that it makes learning the language a lot easier, because really, there's only one extra word and one pronunciation you have to learn for all these different concepts.

And when you come across a word with the root "nieść" in it, you might not know what it means, but you can have a guess that it probably has something vaguely to do with moving something or carrying it, and occasionally, that can really help you work the rest out from context without even having to look in the dictionary.

As for the prefixes themselves, there are some vague patterns there, but that's something you get a feel for once you're in your way to mastering the language.

As far as "bring" itself is concerned:

przynieść - to bring
przyniosę - I will bring
przyniosłem - I brought
przynosić - to be bringing
przynoszę - I am bringing
przynosiłem - I was bringing


przywieźć - to bring (using some form of transport, like a car/train/bike)
przywiozę - I will bring
przywiozłem - I brought
przywozić - to be bringing (using some for of transport)
przywożę - I am bringing
przywoziłem - I was bringing
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
14 Aug 2018 /  #8
Phrasal verbs aka prepositional phrases though often have no equivalent in Polish. This is usually the reason many Poles find English such a challenge.
I'm reminded here of the movie "Sophie's Choice" in which Meryl Streep as a Polish immigrant laments in that famous scene the numerous difficulties in

learning English:-)
TheWizard  - | 217  
15 Aug 2018 /  #9
There are more ways to say bring, how about ' dawaj dupa' while pointing at an object. My dads favourite.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
15 Aug 2018 /  #10
More "give"/"give to", I suppose nearly the same, except that to bring need not necessarily involve letting the receiver keep what has been brought. Giving someone something normally implies that the other takes (and subsequently retains) what they have received.

For instance, not to split hairs, if I bring somebody a cup of coffee, I'm not theoretically "giving" them both the cup and the coffee, but instead, I'm simply serving them by transporting the coffee over to where they are. It certainly would sound rude in English, at any rate, "Would you GIVE me a cup of coffee." vs. "Would you BRING me a cup of coffee."

Small point perhaps, though while were on the subject thread of "bring" in Polish, the vernacular of any language often permits us all to cut corners a little:-)

"Dawaj dupa" is also obviously casual, slangy Polish. Therefore, it cannot be translated literally. Just an afterthought, guys.
terri  1 | 1661  
15 Aug 2018 /  #11
Just to correct...dawaj DUPE ...and not 'dupa'.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
15 Aug 2018 /  #12
Thanks, Terri!

Yeah, thought it looked odd, but figured it was slang:-)

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