I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have given me their time and effort into helping me grasp this language, you all know who you are.
I have been told to study a polish grammar book many times, so this time (again), I went back to the grammar book. what I found requires some kind of understanding, a lot of people have told me ‘ you cant translate English directly into polish, because it will sound nonsense’, for example;
acc case
Znam tę ksiaźkę. I know that book. ok
Przeczytałem twoj artykuł. I read your article. ok
Muszę kupic butelkę wina. I have to buy a bottle of wine. ok
here you have done just that, a direct translation.
Jestem cały dzień zajęty. I’m busy the entire day.
here it has gone off a bit, what is wrong with saying’ jestem zajęty cały dzień
dat case ; why is it not …….?
Kupuję narzeczonemu prezent. I’m buying my fiancé a present. kupuję mój narzeczonemu prezent
Sprzedaję samochód swojej sasiadce. I’m selling my car to my neighbor. Sprzedaję samochód swojej mój sasiadce.
Poźycz mi tę ksiaźkę. Lend me that book. ok
Mowiłem ci juź, źe jestem zajęty. I already told you I’m busy .ja juź powiedz ci, źe jestem zajęty
Matka lubi, kiedy czytam jej gazetę. Mother likes it when I read her the paper. ok
Na imię mi Marek. My name is Marek; call me Marek mój imię jest marek. / nazywam marek
Zdechł mi pies. My dog died. mój pies zdechł
Zepsułem ci samochód. I’ve ruined your automobile. zepsułem twoj samochód
Amputuja mu nogę. They’re amputating his leg. jesteście amputując jego nogę
Zginał mi zegarek. My watch has disappeared. moim zegarek zginał( not sure about the last word)
Zabrali mi telewizor. They took away my television set. why say away when there is no word for away?
Odbił mi dziewczynę. He stole away my girl. again no word for away! odbił mój dziewczyne
Odbierasz nam nadzieje. You are taking away from us our hopes. it says; you are taking us hope. why , as it has done above cant it say odbierasz od nam swój nadzieje
Takie sprawy zatruwaja człowiekowi źycie. Things like that poison a person’s life such sprawy zatruwać osoba źycie
I have found many other issues like these, and you cant say my translation is nonsense, it is understandable. is the language such that when you begin to grasp it, it is designed to change and dumfound and confuse you, which it does. so when people say you cant direct translate, that is not true.
why is it that whatever the case you are using, why does it have to change the word order. I realize that there are words that need to be implied like , is; the; at;. but I hope you can see the dilemma beginners are in, it is not enough to say read a grammar book, the language is contradictory and back to front.
inst case
iść droga go along the road i can see this issue, omitting the word ‘along’ which would be implied
zawijać kierownica turn the steering wheel, zawracać kierownica
zawijać doesn’t mean ‘turn’
Rzuc czymś we mnie, moźe ci będzie lepiej. Throw something at me, maybe you’ll feel better. where is the word’ feel’ how do I know what it is supposed to know.
I think you can see what I mean, some of the phrases go out of their way to have as few words to say the most, and in doing, make the phrase nonsense.
I have been told to study a polish grammar book many times, so this time (again), I went back to the grammar book. what I found requires some kind of understanding, a lot of people have told me ‘ you cant translate English directly into polish, because it will sound nonsense’, for example;
acc case
Znam tę ksiaźkę. I know that book. ok
Przeczytałem twoj artykuł. I read your article. ok
Muszę kupic butelkę wina. I have to buy a bottle of wine. ok
here you have done just that, a direct translation.
Jestem cały dzień zajęty. I’m busy the entire day.
here it has gone off a bit, what is wrong with saying’ jestem zajęty cały dzień
dat case ; why is it not …….?
Kupuję narzeczonemu prezent. I’m buying my fiancé a present. kupuję mój narzeczonemu prezent
Sprzedaję samochód swojej sasiadce. I’m selling my car to my neighbor. Sprzedaję samochód swojej mój sasiadce.
Poźycz mi tę ksiaźkę. Lend me that book. ok
Mowiłem ci juź, źe jestem zajęty. I already told you I’m busy .ja juź powiedz ci, źe jestem zajęty
Matka lubi, kiedy czytam jej gazetę. Mother likes it when I read her the paper. ok
Na imię mi Marek. My name is Marek; call me Marek mój imię jest marek. / nazywam marek
Zdechł mi pies. My dog died. mój pies zdechł
Zepsułem ci samochód. I’ve ruined your automobile. zepsułem twoj samochód
Amputuja mu nogę. They’re amputating his leg. jesteście amputując jego nogę
Zginał mi zegarek. My watch has disappeared. moim zegarek zginał( not sure about the last word)
Zabrali mi telewizor. They took away my television set. why say away when there is no word for away?
Odbił mi dziewczynę. He stole away my girl. again no word for away! odbił mój dziewczyne
Odbierasz nam nadzieje. You are taking away from us our hopes. it says; you are taking us hope. why , as it has done above cant it say odbierasz od nam swój nadzieje
Takie sprawy zatruwaja człowiekowi źycie. Things like that poison a person’s life such sprawy zatruwać osoba źycie
I have found many other issues like these, and you cant say my translation is nonsense, it is understandable. is the language such that when you begin to grasp it, it is designed to change and dumfound and confuse you, which it does. so when people say you cant direct translate, that is not true.
why is it that whatever the case you are using, why does it have to change the word order. I realize that there are words that need to be implied like , is; the; at;. but I hope you can see the dilemma beginners are in, it is not enough to say read a grammar book, the language is contradictory and back to front.
inst case
iść droga go along the road i can see this issue, omitting the word ‘along’ which would be implied
zawijać kierownica turn the steering wheel, zawracać kierownica
zawijać doesn’t mean ‘turn’
Rzuc czymś we mnie, moźe ci będzie lepiej. Throw something at me, maybe you’ll feel better. where is the word’ feel’ how do I know what it is supposed to know.
I think you can see what I mean, some of the phrases go out of their way to have as few words to say the most, and in doing, make the phrase nonsense.