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Polish/Ukrainian words similarities

Vlad1234  16 | 883  
25 Mar 2013 /  #91
but though he's not a Polish native speaker, he can't even begin to imagine how Ukrainina must appear to a Pole:-)
Vlad may be Romanian, actually, judging by his given name!

If I would be a Romanian, why would I care about Ukraine?Do you think I would?And how Ukraine appear to a Pole?
2)Did Poles and Eastern Slavs had common "gods" from the beginning?For example in Poland there was some "Peroin", while in Kievan Rus

before it accepted Cristianity was "Perun".
25 Mar 2013 /  #92
What then IS your native tongue, Vlad? Come on and stop being so cagey, will you? It obviously isn't English, so where's the problem?

I didn't really understand your reply, I'm sorry! As far as I know about the relationship between Ukrainian, Polish and Russian, the first is close to the latter in pronunciation, yet closer to the second in terms of certain key vocabulary and some grammar:-) Russian and Ukrainian also numerous 'false friends', or deceptive cognates, much like Polish and Russian etc...
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
25 Mar 2013 /  #93
What then IS your native tongue, Vlad? Come on and stop being so cagey, will you?

I already revealed it in this forum.This is Russian and Ukrainian.

Russian and Ukrainian also numerous 'false friends', or deceptive cognates, much like Polish and Russian etc...

False friends are not as numerous between Russian and Ukrainian.And hardly more between Polish and Russian.
The examples I could remember are "chas" which stands for "time" in both Polish and Ukrainian and "hour" in Russian.And

"tak" which stands for "yes" in Polish and Ukrainian and "so" in Russian.

Another example is zdan'e (zdanie) which stands for "sentence" in Polish and "building" in Russ.But thay do not sound exactly the same.In Polish it sound rather like "zdan'e",without long "i" vocal.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
26 Mar 2013 /  #94
False friends are not as numerous between Russian and Ukrainian.And hardly more between Polish and Russian.

You are very wrong.

Vlad1234  16 | 883  
26 Mar 2013 /  #95
Some of those falce friends they listed are not completelly corect.For example "doctor" is used in Russian in meaning of doctor of science too,not only in Polish."Pokoj" could be used in Russian in meaning of room or house interior too,not only in Polish, etc.
26 Mar 2013 /  #96
Wolodija/Vlad, if you prefer, Polish "pokój" can mean "peace" as well as "room", depending on the context. Russian "pukAT" means "to fart" vs. Polish "PUkać" meaning (innocently enough!) "to knock on the door":-)

Many contemporary Russian words are either non-existant in modern Polish or confined to older language such as OP "wremię" for "time", long since replaced by "czas"!
26 Mar 2013 /  #97
Sorry, folks! I meant to type in "wręmie"
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
26 Mar 2013 /  #98
I do not see a lot of sense to count all the "falce friends".I has no point to me.
27 Mar 2013 /  #99
Perhaps you missunderstood my meaning, Vlad! I wasn't aiming to "count" all of the false friends between our respective languages, merely to mention that they exist as well as what they are:-)
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
23 Apr 2013 /  #100
You wasted your time cause you made so many mistakes that makes it useless

.... oh you will obviously ask me for example, so I give you one:

Earth - Zemja - Zemlja

I have new file with comparison between Polish and Russian words.Now everithing is in Polish alphabet.Take plesure to read it.
So, which languages do you believe have more cognates than Polish and Ukrainian?

Wulkan  - | 3136  
24 Apr 2013 /  #101
which languages do you believe have more cognates than Polish and Ukrainian?

Polish and Slovakian for instance.
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
24 Apr 2013 /  #102
I wanted to include Czech words in file for comparison as well,but I'm affraid it will be instantly banned in this forum.
I will try to include Slovak words but if they are going to close the theme they could just warn me before it will happen.

I have question regarding pronounciation of Polish C letter.In wikipedia it is writen it sounds like English "ts".But in some
words such as Cieplo,Ciasto,Cichy when a word starts from this letter it sounds in Google translater more similar to Russian "T".

Or maybe it just seems to me?
Lenka  5 | 3497  
24 Apr 2013 /  #103
I wanted to include Czech words in file for comparison as well,but I'm affraid it will be instantly banned in this forum.I will try to include Slovak words but if they are going to close the theme they could just warn me before it will happen.

Hey!!! We are not THAT mean :) Include Czech if you want :) And if it will be to much off- topc I will change the title and you'll be all good :)
24 Apr 2013 /  #104
I find it superficially more 'familiar' to read Czech coming from Polish, yet hearing Czech spoken is something else entirely:-) Russian is often completely foreign to Polish ears, though somehow recognizable as a relative belonging to the same family unitLOL As far as other Slavic languages, I wouldn't begin to assume I could even pick up a simple newspaper article in Slovene, Croatian, Bulgarian or Slovak and pretend to understand much of anything! I'd be nothing more than sifting through the sands of strangeness, looking for friends I recognize.
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
24 Apr 2013 /  #105
From what I know Slovak is closer (at least in pronounciation to Ukrainian/Russian) than to Polish.
If I no make mistake it totally lacks such Polish sounds as ł,ę,ą,ę,ś,ó.What is a serious difference already.
For example:

English - Polish - Slovak - Russian

White - Biały - Biely - Bielyj
Wife - żona - żena - žena
Sand - Piasek - Piesok - Piesok
Wind - Wiatr - Vietor - Vieter
Court - Sąd - Súd - Sud
Yard - Podwórze - Dvor - Dvor

English - Polish - Slovak - Ukrainian

Sword - Miecz - Meè - Meè
Glass - Szkło - Sklo - Sklo
Crime - Przestępstwo - Zloèin - Zloèin
Beauty - Piękność - Krása - Krasa
Will be - Będzie - Bude - Bude
Banner - Transparent - Prápor - Prápor
Times - Czasy - Doba - Doba
Straw Roof - Dach - Strecha - Stricha

If you could provide lots of oposite examples I'm all attention.

Comparison between Ukrainian/Polish cognates through Russian

English - Polish - Russian

I - Ja - Ja
You - Ty - Ty
You (plural) - Wy - Wy
We - My - My
He - On - On
She - Ona - Ona
They - Oni - Oni
It - Ono - Ono
Them - Im, Ich - Im, Ich
Me - Mnie - Mnie
Who - Kto - Kto
What - Co - Chto
On - Na - Na
Under - Pod - Pod
Behind - Za - Za
From - Z - Iz, S
For - Dla - Dla
There - Tam - Tam
Here - Tutaj - Tut, Zdies
People - Ludzie, naród - Ludzi, narod
God - Bóg - Bog
Heart - Serce - S'erce
Soul - Dusza - Dusza
Spirit - Duch - Duch
Head - Głowa - Golowa
Leg - Noga - Noga
Eye - Oko - Glaz, Oko (archaic)
Ear - Ucho - Ucho
Neck - Szyja - Szeja
Nose - Nos - Nos
Cow - Krowa - Korowa
Horse - Koń - Koń
Dog - Pies - Pios
Tree - Drzewo - Derewo
Sky - Niebo - Niebo
Heavens - Niebiosa - Niebiesa
Paradise - Raj - Raj
Grass - Trawa - Trawa
Man - Człowiek - Czieloviek
Male - Mężczyzna - Mużczina
Little girl - Dziewczynka - Dziewoczka
Lad - Chłopak, chłopiec - Chlopiec
Eagle - Orzeł - Oriol
Falkon - Sokół - Sokol
Flame - Płomień - Plamia
Fire - Pożar, Ogień - Pożar, Ogoń
Rebellion - Bunt - Bunt
Side - Strona, bok - Storona, bok
River - Rzeka - Rieka
Sun - Słońce - Sonce
Earth - Ziemia - Ziemlia 50
Road - Droga - Doroga
Stone - Kamień - Kamień
Our - Nasz - Nasz
Beat - Bić - Bit'
Leaf - Liść - List
Friendship - Drużba - Drużba
Day - Dzień - Dzień
Night - Noc - Nocz
Evening - Wieczór - Wieczier
Field - Pole - Pole
Snow - śnieg - snieg
Finger - Palec - Palec
Green - Zielony - Zielonyj
House - Dom - Dom
Castle - Zamek - Zamok
Forest - Las - Les
Is - Jest - Jest`
Swim - Pływać - Plawat`
Fly - Latać - Letat`
Light - świetlny - swietlyj
Broad - Szeroki - Szyrokij
High - Wysoki - Wysokij
Hail - Grad - Grad
Hair - Włosy - Wolosy
Freedom - Wolność, swoboda - Swoboda, wolnost`
Children - Dzieci - Dzieti
Language - Język - Jazyk
Cherry - Wiśnia - Wiśnia
Apple - Jabłko - Jabloko
Berry - Jagoda - Jagoda
Sweet - Słodki - Sladkij
Better - Lepsze - Luczsze
Corn - Kukurydza - Kukuruza
Wheat - Pszenica - Pszenica
Bread - Chleb - Chleb
Mouse - Mysz - Mysz
Sleap - Spać - Spat`
Bitter - Gorzki - Gorkij
Fame - Słava - Slava
Rock - Skała - Skala
Wind - Wiatr - Wietier
Yellow - żółty - żoltyj
White - Biały - Bielyj
Nail - Gwóźdź - Gwoźd`
Ax - Topór - Topor
Sea - Morze - More
Window - Okno - Okno
Milk - Mleko - Moloko
Pigeon - Gołąb - Golub`
Fox - Lis - Lis
Wolf - Wilk - Wolk
Square - Kwadrat - Kwadrat
Honey - Miód - Miod
Wasp - Osa - Osa
Bee - Pszczoła - Pcziela
Ring - Pierścień - Pierstień
Mountain - Góra - Gora
Plate - Płyta - Plita
Clothing - Odież - Odieżda
Marry - Wesoły - Wesolyj
Image - Obraz - Obraz
Iron - żelazo - żelezo
Water - Woda - Woda
Droplet - Kropelka - Kapelka
Arrow - Strzałka, strzała - Strelka, strela
Clean - Chysty - Chistyj
Sinner - Grzesznik - Gresznik
Cabbage - Kapusta - Kapusta
Carrot - Marchew – Morkow'
See - Widzieć - Widiet`
Grandson - Wnuk - Wnuk
Brain - Mózg - Mozg
Meat - Mięso - Miaso
Butter - Masło - Maslo
If - Jeśli - Jesli
Venom - Jad - Jad
Mushroom - Grzyb, grzybek - Grib, gribok
Ore - Ruda - Ruda
Force - Siła - Sila
War - Wojna - Wojna
Battle - Bój, bitwa - Boj, bitwa
Eggs - Jajka - Jajca
Plum - śliwka - sliwa
Tooth - Ząb - Zub
Pine - Sosna - Sosna
Linden - Lipa -Lipa
Sword - Miecz - Miecz'
Wall - ściana - stiena
Donkey - Osioł - Osiol
Goat - Koza,kozioł - Koza,koziol
Pain - Ból - Bol
Bull - Byk, buhaj - Byk, bugaj
Teach - Uczyć - Uczit`
Fly (insect) - Mucha - Mucha
Beer - Piwo - Piwo
Raspberry - Malina - Malina
Where - Gdzie - Gdzie
Young - Młody - Molodoj
Old - Stary - Staryj
Good - Dobro - Dobro
Evil - Zło - Zlo
Right - Prawo - Prawo
Left - Lewo - Lewo
Truth - Prawda - Prawda
Plane - Samolot - Samolot
Drink - Pić - Pić
Write - Pisać - Pisat`
Eat - Jeść - Jest`
Word - Słowo - Slowo
Justice - Sprawiedliwość - Sprawiedliwost`
Unemployment - Bezrobocie - Bezrabotica
Clay - Glina - Glina
Glue - Klej - Klej
Know - Wiedzieć, znać - Znat`, wiedat'
Blood - Krew - Krow`
Poplar - Topola - Topol'
Viburnum - Kalina - Kalina
Such - Taki - Takoj
Which - Który - Kotoryj
In - W - W
Grain - Ziarno - Zierno
Village - Sioło, chutor - Sielo, chutor
Garden - Ogród - Ogorod
Army - Wojsko - Wojsko
Witch - Wiedźma - Wied'ma
Sorcerer - Czarodziej - Czarodiej
**** - Gówno - Gowno
Deaf - Głuchy - Gluchoj
Mute - Niemy - Niemoj
Asp - żmija - zmeja
Fog - Mgła - Mgla
Want - Chcieć - Chotiet'
Beast - Zwierz - Zwier`
Tomato - Pomidor - Pomidor
Couple - Para - Para
Bow - £uk - Luk
Knife - Nóż - Noż
Spoon - £yżka - Lożka
Urine - Mocz - Mocza
***** - Suka - Suka
Shoot - Strzelać - Strelat'
Oak - Dąb - Dub
Aspen - Osika - Osina
Saddle – Siodło - Siedlo
Chestnut - Kasztan - Kasztan
Winter - Zima - Zima
Spring – Wiosna - Wiesna
Summer - Lato - Leto
Automn - Jesień - Osień
Deer- Jeleń - Oleń
Lake - Jezioro - Oziero
Juice - Sok - Sok
Ride - Jazda - Jezda
Crow - Wrona - Worona
Kernel - Jądro - Jadro
Nut - Nakrętka, orzech - Orech
Pear - Gruszka - Grusza
Wheel - Koło - Koleso
Border - Granica - Granica
Rich - Bogaty - Bogatyj
Poor - Biedny - Biednyj
Hip - Biodro - Biedro
Street - Ulica - Ulica
Late - Późno - Pozno
Far - Daleko - Daleko
Near - Blisko - Blizko
Dust - Pył - Pyl`
Choice - Wybór - Wybor
Health - Zdrowie - Zdorowje
Nest – Gniazdo - Gniezdo
Cucumber - Ogórek - Ogurec
Feather - Pióro - Piero
Thought - Myśl - Mysl`
Hunger - Głód - Golod
Voice - Głós - Golos
Warmth - Ciepło - Tieplo (Cieplo ?)
Wife - żona - żena
Husbend - Mąż - Muż
Honor - Cześć - Czest`
Badger - Borsuk - Barsuk
Although – Chociaż – Chotia
Long - Długo, długi - Dolgo, dolgij
Small - Mały - Malyj
Few - Mało - Malo
Laugh - śmiech - smiech
Bones - Kości - Kosti
Desert - Pustynia - Pustynia
Needle - Igła - Igla
Create - Tworzyć - Tworit`
Whom - Kogo - Kogo
Tribe - Plemię - Plemia
Widow - Wdowa - Wdowa
Read - Czytać - Czitat`
Goods - Towary - Towary
Ready - Gotowy - Gotowyj
Fear - Strach - Strach
Elk - £oś - Los`
Important - Ważny - Ważnyj
Yours - Twój - Tvoj
Weak - Słaby -Slabyj
Guilt - Wina - Wina
Sheep - Owca, baran - Owca, baran
Quiet - Cichy - Tichij (Cichij ?)
Watermellon - Arbuz - Arbuz
Flax - Len - Lion
Soup (wash) - Mydło - Mylo
Valley - Dolina - Dolina
Draw - Rysować - Risowat`
Shoes - Obuwie - Obuw`
Cancer - Rak - Rak
Half - Pół - Pol
Bottom - Dno - Dno
Shadow - Cień - Tień (Cień ?)
Dark - Ciemny - Tiomnyj (Ciomnyj ?)
Short - Krótki - Korotkij
Often - Często - Czasto
Price - Cena - Cena
Fish - Ryba - Ryba
Wound - Rana - Rana
Owl - Sowa - Sowa
My - Mój - Moj
Pig – świnia – swińja
Game - Gra - Igra
Mare - Kobyła, klacz - Kobyla, klacza
Only - Tylko - Tolko
Elbow - £okieć - Lokot'
Knee - Kolano - Koleno
Spade - £opata - Lopata
Prayer - Modlitwa - Molitwa
Wild - Dziki - Dzikij
Descendant - Potomek - Potomok
Ancestor - Przodek - Predok
End - Koniec - Koniec
Secret - Tajny - Tajnyj
Each - Każdy - Każdyj
Pay - Płacić - Platit`
Reward - Nagroda - Nagrada
Enemy - Wróg - Wrag
Perch - Okoń - Okuń
Hoof - Kopyto - Kopyto
Sew - Szyć - Szyt`
Root - Korzeń - Koreń
Paw - £apa - Lapa
Without - Bez - Bez
Spark - Iskra - Iskra
Repeat - Powtarzać - Powtariat`
Dough - Ciasto - Tiesto (Ciesto ?)
Odor - Zapach - Zapach
Mole - Kret - Krot
Chin - Podbródek - Podborodok
Horseshoe - Podkowa - Podkowa
Joy - Radość - Radost`
Cap - Czapka - Szapka
Weather - Pogoda - Pogoda
Senior - Starszy - Starszyj
Bridge - Most - Most
Meaning - Znaczenie - Znaczenie
Otherwise - Inaczej - Inacze
Market - Rynek - Rynok
Threshold - Próg - Porog
Expression - Wyrażenie -Wyrażenie
Eternity - Wieczność - Wiecznost`
Garlic - Czosnek - Czesnok
Divide - Dzielić - Dzielit`
Servant - Sługa -Sluga
Swarm - Rój - Roj
Aunt – Ciotka - Tiotka (Ciotka ?)
Listen - Słuchać - Sluszat`
Bakery – Piekarnia – Piekarnia
Shelf - Półka - Polka
Bark - Kora - Kora
Show - Pokazać - Pokazat', pokazywat'
Capital city - Stolica - Stolica
Sickle - Sierp - Sierp
Dispute - Spór – Spor
Take – Brać, wziąć – Brat', wziat'
Lazy - Leniwy - Leniwyj
Hummer - Młotek - Molot, molotok
Dig - Kopać - Kopat'
Sharp - Ostry - Ostryj
Steal - Ukraść, kraść - Ukrast', krast'
Hard - Twardy - Twiordyj
Slightly - Lekko - Legko
Miracle - Cud - Czudo
Yet - Jeszcze - Jescho
Sly - Chytry - Chitryj
Ice - Lód - Liod
Fool - Głupi, głupiec - Glupyj, glupiec
Stupid - Durny - Durnoj
New - Nowy - Nowyj
Vein - żyła - żyla
Orchard - Sad - Sad
Run - Biegać - Biegat'
Sweep - Zamiatać - Zamietat'
Saw - Piła - Pila
Follow - śledzić - sledit'
Kiss - Całować - Celowat'
Vapour - Para - Par
Tar - Smoła - Smola
Acorn - żołądź - żolud'
Hop - Chmiel - Chmiel'
Manner - Sposób - Sposob
Fall - Spadać, padać - Padat'
Full - Pełny - Polnyj
Growth - Wzrost - Rost
Weave - Tkać - Tkat'
Modest - Skromny - Skromnyj
Sober - Trzeźwy - Trezwyj
Drunk - Pijany - Pijanyj
Naked - Nagi, goły - Golyj, nagoj
Smooth - Gładki, równy - Gladkij, rownyj
Net - Sieć, siatka - Siet', sietka
Defence - Obrona - Oborona
Anger - Złość, gniew - Zlost', gniew
Motherland - Ojczyzna - Otczizna
Empty - Pusty - Pustoj
Fresh - świeży - swieżyj
Jam - Powidło - Powidlo
Target - Cel - Cel
Sneeze - Kichać - Chichat'
Could - Może - Możet
Fun - Zabawa - Zabawa
Name - Nazwa, imię - Nazwanie, imia
Covering - Pokrycie - Pokrytie
Let - Pozwolić - Pozwolit'
Sleep - Spać - Spat'
Dream - Sen - Son
Have - Mieć - Imiet'
Poppy - Mak - Mak
Bucket - Wiadro - Wiedro
Barrel - Beczka - Boczka
Ambush - Zasadzka - Zasada
Nostril - Nozdrze - Nozdria
Reserve - Zapas - Zapas
Around - Około - Okolo
Nature - Przyroda - Priroda
Quickly - Szybko, bystro, żywo - Bystro, skoro, żywo
Throat - Gardło - Gorlo
Pleasant - Przyjemny, miły - Prijatnyj, milyj
Mercy - Miłosierdzie - Miloserdie, milost'
Meanness - Podłość - Podlost'
Bullet - Kula - Pula
Flat - Płaski, równe - Ploskij, rownyj
Learning - Poznanie - Poznanie
Science - Nauka - Nauka
Size - Rozmiar - Rozmier
Horn - Róg - Rog
Herd - Stado - Stado
Shin - Goleń - Goleń
String - Struna, sznur - Struna, sznur
Shame - Wstyd, sromota - Styd, sramota
Mite (money) - Grosz - Grosz
Coward - Tchórz - Trus
Curd - Twaróg - Twarog
Bald - £ysy - Lysyj
Ox - Wół - Wol
Fork - Widły - Wily
Hay - Siano - Sieno
Straw - Słoma - Soloma
Discovery - Odkrycie - Otkrytie
Hornet - Szerszeń - Szersheń
Pea - Groch - Goroch, goroszek
Smithy - Kużnia - Kuznica
Merchant - Kupiec - Kupiec
Pimple - Pryszcz - Pryszcz
Riverside - Brzeg - Bereg
Companion - Towarzysz - Tovariszcz
Need - Potrzeba - Potriebnost'
Daring - śmiałość, odwaga - smielost', otwaga
Threaten - Grozić - Grozit'
Bowl - Miska, czasza - Miska, czasza
Simple - Prosty - Prostoj
Break - Złamać - Lamat'
Sole - Podeszwa - Podoszwa
Foot - Stopa - Stopa, stupnia
Pinch - Szczypać - Szczipat'
Treat - Leczyć - Lieczit'
Caterpillar - Gąsienica - Gusienica
Soot - Sadza - Saża
Change - Zmieniać - Izmieniat'
Alder - Olcha - Olcha
Veal - Cielęcina - Tieliatina (Cieliatina ?)
Lard - Smalec - Smalec
Huge - Ogromny - Ogromnyj
Manure - Nawóz - Nawoz
Alike - Podobny - Podobnyj, pochożij
Plough - Pług - Plug
Precipitate - Osad - Osadok
Task - Zadanie - Zadacza, zadanie
View - Widok - Wid
Moss - Mech - Moch
Mane - Grzywa - Griwa
Crest - Grzebień - Grebień
Rib - żebro - rebro
Whole - Cały - Celyj
Hedgehog - Jeż - Joż
Yoke - Jarzmo - Jarmo
Foam - Piana - Piena
Turnip - Rzepa - Repa
Sunflower - Słonecznik - Podsolnecznik
Eclipse - Zaćmienie - Zatmienie
Hut - Chata, chałupa - Chata, chalupa
Midday - Południe - Poldień
Hoe - Motyka - Motyga
Rake - Grabie - Grabli
Confession - Spowiedź - Ispowied'
Himself - Sam, siebie - Sam, siebie
Patience - Cierpliwość - Terpenie, terpeliwost'
Squeak - Pisk - Pisk
Shine - Blask - Blesk
Oat - Owies - Owios
Feed - Karmić - Kormit'
Stamp - Pieczęć - Pieczat'
Clear - Jasny - Jasnyj
Wet - Mokry - Mokryj
Moisten - Zmoczyć, moczyć - Smoczit', moczit'
Ford - Bród - Brod
Hare - Zająts - Zajats
Beans - Fasola - Fasol'
Try - Próbować - Probowat'
Milkmaid - Dojarka - Dojarka
Turnovers - Obroty - Oboroty
Maple - Klon - Klon
Ruddy - Rumiany - Rumianyj
Trough - Koryto - Koryto
Axle - Oś - Os'
Rear - Tył - Tyl
Mace - Buława - Bulawa
Sour - Kwaśny - Kwaśenyj
Lick - Lizać - Lizat'
Lizard - Jaszczurka - Jaszczerica
Rick - Stóg - Stog
Cloak - Płaszcz - Plaszcz
Otter - Wydra - Wydra
Beaver - Bóbr - Bobr
Convex - Wypukły - Wypuklyj
Wash - Umyć, myć - Myt', umyt'
Till - Do - Do
Riddle - Zagadka - Zagadka
Awl - Szydło - Szylo
Sled - Sanki - Sanki, sani
Bream - Leszcz - Leszcz
Great - Wielki - Wielikij
Crane - żuraw - żurawl'
Siskin - Czyżyk - Cziż
Mosquito - Komar - Komar
Nightmare - Koszmar - Koszmar
Cause - Przyczyna - Priczina
Was - Było, Była, Był - Bylo, Byla, Byl
Flint - Krzemień - Kremień
Thimble - Naparstek - Napiorstok
Mitten - Rękawica - Rukawica
Carcass - Tusza - Tusza
Shepherd - Pasterz, pastuch - Pastuch, pastyr'
Peace - Pokoj, mir - Pokoj, mir
Ask - Prosić - Prosit'
Cloth - Tkanina, płótno - Tkań, polotno
Sense - Zmysł - Smysl
Kin - Ród - Rod
Wulkan  - | 3136  
24 Apr 2013 /  #106
I have question regarding pronounciation of Polish C letter.

Polish "c" is pronounced like German "z", for example in the word "zwei".

The exeptions are if there are latters: "h","i", and "z" after "c". In the first case the "c" is silent and "ci" and "cz" are diffrent from eachother but both similar to English "ch". Also worth mentioning that "ć" is a diffrent sound to "c".
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
25 Apr 2013 /  #107
Polish "c" is pronounced like German "z", for example in the word "zwei".

Defenetely it's good thing to compare Polish with German as languages which
belong to the same family.Unfortunately I do not have Mongol dictionary with me to make
proper analysis of Russian and Ukrainian and therefore continue to compare them with
other Slavic languages.

English - Polish - Russian

Dry - Suchy - Suchoj
Regiment - Pułk - Polk
Colonel - Połkownik - Polkownik
Frost - Mróz - Moroz
Other - Inny, drugi - Inoj, drugoj
Talent - Dar - Dar
Infantry - Piechota - Piechota
Puppy - Szczeniak - Szczenok
Will - Wola - Wola
Bake - Piec - Pieć
Stove - Piec - Pieć

English - Czech - Russian

Island - Ostrov - Ostrov
Tender - Nezhnij - Nezhnyj
Hand - Ruka - Ruka
Sound - Zvuk - Zvuk
Many - Mnogo - Mnogo
Door - Dvere - Dver`
Hope - Nadeje - Nadezhda
Forehead - Chelo - Chelo (archaic)
Jaw - Chelest - Chel'ust'
Cheese - Syr - Syr
Speech - Rech - Rech
Circle - Kruh - Krug
All - Vshe - Vse
Against - Proti - Protiv
Pipe - Trubka - Trubka, truba
Flour - Muka - Muka
Father - Otets - Ot'ets
Light - Svetlo - Svet
Do - Delat - Delat`
Book - Kniha - Kniga
Wave - Vlna - Volna
Conversation - Rozgovor, beseda - Razgovor, beseda
Bear - Medved - Medved'
Level - Uroven' - Uroven'
West - Zapad - Zapad
North - Sever - Sever
South - Juh - Jug
Cloud - Oblak - Oblako
Month - Mesits - Mes'ats
Moon - Mesits - Mes'ats
Tomorow - Zitra - Zavtra
Yesterday - Vchera - Vchera
Burn - Horet - Goret'
Rat - Krysa - Krysa
Thunder - Hrom - Grom
Buy - Koupit - Kupit'
Seeds - Semena - Semena
Low - Nizkij - Nizkij
Wall - Stena - Stena
Miracle - Div - Divo
Grass Snake - Uzhovka - Uzh
Sour - Kyselyj - Kislyj
Help - Pomots - Pomosch
Greeting - Pozdrav - Pozdravlenije
Wing - Kridlo - Krylo
Pour - Lit - Lit'
Proud - Hrdy - Gordyj
Rude - Hrubi - Grubyj
Shallow - Melkij - Melkij
Tar - Deget - D'ogot'
Growth - Rust - Rost
Peace - Mir, pokoj - Mir, pokoj
Carry - Nest, nosit - N'esti, nosit'
Row - R'adek - R'ad, r'adok
Breethe - Dykhat - Dyshat'
Age - Vek - Vek
Place - Misto - Mesto
Region - Kraj, oblast - Oblast', kraj
Copper - Med' - Med'
Orache - Lebeda - Lebeda
Sell - Prodavat, prod'at - Prodavat', prodat'
Hole - Dira - Dyra
Volume - Objem - Objom
Space - Prostor - Prostranstvo

English - Slovenian - Russian

Mister - Gospod - Gospodin
Star - Zvezda - Zvezda
Glass - Steklo - Steklo
Skin - Kozha - Kozha
Speak - Govorimo - Govorit`
Propose - Predlagati - Predlagat`
Search - Iskanje - Iskat`
Street - Ulitsa - Ulitsa
Work - Delo - Delo
Flower - Tsvet - Tsvetok
Sense - Smisl - Smysl
Bird - Ptitsa - Ptitsa

English - Czech - Ukrainian

White - Bilyj - Bilyj
Banner - Prapor - Prapor
Beast - Zvire - Zvir
Thank you - Dekuje - D'akuju
Roof - Strekha - Strikha
Sand - Pisek - Pisok
Wind - Vitre - Viter,vitre
Will be - Bude - Bude
Sing - Spivat - Spivaty
Beauty - Krasa - Krasa
Crime - Zlochin - Zlochin
Glass - Sklo - Sklo
Silver - Striblo - Sriblo
Emarald - Smaragd - Smaragd
Age - Doba - Doba
Now - Nyni - Nyni
Wulkan  - | 3136  
25 Apr 2013 /  #108
Defenetely it's good thing to compare Polish with German as languages which
belong to the same family.Unfortunately I do not have Mongol dictionary with me to make
proper analysis of Russian and Ukrainian and therefore continue to compare them with
other Slavic languages.

Vlad really? I mean really? why are you getting so upset?

German is the only one language I know that has Polish "c" sound.
It's not my fault that Germany has been boardering with Poland for long centuries and effected us a little bit.
I really wish that Polish "c" sound was also in Russian and Ukrainian language, would definitely make you feel better...
25 Apr 2013 /  #109
Vlad, by "the same family", I presume you're referring here to Indo-European as a whole, since, as you know, German belongs to the Germanic and not the Slavic branch:-)

Figured you already knew thatLOL
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
26 Apr 2013 /  #110
I think these word could be cognates too.

English - Polish - Russian

Guardianship - Opieka - Opieka
Guard - Ochrona - Ochrana
Cartload - Wóz - Woz
Bellows - Miechy - Miechi
Evaluation - Ocena - Ocenka
Scythe - Kosa - Kosa
Mow - Kosić - Kosit'
Reaper - żniwiarz, żeniec - żniec
Dignity - godność, dostojeństwo - dostoinstwo
Unity - Jedność - Jedinstwo
Rack - Stojak - Stojka
Mean - Oznaczać, znaczyć - Oznaczat', znaczit'
Average - średni - srednij
Fluff - Puch - Puch
Sweat - Pot - Pot
Broom - Miotła - Mietla
Constipation - Zaparcie - Zapor
Magpie - Sroka - Soroka
Cuckoo - Kukułka - Kukuszka
Gloom - Mrok - Mrak
Holy - święty - swiatoj
Fern - Paproć - Paporotnik
Glade - Polana, przesieka - Polana, prosieka
Expensive - Drogi - Dorogoj
Dew - Rosa - Rosa
Skipping rope - Skakanka - Skakalka
Powder - Proczek - Poroczok
Sprinkle - Posypać - Posypat'
Paunch - Brzucho - Brucho
Signature - Podpis - Podpis'
Key - Klucz - Klucz'
Familiar - Znajomy - Znakomyj
Sign - Znak - Znak
Alive - żywy - żywoj
Happy - Szczęśliwy - Sczasliwyj

Archaic Russian words were actively used up to 19-th century and could be found for example in Pushkin poetry.

English - Polish - Russian archaic

Breast - Pierś - Piersi
Bench - £awka - Lawka
Forehead -Czoło - Czelo
Lips - Usta - Usta
Eye - Oko - Oko
Riverbank - Brzieg - Brieg
Know - Wiedzieć - Wiedziet'
Mite - Grocz - Grocz
Father - Tata - Tiatia
Punishment - Kara - Kara
Died - Zginel - Sginul
Hero - Bohater - Bogatyr'
Nice - ładny - ladnyj
Better - Lepszy - Lepszyj


Salt - Sól - Sol
Prey - Zdobycz - Dobycza
Trench - Okop, rów - Okop, row
Shaft - Wał - Wal
Eggshell - Skorup - Skorlupa
Hawk - Jastrząb - Jastreb
Quail - Przepiórka - Perepiolka
Thaw - Tajanie - Tajanie
Praise - Pochwała, chwała - Pochwala, chwala
Sunrise - wschód słońca - woschod sonca
27 Apr 2013 /  #111
In another Slavic language, "Chvala!" means "Thank you!". I believe it's Croatian ^^
Polysemenes within related languages are intriguing, aren't they?
Polson  5 | 1767  
27 Apr 2013 /  #112
In another Slavic language, "Chvala!" means "Thank you!". I believe it's Croatian

Yes, hvala, Croatian ;)
Wulkan  - | 3136  
27 Apr 2013 /  #113
yes its in Croatian, the language sometimes sounds like Czech and does not have the eastern Slavic melody which makes it easier to understand...

27 Apr 2013 /  #114
Forgive my misspelling. Of course, "Hvala!", just like "Horvat" not "CHorvat" etc..
Stupid error from a linguist of all peopleLOL

Vlad1234  16 | 883  
28 Apr 2013 /  #115
English - Polish - Russian

Deeply - Głęboko - Gluboko
Fiber - Włókno - Wolokno
Bast - £yko - Lub, lyko
Mug - Morda - Morda
Robbery - Rozbój - Razboj
Mixing - Mieszanie - Smiesziwanie
Sorrel - Szczaw - Szczawel'
Manhole - Właz - Laz
Sunset - zachód słońca - zachod solnca
Hidden - Ukryty - Skrytyj
Cone - Szyszka - Szyszka
Mind - Rozum - Razum
Reason - Powód - Powod
Prop - Podpierać - Podpierat'
Deluge - Potop - Potop
Plant - Sadzić - Sadzit'
Belt - Pas - Pojas
Spider - Pająk - Pauk
Person - Osoba - Osoba
Pass - Przechodzić - Prochodzit'
Moth - Mól - Mol'
Butterfly - Motyl - Babochka, motyliok
Patch - £atać - Latat'
Willow - Wierzba - Iva, wierba

According to mind of Polish ethnographist and historian Franciszek Henryk Duchiński who was born in Polish-Ukrainian family,
Moskals or welikoroses (Russians) do not belong to either Slavic or even "Arian" tribe of humans.And constitute (on pair with Mongols)
part of some mythical "Turanian" branch of people.Their language is just corrupted Church-Slavonic language and originally wasn't even
Slavic.Russians spoke some Turanian language and borrowed some Slavic words.Turanian people are incapable of any democratic type of government,individual values or town-planning.

The natural division between Slavic and non-Slavic worlds according to him is Dniper and Dvina rivers and rivers of Finland.
He believed in messian role of Polish state and thought it is needed to recreate the Great Polish state which would also include parts of

Ukraine and Belarus.
Ironside  50 | 12642  
28 Apr 2013 /  #116
Franciszek Henryk Duchiński who was born in Polish-Ukrainian family,

Whats that mean - Polish -Ukrainian family?
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
28 Apr 2013 /  #117
One of hes parents was Pole, another one Ukrainian.
Ironside  50 | 12642  
28 Apr 2013 /  #118
How do you know that there is noting about it in the link you provided.
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
28 Apr 2013 /  #119
It is writen in Russian page of the same article.
There do not seem much info in Internet on him in English,
if you want you could try to find more on him in Polish.
Ironside  50 | 12642  
28 Apr 2013 /  #120
It is writen in Russian page of the same article.

It doesn't say much. They just wrote that without nothing else to back it up. I don't think that is a valid information.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Language / Polish/Ukrainian words similaritiesArchived