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How to type Polish characters with the language bar

AutumnFlower  1 | 4  
4 Feb 2013 /  #1
I can type all characters except ś..

To type each character, I press ctrl+alt+desired letter (except ź is ctrl+alt+x)

When I press ctrl+alt+s, the HP support information comes up. I've tried so many thing, even things as little as switching from right and left ctrl+alt keys and nothing is working.

How can I type ś using my keyboard?
Paulina  19 | 4558  
4 Feb 2013 /  #2
Hmm, I use right Alt (it's "AltGr" on my keyboard) to type ś - AltGr + s:

It doesn't work?
OP AutumnFlower  1 | 4  
4 Feb 2013 /  #3
Nope, same thing :(

Maybe it's unnecessary, but I have a youtube video here: youtube.com/watch?v=d1neK5wNkVI

It'll show what happens when I click certain keys for the ś.
4 Feb 2013 /  #4
Please tell us if you click "z" is it typing letter "y"?

There are basicly two kinds of Polish keyboard settings: "programmers" and "214". You need the settings set on "programmers"
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
4 Feb 2013 /  #5
Tell us you click "z" it's typing letter "y"

that would be a german keyboard, yes ?
5 Feb 2013 /  #6
Polish "214". The Polish letters are in place of the dots, square brackets, comas etc.
OP AutumnFlower  1 | 4  
5 Feb 2013 /  #7

I do have it set on programmers.
The s is not working :(
Paulina  19 | 4558  
5 Feb 2013 /  #8
AutumnFlower, and what happens when you type right Alt with a, e, o, etc? Also nothing?

You're in Poland or abroad? Where did you buy your keyboard? Was it always like that?
OP AutumnFlower  1 | 4  
5 Feb 2013 /  #9
Sorry, I guess I should start quoting.

All the letters work fine except for s.

I'm abroad, I can't remember where I got my keyboard.
I don't believe it's the keyboard though. My Japanese keyboard works just fine, and the Polish one, for the most part.
The only problem is that s.

I posted a video for clarification earlier, if you'd like to view it.
This is basically my problem in a nutshell:
5 Feb 2013 /  #10
You probably need to reassign (or get rid of) the keyboard shortcut for the HP support program.

Google for: "Pressing CTRL + ALT + S Opens a Support Information Window"

The exact details details might differ slightly depending on what exact type of computer or operating system version you use.
OP AutumnFlower  1 | 4  
5 Feb 2013 /  #11
You probably need to reassign (or get rid of) the keyboard shortcut for the HP support program.

Thank you so much!
It worked like a charm.

Guess I couldn't have thought of something so simple xD
f stop  24 | 2493  
5 Feb 2013 /  #12
quick and dirty "polishforums" solution, that works on any keyboard:

Type all the polish letters from this here polishforums reply screen, copy that line on top of the document you will be typing, like this:

Ą ą Ć ć Ę ę £ ł Ń ń Ó ó Ś ś - ź Ż ż
and then all you have to do is copy and paste appropriate letter in the body of your text. Don't forget to delete that top line when you're done.

19 Jun 2016 /  #13
If you are just interested in writing Polish letters on websites, use this Firefox extension tool:

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